Big Boss among Saiyans

Big Boss Chapter 1 in Saayans

Among the big boss of the Messiah: not tomorrow

A car accident made Karis to become the Saiyan in Dragon Ball.

Start thinking is the peak! ⊙? ⊙!

Birth combat power 1 point!

Bergilta planet has destroyed!

Flissa's is about three months coming soon!

As Just six months, Kalis just wants to say: "The opening is the difficulty of hell level, is it again dying again."

what! How to buy the acceleration card purchased in my head.

"Hey! Open ten times acceleration mode!"

Kalis looked at the dark card in your head, I felt that I can still rescue ...

The first chapter Begitta planet destroys (seeking collection, seeking recommendation)

Among the dark cosmic space, a green planet quietly constantly in the dark and still space, but a small aircraft of a ship is constantly round-trip to the atmosphere called Begitta planet, making Beji The tower is lively.

One of the modern buildings of Bergilta planet is a quite luxurious round house, a baby boy is the newly born Saiyan baby.

A lizard that wears a battle suit is constantly busy in the osplot housing, start testing and organizing this batch of combat weight values ​​and planets that need to be dispatched.

"Drip! Fighting power 1?" A lizard handed a tablet to open the combat force detector against this new Saiya baby called Kalis.


"Drip! Combat power 1?"

"It's really strange, is this the time for this combat power detector for a long time? Born in the situation of the battle force, the first time, the head is touched." Lizard said whispered.

Soon Lizard People Care After replacing a new combat force detector, return to start testing the value of Calis's combat force.


"1 point of combat power."

"It's really a little, it is really incredible. This batch has actually showed 1 point of the Saiyan baby. Remember the lowest record on the record!"

"Forget it, you still notify Calis's parents. It is estimated that this Saiyan baby called Kalis is not able to live! Such a low battle value. Recently, these years The baby's birth combat power is getting lower and lower. It seems that it is necessary to report to the Dawa King. "

"Drip! Drip!" Lizard people soon quickly found in the tablet in his hand, found the data of Kares's parents.

"Carlo! A raccoon! The two are the next warrior. One combat power is 321 points, a combat power is 212 points. It turned out to be them, and the birth combat power of Kalis is so low. But Carlo and A raccoon is not due to the value of combat Is it self-destructive after being driven by Begitta? "

"Oh! Yes, I have warned it on August Star. Hey! Even a low planet can't pack it. Also, the province is still in trouble. Just send their waste son to Agamar. Let them reunion. "Lizard people smiled slightly, and immediately changed the Planet of Kalis to Augustus on the tablet.

"Drip! Fighting power 2."

"Today is really unlucky, how is there a combat effective value in Saiyan baby in 2 o'clock."

"Ca Carlot? Is this not a son of the Badak adult? I didn't think that the combat power of the Badak adult has been broken through 10,000 points, and the birth of the son is only two combat power."

"Or immediately send a message to the Badak." "

"Drip!" Lizard people sent a message on the tablet.

"Drip! Drip! Drop!" With the constant test of lizard people's care, the value of the combat power of this batch of more than half a day after about half a day, it is already all come out.

"Where is my head? I have a good pain? I remember that I bought a black card on the antique boat. I have been killed by the car. It is said that I am already in paradise now." Calis Open your eyes and dropped around for four weeks, I found that I was in a circular aircraft. I saw the exterior of the outside by glass. When I had a meteor, I still saw a lot of time. Star.

"Is this here? The universe! It seems to be in the space of the universe." Calis quickly determined his current situation.

"It seems that he is crossing, beautiful fireworks!" Calis just sinking in his joy of reborn, it is to find his own beautiful fireworks explosion.

"Dang!" The impact of the burst of Begitta planet was quickly affected by the aircraft of Kalis, so that the aircraft shakes dramatically.

"Worse! Just not fireworks! But the planet exploded?" Kalis felt the dramatic shaking of the aircraft, was shocked, and immediately secretly.

After a moment, the babiita planet's explosion of the blast is soon dispersed. Kalis also sent a sigh of relief, it was hard to rebirth, Kalis naturally didn't want to open a street led bowl.

However, such a long wakeup and event also consumes most of the nutrition of Kalis, and quickly Calis is in a sleeping.

Two aircraft in the dark cosmic space is moving towards different directions.

The Bergilta planet exploded over, a few hundred meters sized emperor spacecraft.

Flissa sitting on the suspension chair looked at the Bagge Tita planet that had disappeared, and the enthusiasm is also disappeared.

"Hey! Bergi Tower Wang does not know the guys, even dare to resist me Flizza. How can the super-Asian may exist? If there are several Saiyu, there are several Saiyu, staying for a while!"

"Sa Bo! Go to the summons of Begita to call back, saying that Begitta planet has been destroyed by the meteorite, they are only the Saiyan people."

"Yes, the King of Flizza."

"Hey!" The door closed, Sa Bo leaving the cockpit quickly leaving the spacecraft by the spherical aircraft, go to Beji Tower, the power, Rati, is sent to the low planet.

"Flissa king, there are two Saiyun ghosts to escape a life."

"One is Carlo's son Calis, one is Badak's son Caarot. Flissa King." A operator said after the screen of Flizza.

Bardack! It seems to be the following Saay-level warrior who just rebelled my Saaya. It is a bit, and there is a good life in Kartrot, and maybe there will be some fun. As for another one, it is also listening. King Begitta said. Calis is handed out for me! A little value is not. "Flissa quickly decided.

"Yes! Flissa King."

"Touch!" Soon a spherical aircraft is once again left the spaceship of Flizza toward Kalis's spaceship.

Three months later, an ancient star's atmosphere, a meteor flashed.

"Touch!" Among the forests, the trees were broken, formed a big pit, and the smoke rolling.

Soon smoke, a spherical aircraft revealed the original shape.

"Hey!" The hatch door of the aircraft opened.


"I finally arrived, here is Agum Star?" Karis climbed out of the aircraft and saw a four weeks. It was found that there was a very dense around the pothole, which was very weak. Because the movement of the movement was quite, the animal that was inhabited in this belt was also fled from this place. It is still very safe to temporarily.

Chapter II Mysterious Card (seek recommendation, seeking collection)

"Hey! I have a tail! There is also a lot of information among my head." Kalis felt his tail, soon, it was a Saaya's inheritance memory that was constantly emerging from the head. . However, the amount of information is not big. After all, the inheritance of the victims is only the value of the birth combat power, the more race inheritance will be obtained. This inheritance is generally an extremely powerful individual, and left behind the blood. Strength.

Calis is only a point in the district, and this information is only lost after five or six seconds.

"I turned out to be the Saiyan, then the planet saw the planet exploded, is it that Begitta planet has been destroyed by Flissa." Kalis just learned from this information, and Some common sense, as for combat skills, no one.

"Drip! Drop!" The display of the aircraft shows a red spot.

"Detecting the Underwater Safe Warrior is going to Aguxing." A set of data has been found on the display. Kalis is also directly understood after receiving the inheritance.

"After the end of the vete, I didn't think that I came to the Dragon Ball World. But the plot has begun, and there is still three months of the first wave of Flissa's chasing will arrive at Agum Star."

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