Big Boss among Saiyans

Big Boss, Saiyan Chapter 80

Although Karis felt that the insects were abandoned, the gas expanded again.

But fighting power is not enough to look at Karis.

Three locusts, once again launched an attack toward Kalis.

After the back wings of the locust, flew to the air and launched an attack toward Kalis.

Kalis is soon being able to fight with the locusts.

The destruction caused by the three-person battle makes the surrounding buildings are destroyed.

Soon there are many civilians escaping from the house.

The locusts constantly attacked Calis, but they were excised by Kalis.

After a long attack, the locust suddenly gathered together.

The abdomen of the middle-aged locust man is immediately the opening, revealing the zigzag in which the other two locusts can be swallowed.


A locust person who swallowed another two companions immediately issued a harsh sound. The glass around the house has been shocked by this huge sound wave.

Kalis looked at a locust-based locust, and the breath was doubled. It is an action now.


After a flash, Karis appeared in front of the locust.

The right hand holds the box and felt in the face of the locust.


The head of the locust was exploded by Karis, and a bodies were falling on the ground.

Kalis looked at the corpse of the locust in the ground, quickly dried up, soon it was a black liquid that made a black liquid.

Shake the head, Kalis a jump is disappearing in the shady. ...

The surrounding harsh alarm sound is constantly ringing!

After a while, the surroundings were rushing to many security players and started to block the scene.

After a month, Kalis once again slammed a huge insect, and his face began to become difficult.

After a month of investigation, Karis also probably knows the reason for the specific disaster in this world.

Fun, monsters, insects are all part of a large monster. That is, the world is invaded by a horrible monster.

Whether it is a fog, monsters, insects are part of this horror monster.

As for why Karis knows this clear because ...

Kalis looked up at the sky, the original sky did not know when the same fragmentation as the screen.

Broken sky, squatting a giant insects of a big earth size. The depot of the insects has thoroughly thoroughly broke the sky, the mouth is constantly released the fog and a homotic power.

Just half a month ago, the sky suddenly became a black, then a huge mouthpiece pierced the sky, and then the source of fog be able to spread into the earth.

Every time the fog is dissipated, Kalis can feel a huge amount of gas on the sky.

This horrible foreign evil is constantly drawing the power of this world.

5 days ago, the disaster continued to expand because this day. It was originally changed to change again.

This time a crack of up to a few kilometers is opened on the sky.

A group of groups are constantly flying from the cracks.

This makes the order of the world to defeat.

Steamed car, steam gun, and the like are defeated in front of this huge monster.

Then a huge vain appeared on the sky, covering the sky of most globe.

Kalis is also surprised in the heart after the spirit of the gap in this exotic evil.

Because even is the strength of the Kalis Super Saiya's first-order strength, it is not only one yuan.

According to Kalis's estimation, the strength of this exotic evil is probably around the Super Saiyan.

This makes Calis how to Raiders. The first-order class of the super-race is divided into three small stages. And these four small stages are not so good.

Didn't see that Bergiita and Tex came out from the spiritual time, it was only broken through the third stage.

And Shalu became completely, but only the extent of the super-semi-semi-final success. Even if the last Saayan second-order Sun Wuku, Shalu is just a pseudo.

The four stages of the super-semi-random of the super-race are primary, intermediate, peaks, success.

The universal evil gap on the first-order primary and sky above the Kalis District is three small steps.

What kind of saving the world, funny?

This is the main reason why Karis is depressed in the past few days.

If Calis is a firing, Kalis is still going to try, but it is also hoped. Because Karis can obviously feel that the power of this planet is constantly being weak.

The only good news is that Kalis's constant killing of pests or a lot of the power of the world.

The last pests of Kalis killing have given the mysterious value of Kalis enough to solve the entire strength of Kalis.

Kalis looked up at the vain of the sky and finally made a determination.

The figure flew towards the other side of the planet.

Chapter 84 chapter

After about half an hour, Karis is over, it is staying above the snowy mountain.

The snowy mountain peak is the highest mountain range from the world, and the clouds have been seen around.

White clouds around the mountainside of the snowworns.

Kalis looks at the surrounding blue atmosphere, as well as hanging stars and the moon.

This is a sinking in the heart, and it seems to have made some decision after a moment.

Yes, this planet is also the moon. Calis intends to transform into the giant talent. It can try to confront the exotic evil spirits that can be unable to secondly defend the second-order power on the sky.

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