The Strongest Saiyan

The strongest consequences Chapter 81

After saying, Chen Mo has already hosted the gas, the light blue air flames suddenly broke out with the hurricane, and Kakasi, on the side, was even bruised by this hurricane, even the ground began to appear. Cracks continue to spread around.


In the next second, Chen Mo's figure instantly disappeared, and directly appeared in two cordial necrosses. In the other's stiff look, the double boxing was instantly in an unbeatable force.



The two sullen sound came out, and in this incident, there was a shocking gaze that did not have any time to respond, and the blind sprayed in the middle of the react, and the chest was ejected in an abnormal pitch.

boom! boom!

The powerful power will directly endure the two, hit the huge sound on the wall of the basement, and countless cracks spread on the wall.


When I was drinking, I was very shocked, just prepared, Chen Mo, who was wrapped in a light blue airweight, appeared in front of him, and the right hand brought strong light.

"Wan Guo is shocked!"


The dazzling light blue rays suddenly broke out, endured the blood of the big mouth, directly exploded, put a big hole on the wall, deeply trapped, countless cracks spread.

Two seconds! No, less than two seconds, one tolerate three elites to endure the instant!

Mo is now the strength, it is horrible!


At this time, the other side of the last nectied scream came over, Chen Mo scatched the airweight of the body to see the past, just saw Kasi will suffer in the opposite chest.

The sudden scene, let everyone detained by the basement, including Lin, just when she saw Chen Mo and Kakasi's face, there was a surprise look on her face.

"Chen Mo! Carti! It is you!"

Chapter 72 Chapter ?

Just because of the sudden scene, some of the haired Lin saw that the other party was actually Chen Mo and Kakasi, suddenly surprised.

Why didn't she think that suddenly rushing in and killing all foggyrs is Chen Mo and Kakari!

I heard the voice of Lynn, Chen Mo's body could not help but shook it, suddenly, went back to look at a surprise, showed a smile, whispered: "Let's save you, Lin!"

"Lin, I will put it out."

Solving the enemy Kaki also gone over, while talking, both hands quickly joined.

"Chen Mo, Carti ..."

Lin moved to watch Chen Mo and Kaki, just planned, but suddenly thought of, his face changed, with some low sound to Kakasi, who is being printed: "Don't have to take Kakashi, you will walk Let's take me! "

I heard the words, when the printed Carteson suddenly stunned, the print in his hand was unknown, and the eyes flapped, only Chen Mo, it seems to understand what.

"Why, here can be foggy village! It is the enemy's place, they will kill you!"

After Kakasi stunned, he said very unexpectedly.

"It is useless, even if I save me, it is just harm the village."

Lynn his face suddenly revealed a smile, said: "The Ninja of the fog has a seal and printing. They seal the tail beast in my body. Once you save me, they will run away. Come out, don't ruin the leaves. "


I heard the words, Chen Mo's face did not, Kassei did suddenly.

"Is this the purpose of foggy? Can be evil!"

Kakasi's eyes flashed the colors, then he looked at Lin, comfortable: "Nothing, there is a lot of powerful power, just like the Watermen teacher still has a shadow, Chen Mo is also, they will definitely There is a way, Chen Mo, right? "

To put it here, Kakasi looked at Chen Mo with a Hi Wing, and Lin he didn't look forward to it.

However, watching Kakasi and Lin, Chen Mo did shook his head, Shen Sheng said: "It is useless, the body is sealed in the tail, if the beast is pumped, it will die."

"how come……"

Kakasi's eyes flashed a painful look, saved the land, is there still been saved now?

After hearing Chen Mo's answer, Lin only went to smile, after a while, with a low voice: "Chen Mo, Kakasi, you still go ..."

"Well! We will go!"

Chen Mo suddenly opened his mouth, let Kakaton, one side, did not dare to look at him.

"However, we have to go!"

Chen Mimi suddenly revealed a smile, said: "Although I don't have a way, don't mean that others have no way, Kasi is right, so many strong people in the wood, there is always a solution."

"Chen Mo ..."

Kasseton, who is preparing to get angry, stunned.

Lin also stunned, looked at Chen Mo, although I really want to believe him, but is it really possible?

"Lin, we will definitely think of the way, so ..."

Kakasi started printing again, then the body suddenly squatted, and the right hand was clawed under the body, and the left hand held the right hand wrist, the silk lightning, and started.

"So ... Let's go with us!"


Nourishment ...

There are countless arcs begin to stop in the hands of Kakasi, and the harsh sound is like a bird, and it is usually rushed to this space.

"We will save you!"

Kakasi suddenly sent a big drink, with the right hand of thunderbolief, gave a row, like cutting tofu, the firmness of the steel manufacturing is cut off, a huge gap showed it.

"Let's go! Lin!"

Kakasi stretched out with Liline.

"Cardi ..."

Lindshot Kakasi, the look seems to be a little, but but does not reach out.

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