80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 3002: terribly cold

?The cave is only half exposed on the ground, the dark and dark entrance is bottomless, and the damp and gloomy cold comes out from the cave. The valley is as warm as spring, and the sun is shining today. It is just right to wear two clothes, not too cold or not. hot.

But now...they put on their jackets and wrapped them tightly, and they still felt the air-conditioning was overwhelming.

"How can it be so cold? It feels like two worlds!" Twelve was shivering with cold, her face was a little blue, and she hurriedly took out her father's special defense coat from the bag and put it on.

Li Jiu's products are of course extraordinary. They look completely different from ordinary jackets, and the materials are also completely different. They are warm in winter and cool in summer. They are bulletproof and have an automatic washing function. Even if they wear them for a year, they will not get dirty. The baby girl did it, and Xiaobao Lele and the others also had one.

But... this treasure has a fatal flaw—


Ugly enough to Lele them, if it was not a matter of life and death, they would never wear this treasured clothes, but now... it has come to the time of life and death, no matter how ugly they are, they can only wear them.

After all, life is much more important than appearance, of course!

"I really don't know what my dad is doing. Any color you choose will look better than this yellow shit. It's just yellow shit, and there's a little green in it... I'm going, I can't eat dinner, after I go back. Resolutely let him improve!"

Twelve was the first to put on the treasured clothes, and looked helplessly and disgustedly at the yellow 'shit' clothes on her body. She was a beautiful girl, but now she has turned into a piece of shit...

The person also put on the treasure clothes, which is a bit troublesome to wear, because it is a one-piece, even the head is put in, and only five holes are exposed, which can be said to be all-round protection.

Just think, the whole body is the same color as shit, what is it not a lump of shit?

"Pfft... it's like shit!" Jason looked at them in astonishment, couldn't help laughing, and got several big eyes.

Longfeng Longtu and the others who followed behind also put on treasure clothes, but their materials were a little worse than that of Twelve and the others.

A group of people put on shit-colored clothes, and everyone felt more balanced, no one should laugh at anyone, but... Everyone looked at Jason in unison, and he was just wearing an ordinary jacket.

Among the piles of 'shit', Jason stood out. He had a little red in the green bushes, and it was an eyesore no matter how he looked at it.

"Put it on!"

Twelve took out another treasured garment from the bag. Li Jiu was worried that her daughter would not be enough, so she prepared a double copy of everything.

The material of the clothes shrinks freely and is very thin. When rubbed together, it can be stuffed into an egg-sized bottle. It is very convenient to carry. Jason looked at the clothes with disgust, and he didn't want to wear them at all.

So **** ugly!

"Can you...?"

"Can not!"

Everyone is against it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you want to be ugly, be ugly together!

Jason shrugged helplessly, and had to put on his clothes, but he discovered the benefits of clothes. He was as cold as a dog just now, but now it's not cold at all, and it's still warm.

"Go in!" The little pig had already stepped into the cave, and everyone followed behind.

The cave was damp and tickling could be heard, the inside of the cave was bigger than the outside, the largest part was the size of a football field, and the top and sides of the cave were filled with natural stalactites, dripping with water.

It shows that this cave is natural. I don't know how many millions of years ago it was formed.


The hoarse roar came from afar, fluctuating, echoing in the hole, and it was impossible to tell where it came from.

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