80s Taoism

Chapter 223 Ill-gotten Wealth

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Zhang Jiaohua scratched his head, he had to admit that the boss was right, no matter how good the tea is, there is no market for it in this market. Although Zhang Jiaohua is a child, his vision is not bad. The national-quality and provincial-quality gold tea leaves in the department store are just packaged, and the real quality is definitely not as good as the black tea he made himself. But if you put it in a department store, you can sell it at a high price. But here in the market, ordinary people only want cheap tea. Even if you bring your own tea, you can only sell it at the same price. They just want to quench their thirst, not how delicious the tea is. Just like cigarettes, who doesn't know that good cigarettes are more fragrant when smoked, but many ordinary people in the streets still hold loose tobacco leaves and roll them in paper to smoke.

Zhang Jiaohua went back to the County Public Security Bureau dejectedly. The guard at the gate already knew Zhang Jiaohua.

"Your name is Zhang Jiaohua, right? Captain Luo told me to come back and wait for him in the criminal investigation team's office, and have lunch with you at noon." The doorman was a middle-aged man in his fifties, and he spoke frankly.

"Hey." Zhang Jiaohua responded and went to the criminal investigation team.

At noon, Luo Changjun finally came back, pulled Zhang Jiaohua and walked out the door, "Come on, let's go to lunch, I have something to tell you."

This time I did not eat in the canteen of the Public Security Bureau, but found a good restaurant outside and entered a private room.

"Uncle Rob, is the case solved?" Zhang Jiaohua asked.

"It's broken. But there are some things that I can't tell you for a while. The thief only entertained the case last night because we caught it. He can't deny it. But even so, hesitation involved a huge amount of money, and he encountered a severe crackdown. He already had a premonition that he would be sentenced severely, so he went all out and refused to confess the items stolen in the previous two cases. He said he didn't steal. Now those two people who were stolen naturally won't say it. The investigation team from the city is not going to report The influence has expanded, and no more digging. Therefore, the previous batch of stolen goods from the thief will not be pursued. I took people to the place where the thief lived to search today, but found nothing. This thief is very cunning, so he must have thought of this in advance." Luo Changjun did not treat Zhang Jiaohua as a child or an outsider, so he told Zhang Jiaohua all the secrets of the case.

"Will that batch of stolen goods not be traced?" Zhang Jiaohua asked in surprise. Zhang Jiaohua knew from the one he visited last night that the first two probably had a lot of things stolen.

"No more investigations. The investigation team has already taken the thief's confession. In the first two crimes, nothing was stolen. In other words, the stolen goods did not exist." Luo Changjun said meaningfully.

"Then what if someone else finds this batch of stolen goods?" Zhang Jiaohua was a little puzzled.

"It's not stolen goods anymore, because the thieves didn't steal anything. Therefore, even if someone finds that batch of stolen goods, no one will claim it. It is something that has no owner." Luo Changjun laughed.

Luo Changjun's words were a bit incomprehensible, Zhang Jiaohua scratched his head, not quite understanding, but soon his eyes lit up, "If I find it, then it will be mine?"

"Don't tell me about this, and don't tell others about today's affairs. Waiter, serve the food quickly." Luo Changjun ran outside and shouted.

Zhang Jiaohua understood that Luo Changjun ran out to have dinner with him today just to tell him the news.

The thieves had stolen two before, so it was impossible for them to return empty-handed. Only when they might have tasted the sweetness, would they continue to set the third target as an official. Since it was an ill-gotten gain, and some people wanted to cover it up, Luo Changjun simply let Zhang Jiaohua take advantage of it. The thief's things were kept very secretly. Luo Changjun searched all the places where the thief lived yesterday, but he couldn't find them. But he knew that no matter how cunning the thief was, he couldn't escape Zhang Jiaohua's tricks. Zhang Jiaohua was able to easily find the thief after a day or two, and he would definitely be able to find the place where the thief had been. Easily find the property hidden by the thief.

Zhang Jiaohua was a little nervous. Although he knew it was ill-gotten gains, he still felt like a thief. This kind of thing cannot be done during the day, so Zhang Jiaohua stayed in the guest house all afternoon, fidgeting. I don't know if I did it right this time.

At night, Luo Changjun came to the guest house a little tired, "Where are you going at night? Do you want me to accompany you?"

"I'll just wait at the guest house." Zhang Jiaohua had Jin Hu and the others do it for him, so he didn't need to do it himself. The Diamond Mountain Leopard was also released. Lost to Jinhu last night, Diamond Mountain Leopard was a little unconvinced. This diamond mountain leopard is getting smarter and more humane. like a child.

"Then I'll come over tomorrow morning to take you back, and you have to pack everything in advance. I'll drive over to pick you up at dawn." Luo Changjun left without saying a word. He is not involved in this matter. In order to avoid attracting the attention of some people with ulterior motives.

Looking for things, the Jinhus are not as good as the Diamond Mountain Leopard. Although it has been almost three days, the Diamond Mountain Leopard can still walk all the places the thief has been to by virtue of its smell. The thief was very cunning, but he also ignored one point, the more careful he was in hiding, the more traces he would leave behind. The loot was stashed in different places twice. The thieves took some pains to hide, and the disguise was extremely skillful. If he doesn't say it himself, no one else will find it. But the more he tried to hide it, the more breath he left behind. It didn't take much effort for the Diamond Mountain Leopard to find two large bags of items from a secret hole in a loose stone on the balcony of the building where the thief lived and in the bridge hole of a nearby stone bridge.

These things can be found by drilling mountain leopards, but they can't get them back, so they can only rely on the golden tigers. It didn't take long for the things to be found. The two bags were packed in urea bags with plastic inner bags, and a lump of quicklime was placed inside. It should be to prevent moisture, and it is really thoughtful enough. It was filled with money, no worse than Xu Yinshan's family. If found, both Yang Weidong and Dai Chengbao would have to be dragged out to shoot targets. The treatment of corrupt officials is still very strict these days.

A lot of money! Zhang Jiaohua's heart skipped a beat when he saw it, and after taking a look, he quickly tied up the bag.

One night, Zhang Jiaohua couldn't sleep, he was excited and nervous at the same time. What is exciting is that with so much money, it should be possible for my parents not to have to work part-time in the future. It's true that with so much money, if I fall asleep and someone else steals it, I will be in trouble. At the same time, I also feel guilty. ill-gotten gains!

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