99 Initial Sign-Ins Samsara Rewards

Chapter 112 The number of zombies doubled! 5.6 million zombies!

"Accessing identity..."

"Name: Chen Feng."

"Identity: A refugee from the peninsula."

"Age: 27 years old."

"Samsara, "Chen Feng", please remember your new identity, it can help you quickly adapt to this world."

"Your appearance and the latest Samsara panel attributes have been synchronized with the new identity integration, and your language skills have been calibrated and synchronized."

"Warning: According to the Samsara Confidentiality Agreement, you must not disclose any information about the Samsara space to any indigenous people in the Duplicate World in any form, otherwise it will be immediately obliterated."

The world view background of the copy of Busan Tour: Peninsula is reflected in Chen Feng's eyes in the form of holographic text.

"Four years ago, when the zombie virus broke out, the Korean Peninsula was isolated globally, forgotten by the world, and reduced to a dead city."

"As the survivors who escaped from the peninsula that year, you embarked on the last refugee ship and left the dead and dilapidated place, and were forced to come to Hong Kong to become spurned refugees in exile."

"And today, four years after the peninsula fell, you unexpectedly received a very expensive business."

"A foreign businessman asked you to infiltrate the peninsula again and bring back the 20 million dollar bills he left in Omuqiao, which has been loaded into the car, back to the port city. After the incident, he will pay you a lot of money."

"Faced with a huge US dollar reward, you are in a painful decision, whether to gamble your lives and return to the purgatory on earth that has been occupied by the army of zombies..."

The surrounding scene changes.

Chen Feng's vision changed from blurry to clear, and his true and strong five senses and six senses told him that he had come to a brand new world of dungeons.

This time there was no coldness, no shaking.

With Chen Feng's current physical functions, the ordinary level of cold is not enough to cause him to produce a stress response.

But he still couldn't help but want to complain.

"Why come out in such a humid and cold environment every time you come out, so you can't change to a warmer place as the birthplace of the dungeon?"

This is a dark and damp street in front of him.

The night is dark.

Most of the shops along the street have closed their iron shutters, and the roofs of low-rise residential buildings that stand in the distance are glowing with pale lights.

The uneven concrete floor was full of puddles because it had just rained, rubbish was everywhere, and an ugly mouse ran across the wall quickly.

This is the edge of an unfamiliar city.

And the neon signs with traditional Chinese characters and the Cantonese chats from the barbecue stalls along the street from time to time, they told Chen Feng all the time.

"This is Hong Kong City."

It's just that this is no longer the place where Chen Feng is familiar with the copy of "Chasing the Dragon" and has spent two years and one month.

And Hong Kong City under another world background and another timeline.

Everything he felt was completely different from what he remembered.

"Please note that the task is released!"

"Main task: Bring the huge amount of dollars lost by the merchants in Incheon back to Port City."

"Main task: release the "wild dogs" who were forced to participate in the iron cage to survive in the 631 troop refuge.

"Main task: escort at least 4 dungeon natives to escape from the peninsula."

"Main task: The team has destroyed at least 500 zombies in total."

"Main task: When all other main tasks are completed, at least 2 members of the team will still survive."

"Side mission: Survive on the peninsula for 1 month."

"Secondary mission: destroy or conquer all 631 troops on the peninsula."

"Secondary mission: Destroy the mercenary leader of the merchant."

"Secondary mission: Use vehicles to destroy at least 50 zombies."

"Secondary mission: restore the power system in the Incheon area."

"Task time: three months."

"Attention: Under the nightmare difficulty, the total number of zombies in the dungeon world Ascension has doubled, and the current number of zombies in Incheon on the peninsula is 5.6 million!"

Good guys!

Chen Feng's pupils shrank slightly.

Five main missions plus five side missions...this is a mission scale that Chen Feng has never seen before!

But it is not surprising to think about it, after all, this time it is a team copy, and these tasks are no longer done by one person alone, but by four people together.

In Chen Feng's previous life, the movie "Travel to Busan: Peninsula", as the sequel to the first "Travel to Busan" in the series, can be said to be a strangely bad critic.

But this does not prevent it from becoming a frightening copy world!

Incheon is the third largest city and the second largest trading port on the Goryeo Peninsula. Originally, the long-lived population of Incheon was only 2.8 million people.

But because Chen Feng chose the nightmare difficulty, the number of zombies there actually doubled, and Ascension went to 5.6 million!

This number is suffocating just to hear it!

It is conceivable that in this case, if you want to successfully complete the task and retreat from the dungeon world, it will be a desperate challenge for the average Samsara!

Chen Feng couldn't help but be suspicious of this. If this is the case, then I really don't know how the 631 troops on the peninsula survived, is the plot protected?

"Zombies...5.6 million! This...my God!"

Hearing a shuddering exclamation in his ear, Chen Feng noticed that the black brother Andrew was behind him.

At the same time, Leoric and the masked girl also appeared on Chen Feng's side one after another.

At this time, the four of them were surrounded by a group of sturdy men who looked fierce and thugs.

The leading man in a flowered shirt with squinted eyes yelled at Chen Feng and them:

"Hey, you guys, don't froze, go in quickly!"

Leoric frowned when he saw this, showing a three-point anger, trying to break away from the hand of the person next to him that was clinging to his shoulder.

Just about to have an attack, Chen Feng interrupted him in a commanding tone: "Do as they say, this is a plot that must be lived."

Leoric was a little unhappy when he heard the words, but he could only give up and gave up the struggle.

The four of them were half-pushed and half-shuffled into an alleyway and led to a spacious room transformed from an abandoned warehouse.

At the request of the leader in floral shirts, the four took a seat on the sofa.

Different from Chen Feng's Feng Dan Yun Qing, the other three people's faces flashed with a moment of dazed and anxious expressions.

But after all, they are all characters who have experienced three-story copies of Samsara Tower. Under Chen Feng's eyes, the three of them quickly recovered the calmness that a Samsara should use.

At this moment, a middle-aged man with white hair, blue eyes, and a high nose bridge shook his head and stepped in from the side door, opening the leather curtain.

He is wearing a very casual patterned T-shirt and a big gold watch on his hands. He walks with a big belly and has a big belly. He can see a bloated beer belly, and his words and deeds look like a successful businessman.

He walked to a seat directly opposite the four-seater sofa and sat down, slightly lowered his head, rubbed his nose with his hands, and then leaned back in a condescending posture.

"Well, gentlemen, don't talk too much nonsense, I will only talk about the important points when I call you over today!"

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