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Chapter 248 Trap! Haunted on board!

Will drew his sword and began to chop the thorns and walk towards the jungle.

He cut down the big leaf of the medical palm tree and found a small red bottle on the jungle floor.

He bent over to pick up the bottle, only to find a trip rope tied to it.

Will smiled, thinking it was a trap set by the pirates.

He followed the vines to a big tree, and suddenly a pair of eyes appeared on the trunk, and at the same time a well-disguised arm stretched out and violently pulled the trip rope.

In a blink of an eye, Will's feet were pulled up, and he was hanging upside down in the air.

Just when his legs were tied, he suddenly saw a warrior on an island.

They have bite marks all over their faces, and they wear things that resemble human bones!

No wonder the shrimp catcher was so scared.

The warriors stab him with spears, and Will kicked the tree away and knocked several of them to the ground.

"Come on!" Will yelled, trying to provoke a eager warrior. "I'm here!"

The samurai raised a quiver and shot a dart into Will's neck.

Will was weak and weak, and the warriors cut the rope off and put him down.


At the same time, in that dark and damp cell in the Royal Harbour, the only thing Elizabeth can do is wait.

Moonlight poured in from the small window of the cell and cast on the wall of the prison.

She was exhausted, but as soon as she closed her eyes, she heard the keys jingle.

"Come on!" She heard a voice, which sounded like her father was calling.

Governor Swan came out from the shadows.

"What's the matter?" Elizabeth asked.

The guard opened the door and Elizabeth hurried out of the cell. Governor Swann nodded to the guard.

"I have arranged the way back to England for you." When Governor Swann and his daughter ran quickly into a torch-lit tunnel, he said: "The captain is an old friend."

The governor led Elizabeth to a carriage that had long been waiting, but Elizabeth refused to get in the carriage and she wanted to wait for Will.

"We can't count on Will's help." The governor drew out a pistol and said desperately: "Becket only offered an amnesty. There is only one. This amnesty is promised to Sparrow."

"Don't let me watch my own daughter go to death! Absolutely not!" He pushed her into the carriage and put the pistol into her hand.

Then the governor closed the door and drove quickly to the waiting ship.

When they were approaching the dock, the governor slowly stopped the carriage.

Two people stood crowded in the shadows, one of them was wearing a captain's hat.

The governor jumped out of the carriage and said to Elizabeth: "Stay in the car."

He walked quickly to the two people: "Captain Hawkins!" said the governor, very pleased to see a friend.

But Hawkins did not answer. The other person flashed aside, and the captain fell forward, his coat covered with blood.

Governor Swan suddenly realized that another person was holding the captain's body in the shadows and keeping him upright.

"Good evening, Governor," the man said.

He slowly wiped the blood from the knife with a handkerchief, and Swan took a breath.

He recognized this man, it was Mercer-Beckett's clerk.

"It's a pity," Mercer said, pointing to the corpse, and Governor Swan ran to the carriage in a panic.

He yelled: "Elizabeth!"

But Mercer gave a whistle and immediately assembled a group of soldiers.

With a smile, Mercer yanked the car door open with his own hands, and there was no one inside.

"Where is she?" Mercer asked angrily.

"Who?" Swann replied.

Mercer pushed the governor into the car with a bang, and roared, "Elizabeth!"

"She has always been a wayward child." said the governor innocently.

Mercer ordered him to be shackled and violently taken away.


Lord Beckett walked into his dim office in the East India Trading Company building.

He lit a lamp on the huge mahogany table and saw that the box containing the amnesty order was empty.

He also realized that he was not alone.

Elizabeth walked out of the shadows, holding the pistol her father had given her.

"These amnesty orders were indeed signed by the king, but they are all blank." She said, slamming the documents on the table.

Beckett smiled, utterly disgraced: "It takes my signature and seal to take effect."

"I know." Elizabeth said with a gun firmly in her hand: "You send Will to get you the Feng Shui compass that belongs to Jack Sparrow."

She went on: "But it's not good for you. I've been to Death Island. I have seen those treasures with my own eyes. There are some things you need to know."

Beckett smiled triumphantly: "Ah, I see."

"You think that Feng Shui compass can only find the island of Death. I'm afraid you made a mistake about Swan Miss. I have no interest in those cursed Aztec golds." Beckett said, thinking of Jack defeating Gbagbo. The priceless treasure in Sa's cave.

He went on to say: "My vision is not so short-sighted."

Lord Beckett pointed to a huge map of the world: "In the ocean, there is more than one box of valuable treasure."

He said: "So maybe you will be willing to raise the price..." Beckett ended the sentence with a smile.

Elizabeth pulled the bolt and pointed the muzzle directly at Beckett's head. He suddenly stopped smiling.

"When you do Ruyi Scepter's abacus, think about you stole my wedding night." Elizabeth said sternly.

Under the threat of gunpoint, Beckett signed the documents, but he did not immediately hand them to Elizabeth.

"In order to ensure Sparrow's freedom, you have spared no effort." Beckett said curiously.

"These are not for Jack." Elizabeth replied.

"Then it is to ensure Mr. Turner's freedom. What about me? I still want the Feng Shui compass. You have to think about this when you plan."

Then, Beckett handed over the amnesty.

Now, the purpose of Elizabeth's trip has been achieved, and she turned and disappeared into the dark night.


The next morning, a merchant ship named "Edinburgh Merchant" set off from the Royal Harbour.

As the ship sailed into the wide sea, a sailor on the deck came across a strange thing.

He picked it up, it was a wedding dress.

Captain Bellamy heard the noise and immediately came to the deck.

His accountant and quartermaster are trying to pull the wedding dress from each other.

Captain Bemira said loudly: "If you both like this dress, you can wear it separately and wear it for one day."

"It's not like that, sir." The accountant hurriedly replied, "This ship is haunted!"

Bellamy looked at the dress and said, "Is it now?"

"Yes." The quartermaster agreed, "There is a female ghost on the boat with us, sir, everyone feels it."

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