99 Initial Sign-Ins Samsara Rewards

Chapter 251 The lingering fear caused by the crushing of strength!

Will and Barbosa and his crew broke free from their cages and went to the beach to find that the Black Pearl was ready.

While the samurai are busy chasing everyone on the island, Pantel and Rajetti are preparing to steal the ship.

This is a good thing for Will and them, because it means that they can run away as soon as possible.

Barbossa was the first to board the deck. Seeing that the Black Pearl was ready to go, he said loudly, "Excellent! Our work is half done."

The crew rushed past Pantel and Rajetti, and took their place without looking at them a second time.

"Guys, get ready to go!" Barbosa yelled.

Will was right next to Barbosa to help. He said, "What about Jack? I can't go without him."

The next second, Barbossa pointed his mouth at the beach, and Will raised his eyes to see Jack running along the beach, followed by a large group of warriors.

"Jack! Quick!" Will shouted.

Jack was indeed rushing. The scheming captain managed to get rid of the meat fork. He waved his arms and tried to run in front of the samurai.

Barbossa turned his head and said to the crew: "Untie the rope!"

The dog that came out of the prison, left Pantel and Rajetti and went ashore alone suddenly appeared on the beach and began to yell at the samurai.

"Good dog!" Jack yelled and fled for his own life. Jack waded to the Black Pearl, and Will quickly pulled him aboard.

The dog barked and dragged the samurai around the bay until the Black Pearl disappeared above the sea level.

Suddenly, the dog seemed to realize that something was in trouble.

It stopped screaming, wagging its tail to look at these extremely hungry warriors, and then immediately turned around, Tao Zhiyao.


Jack Sparrow sat on the deck of the Black Pearl, taking a breath.

"Jack, I'm so sorry to see you escaped." Barbossa squinted.

Jack stood up with his hands on the ground, brushed the sand on his body, raised his eyebrows: "Old friend, you know, I'm sorry too."

"I should let those cannibal guys catch you first."

Seeing the two captains love and kill each other every day, all the crew of the Black Pearl have expressions that are accustomed to them.

But Will didn't want to listen to these meaningless quarrels between the two.

"Two big shots, take the liberty to interrupt, now is not the time to quarrel."

"Jack." Will solemnly said: "I need that Feng Shui compass."

Barbossa said: "If you want Jack's Feng Shui compass whose pointers are inaccurate, I think you have found the wrong person."

"Now the Feng Shui compass is in that person's hands."

Jack, Barbosa, and Will all know that the desire Feng Shui compass was detained by Chen Feng after the Battle of Death Island three months ago. Jack also has no temper, and every time he reads this, he is very annoyed. Grit your teeth.

But thinking of Chen Feng, Jack and Barbossa have a trace of fear and jealousy from the bottom of their hearts.

That was the lingering fear caused by the crushing strength of several orders of magnitude higher.

"I know." Will nodded, "but I need Jack's help, and you, Barbosa."

Barbossa curled his lips, leaning nonchalantly on the side of the ship's side.

The monkey, also named Jack, jumped on Barbosa's shoulder and brought him an apple.

Barbossa took a bite of the apple and looked at the two in front of him jokingly.

"Okay." Jack let out a breath and asked, "I want to know what you want the Feng Shui compass for?"

"To save Elizabeth." Will replied.

Jack shook his head and began to climb up the sail: "This sounds familiar."

Indeed, the last time Will and Jack were together was when he tried to save Elizabeth.

In order to make the meaning clearer, Jack said again:

"Have you considered keeping her tighter? Maybe just lock her somewhere?"

"She was locked up and in jail. She must be hanged because she helped you." Will said sharply.

Jack hesitated for a while, digesting Will's words.

However, he shrugged and then climbed: "It's not that I don't want to help you, but sometimes people must be responsible for own mistakes."

Jack said as he got into the mast lookout on the ship.

"Even if I can help you get the Feng Shui compass back, you take the Feng Shui compass to save your little beauty, but what good do I have?"

The air stagnated for a while.

"You can get amnesty, freedom and an appointment." Will raised his head and said loudly: "In exchange, you will be fully pardoned and appointed as the privateer captain loyal to England!"

Hearing that there was a commotion on the deck of the Black Pearl, even Barbosa, who was not interested in it before, suddenly came to his spirits.

Jack still shook his head: "No, accepting these is what you want me to do, don't you want to know what I want from you?"

Will took two steps forward, his eyes still firm.

There is nothing more boring than negotiating with a Damn it pirate.

"Then what do you want from me, Jack?" Will said at last, and he still gave in.

"It's dangerous..." Jack warned Will, and fumbled for the small piece of cloth in his pocket. "If you find this for me, I will exchange Feng Shui compass with you."

Will stared at the key imprint on the cloth. "So, you want me to help you, and you want that amnesty?"

Will thinks that this will save Jack from the advantage of this tricky deal.

Jack nodded: "Then you go to save your blonde beauty."

Will looked at the piece of cloth and asked Jack: "Can this thing save Elizabeth?"

Jack leaned in front of Will, as if there was air eavesdropping, and he asked in a low voice, "How much do you know about David Jones?"

"Nothing," Will said.

"That's OK." Jack nodded vigorously and said, "Then this thing can save Elizabeth."


Somewhere on the ocean, a figure sneaked past the rope ladder of the Edinburgh Merchant's rope.

This person is Elizabeth Swann who is still wearing a sailor suit.

She moved to the light outside the captain, where she could hear a dispute.

"This is a brutality!" Captain Bellamy complained while looking at the ship's account book. "Port taxes, berth fees, my goodness, and navigation fees!"

"Sir, Tortuga is probably the only free port in this waters." The quartermaster on board suggested that he knew that the captain would not be indifferent.

The captain did react, and he was furious:

"You are talking about a pirate port! I'm sorry, I am a duty sailor. I live a fair and honest life and sleep well at night. Thank you."

He didn't go any further, but the cashier interrupted them and pointed to the window outside the cabin: "Sir!"

"What?" Bellamy asked angrily.

But the ward trembled so much that he could only point his finger.

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