Fang's smile froze for a while, his face changed slightly, and he glanced at Niu with a cool look.

This bastard's mouth is cheap! It's as if she's doing something good by picking out what others don't like to hear.

Fang Shi couldn't help feeling a little annoyed and nervous.

Yesterday, she was going to discuss the matter with Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun, but she had a little quarrel with the old man and was so angry that she forgot about it.

When Qiao Xuan returns home tomorrow, she really doesn't know what to do. Thinking about it in my heart, I will quickly ask Qiao Xuan later...

Qiao Xuan smiled at Mrs Niu: "If Er Aunt will give me two chickens, my father and mother will definitely like it!"

"What are you thinking! Our chickens are still laying eggs, so we can't give gifts!" Niu glared.

Qiao Xuan shrugged, "Oh!"

I'm reluctant to give some sponsorship, so what do you ask?

But Niu's yin and yang became strange again: "Don't you have chickens in your house? Catch a few more and send them away! Oh, I don't think I'm good at sending chickens, right? No more going to the city to buy something? Sister-in-law , this is a matter of making a face for Yunyun and Shao's family, sister-in-law can't be stingy! Qiao Shi, are you right?"

Niu does everything he can, and will provoke whenever he has the opportunity.

"What do you need to say? Mrs. Qiao is filial, sensible, and caring for the family. As long as you can prepare, you will naturally prepare!"

Fang glared at her, angry and angry.


She was worried about Qiao Xuan, and she couldn't say anything. If she refuted the Niu family, it would mean that she did not value Qiao Xuan and the Qiao family. She was afraid that Qiao Xuan would think too much.

Qiao Xuan smiled gratefully at Chong Fang, "Mother has a heart! My father and mother have said it long ago, knowing that the Shao family's big house is very good! It's enough when you have a heart, so mother don't have to worry about this, otherwise, it will be It makes me feel uneasy. When I go back, my father and mother will talk about me too!"

That Mr. Qiao was cold-blooded, indifferent and selfish, with a focus on fame and fortune. He only wanted to climb up, and didn't care about Qiao Xuan at all.

As for Mrs. Qiao, heh, Qiao Xuan is already very happy to marry into a farmer's family, so she doesn't care about the return ceremony or not.

In fact, in the past three days, Qiao Xuan had never thought about returning to the door. If she could, she wouldn't care if she went back empty-handed.

Anyway, they will never help her when she is down. In that case, why does she care about their attitude?

Fang Shi's heart warmed, and he settled down a bit, a little incoherent: "Okay, okay, that's okay, that's okay..."

Qiao Xuan looked at Niu again and said with a smile, "Second Aunt, don't stand, sit down, and help us peel the bamboo shoots together!"

Fang's heart was happy, and he sneered slightly: "No, the second brother and sister are so idle, sit down and peel bamboo shoots!"

Niu was resentful and jealous, but Pi Xiaorou said without a smile: "Oh, where is the time, I should go back..."

She is really angry, isn't the luck of this big room too good? Then why did Mrs. Qiao and Mrs. Qiao's good in-laws ask Dafang to meet?

She couldn't help but complain a little bit about her son again.

Forget Erlang, Shiro is such a smart person, but he refused to go to school to study at the beginning. He would rather chop wood and farm the land than go. Sitting in the school was uncomfortable, and when he saw the book, he had a headache... .

The eldest brother has always taken care of the second and third rooms. If he was willing to go, he would naturally go there. Where else is Goro?

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