"What nonsense are you talking about!" Niu squinted: "Then you want to keep the eggs, can you kill them? That's called a prodigal!"

Qiao Xuan snorted, "My little seven is still young. I need more rest. I won't get tired from running up the mountain all day long? Don't say that my parents are distressed, we are also distressed as brothers and sisters!"

Shao Xiaoqi immediately added the show: "Yes, my legs are sore after a day of running, and it takes a few days to relax a little!"

All three laughed.

It is clear that he deliberately entertains Niu all the way.

Niu was so angry, "All of you, ah, if you don't learn well, you will learn to talk back to your elders!"

Qiao Xuan's pretty face sank, and she said coldly: "Second Aunt, do you want to go to my parents and talk to us one by one? We can't stand a big hat from Second Aunt's mouth! Xiao Qi! When you came back from hunting game, which trip did you miss, and you said he didn’t study well? It’s me and Tao Tao, how did you provoke the second aunt? The second aunt said it!”

Niu was even more angry.

Shao Taotao did not provoke her. They ate a lot of Shao Xiaoqi's prey, and they couldn't say what happened to Shao Xiaoqi, but for Qiao Xuan, Niu's family was full of dissatisfaction, but they couldn't say it. ......

It can only be said that this Qiao Xuan is too cunning!

Niu snorted and said vaguely: "I just said it casually, what are you serious! I can't say a few words to you as an elder?"

Qiao Xuan: "The younger generation did something wrong, the elder naturally said it, but if you want to deliberately ruin someone's reputation for no reason, why can't you be serious? Can reputation be a joke at will? Second aunt wouldn't even understand this, right? If it was me Mother is talking about how Meiling and the others are doing, will Second Aunt be happy?"

"They didn't do anything! Why say them!"

"Heh, Second Aunt, what did we do?"

Mr. Niu was trembling with anger, this damn Mr. Qiao is so abominable!

Qiao Xuan's eyes were cold: "Second Aunt, you have to remember, you can't just say something like this, don't forget that you yourself have children, grandchildren, and granddaughters. It really annoys me, I don't Know what to say."

In any case, she is the daughter of the county magistrate. If she says something, ah, the number of people who will believe it may not be determined.

Niu froze in place, and after they had gone far, she came back to her senses and spat on the ground, "Qiao's bastard!"

When Qiao Xuan and the others returned home, they left a pheasant and two hares behind, and used the mushrooms to dry.

The mulberries were wrapped in a large bag of leaves, just in time for everyone to taste.

Mr. Fang ate a few and said with a smile that it was delicious. Shao Junyan and Shao Qing like it even more.

Hearing that this is Qiao Xuan's acquaintance, Mrs Fang laughed even more and praised: "Your fifth sister-in-law is really a smart person, knowledgeable and knows everything!"

Shao Xiaoqi and Shao Taotao nodded in agreement.

Rao's words were nice and pleasing to hear, but Qiao Xuan was a little embarrassed to tell them to praise them, with a rare blushing on her face, and ran away by saying to take some mulberries for Shao Yunyun to try.

Since being stimulated by Qiao's family, Shao Yunyun has become more and more diligent, vowing to do his best to pass the exam, doing homework and writing articles in the house every day.

Qiao Xuan gently pushed the door in, but he didn't notice it.

Qiao Xuan didn't bother him, closed the door gently, and simply stood there looking at him.

The man didn't notice her, and she didn't have any scruples. Looking at his eyes, she couldn't help but be a little straight.

The way her husband writes and writes is really pretty...


See you at 8pm, please ask for a ticket

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