Xu Niannian found it so funny to see Chen Jiaojiao being so obedient.

Xu Niannian followed Yu Younian out of the kitchen. Yu Younian said:"Niannian, thank you for your hard work to buy candied haws on a stick. Are the candied haws on a stick sold out so early?"

Xu Niannian said:"There are always hard-working people.."

Xu Niannian found the candied haws shop and put the knife on the master's neck. How dare he not be diligent.

Xu Niannian said:"What are you doing with both mutton and candied haws on a stick?"

Yu Younian said:"Chen Jiaojiao doesn't like eating mutton, so I forced her to eat it. In order to suppress her spirit, Force her to strictly implement my orders. But if things go on like this, if she is always oppressed, she will question my orders. So, at the end, I gave her a bunch of her favorite candied haws, so that she could form an idea subconsciously. , it may be painful to obey my orders, but the result must be sweet."

Yu Younian said more and more, Xu Niannian became more and more excited, and said:"Quick, say more"

"Did you notice. I instilled ideas into Chen Jiaojiao while she was eating candied haws. Because her brain is happy at this time, which makes it easier for her to accept the ideas I instill."

"This is so much fun. I want to join in and play with you.

Yu Younian said:"It's not impossible to take you with me." However, these are all tactics used by evil criminals. You cannot use them to do bad things."

"What are you talking about? I only helped you to make Chen Jiaojiao improve. How could I do bad things? Don’t you still know who I am?"

"I'm just reminding you. Can I still feel uneasy about your character?"

"That's pretty much it. Let’s start the next one quickly"


Yu Younian and Xu Niannian are like two MLM leaders, brainwashing Chen Jiaojiao together.

Yu Younian said:"Jiaojiao, you are not courageous enough and have insufficient action, which has led to you being in a backward state in many things. Although your name is 'Jiaojiao', when you act, you cannot be coquettish, you must be decisive.."

Chen Jiaojiao said:"Sir, I can change my name. From now on, I will no longer be called Chen Jiaojiao, but Chen Guojiao."

Yu Younian almost laughed, the name Chen Guojiao was so interesting.

Yu Younian said:"There is no need to change your name. However, what is needed is this attitude and momentum. So in order to hone your courageous style, the next item is called 'Do you want to change your name?’"

Chen Jiaojiao was curious as to what"should or not" meant.

Yu Younian said:"This project is very simple. Let me give you a demonstration. Do you want to eat the mutton?""


When Chen Jiaojiao hesitated to answer, Yu Younian picked up the wicker and slapped Chen Jiaojiao.

Chen Jiaojiao gasped in pain, Yu Younian couldn't bear it, and thought to himself, he used too much force.

Yu Younian said:"This Sometimes, you just have to answer yes or no. Since you just hesitated, eat a piece of mutton."

"Yes, the fish has grown up.

Yu Younian said:"Just answer yes." In formal occasions, simplicity is your top priority"


Next, Yu Younian listed many things and things, some people like, some people don't like, and some neutral things.

Chen Jiaojiao answered"yes", Yu Younian let Chen Jiaojiao do it, and answered"No", Yu Younian will not let Chen Jiaojiao do it

"Want to eat bugs?"

"don't want"

"Do you want to use Pei Yuan Dan?"


"Want to rest?"

"don't want! Xu

Niannian thought it was fun and wanted to take over, saying:"Yu, you're tired after such a long time. I'll do it for you. You go and rest first.""

"That's fine. Yu Younian gave Xu Niannian a few words and said,"My main purpose in this round is actually to cultivate her character." The front is all foreshadowing, mainly the ones at the back."

Yu Younian took out the list and explained it to Xu Niannian.

"You see, if she dares to say"yes" to the following options of murder, arson, and committing evil, you can just slap her hard."

Xu Niannian said:"I know, if I want to follow you, Mr. Yu Younian, I can't do it if I don't have a good character."

"Yes, that's the truth. When you hit her, calm down and don't hurt her. Just hit her palms and the base of her palms to let her know it hurts."

"Don't worry, I have it right."

Yu Younian nodded and said to Chen Jiaojiao:"Master Yu Younian is going to rest and let Nian Nian take over the training, if you want."

Chen Jiaojiao hesitated for a while, and then Yu Younian slapped her in the palm.

"Not paying attention, keep practicing with Miss Xu"


After Xu Niannian took over, Chen Jiaojiao performed very well. She never sloppily answered questions, and it was also in line with Yu Younian's values. The wicker in Xu Niannian's hand was useless.

This made Xu Niannian unable to hold back. She just wanted to slap Chen Jiaojiao twice, just for fun.

Xu Niannian couldn't do anything random, because if Yu Younian found out, the gain would outweigh the losses.

Xu Niannian thought to himself, I have to find a way to let Chen Jiaojiao Make mistakes

"Let's rest for a while. Xu Niannian did a relaxing pose and said,"Would you like a cup of tea?""


Xu Niannian thought to himself, he didn't fool her!

"If a bad guy wants to kill you, you have to kill him in return. Do you want to eat bugs?"

"don't want!"

Chen Jiaojiao was still very focused. Xu Niannian suddenly changed the question, but Chen Jiaojiao was not fooled.

During this period, Xu Niannian pretended to take a break and asked questions suddenly, or the question changed or turned around suddenly, but this did not faze Chen Jiaojiao.

These little tricks It didn't seem to work, so Xu Niannian thought for a while, and then asked:"Master Yu Younian wants you to eat mutton, do you want it?""

"don't want!"

Chen Jiaojiao blurted out, and Xu Niannian slapped her hard in the palm of his hand.

Chen Jiaojiao's whole face was twisted in pain. She looked at Xu Niannian, intending to ask Xu Niannian why he slapped her.

Xu Niannian said :"Yu Younian, the master asked you to eat mutton, can you not eat it?" He just wants you to take poison. He must have his reasons, so how can you question it?"

Chen Jiaojiao nodded. She actually accepted Xu Niannian's statement, grabbed a piece of mutton, and chewed it.

There were some things that Chen Jiaojiao rejected, but as long as Xu Niannian just added the words"Master Yu Younian wants you" in front of , Chen Jiaojiao will answer"yes".

The questions designed by Yu Younian are all progressive, from easy to difficult, and gradually increase. Chen Jiaojiao's own conscious defense line is broken through little by little, until she is willing to do all kinds of evil for Yu Younian.

Xu Niannian, who was born in a demon sect, has no concept of good and evil, right and wrong, and turns Chen Jiaojiao into a pawn who is willing to die for Yunian. This seems to Xu Niannian to be natural.

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