The disciple thought to himself, didn't you think that Lin Qingyu was going to kill us just now? Why did you suddenly change your mind?

Lu Shiquan glared at the disciple and swallowed the words in his mouth.

Lu Shiquan wanted to establish a good relationship with Lu Ying and Xiang Yingying first, and said:"You two junior sisters, don't be angry. Junior sister Lu, I saw you being invaded by demonic energy in the past. I am anxious in my heart, but I don't have a good plan." , tossing and turning. Today I see that you look good and the evil spirit has dissipated. I am really happy for you. I don’t know, how did you get rid of the evil spirit like this?" It was true that Lu Shiquan was worried about Lu Ying, but he had been in the magic stone It is always true that the realm helps the disciples of Shunying Academy escape from danger.

Lu Ying is well aware of the pain of being invaded by demonic energy and the cruel mental torture. She also hopes that Lu Shiquan can get rid of the evil influence as soon as possible.

Lu Ying said:"Now that you are here, you will know the reason immediately."

Just after driving away Le Xing and Le Si, Yu Younian felt very uncomfortable. When he walked into the side courtyard, his unhappiness was written on his face , anyone can see it

"come over."

Yu Younian said something, but Lu Shiquan and the two disciples didn't move.

Lu Ying frowned and said,"Why don't you hurry up? The longer the demonic energy stays in the body, the harder it will be to remove it."

Lu Shiquan confirmed that the person who could remove the evil energy was indeed Yu Younian, and hurriedly asked his two disciples to follow him.

Those two disciples were only invaded by a small amount of evil energy, and Yu Younian could quickly help them remove the evil energy from their bodies..

Yu Younian's spiritual power enters the body, and the demonic energy will be dissipated when it encounters Yu Younian's spiritual power.

Lu Shiquan did not need to ask, he just looked at the improved faces and happy expressions of the two disciples, and he knew the demonic energy in their bodies. The qi was really cleared away.

Lu Shiquan was excited, shocked that Yu Younian could clear away the evil qi despite being so secretive.

The two disciples quickly improved, and it was Lu Shiquan's turn.

Yu Younian looked serious, and Lu Shiquan said carefully:" There is Mr. Laurin."

Yu Younian was in a bad mood and didn't reply. He just nodded and helped Lu Shiquan clear away the evil energy. The evil energy in Lu Shiquan's body came from the stone desert. This evil energy was pure and violent, running rampant in Lu Shiquan's body. Yu Younian can only suppress it temporarily. To completely eliminate it will consume a lot of Yu Younian's mental and spiritual energy.

Shimo is not that easy to deal with. Yu Younian has warned everyone a long time ago, but they just don't listen and insist on it. To end up in this situation,

Yu Younian thought of Le Xing, Le Si, and the exhausted horse again, and became furious.

Lu Shiquan felt that Yu Younian's spiritual power had suppressed the demonic energy, but With Yu Younian snorting angrily, Yu Younian's spirit suddenly took away, and the demonic energy raged in Lu Shiquan's body again.

Lu Shiquan wanted to ask, but seeing Yu Younian's angry look, he did not dare to ask.

Lu Shiquan He thought to himself, I didn’t say anything, why is he so angry?

Lu Shiquan looked at Lu Ying, hoping that Lu Ying could say a few good words.

Lu Ying and Yu Yunian were not familiar with each other, so Lu Ying looked at Xiang Yingying.

Xiang Yingying He was even more worried about the reason why Yu Younian was angry, and said carefully:"Qingyu, what makes you so angry? Just calm down first. Everything can be solved. Don't let your anger break your body.

Lu Shiquan hurriedly said:"Yes, it can be solved, it can be solved.""

Now, Lu Shiquan is counting on Yu Younian to help him get rid of the evil spirit. Yu Younian is in a bad mood. The person he is most worried about is Lu Shiquan. He is afraid that Yu Younian will get angry and walk away, and the only one who will be unlucky is himself.

Yu Younian Nian said angrily:"I told you not to enter the magic stone field. Is Shi Mo such an easy person to offend? Before you go in, at least call a few more people. If you can't beat them, you can at least run away. Are these few people going to send resources to Stone Desert?"

"Mr. Lin’s lesson was right. Lu Shiquan said:"It's all because I didn't think well." Look at the demonic energy in my body..."

Yu Younian said:"The demonic energy in your body comes from the stone desert and is extremely powerful. If I help you get rid of it, it will damage my cultivation. In a short time, I will not be able to break through to the third level of Qi refining."

The chalcedony spiritual liquid spring is about to be completely eroded. By then, with the help of the demonized chalcedony spiritual liquid spring, Stone Desert's strength will be terrifying to an incomprehensible level.

Now is the most critical moment for Yu Younian to improve his cultivation, but His opportunity to make a breakthrough was disrupted by Shujian Villa, Le Xing and Le Si.

Lu Shiquan did not dare to say anything and asked Yu Younian to sacrifice his own cultivation to help him get rid of the evil spirit. He knew that he and Yu Younian did not have this friendship.

Lu Shiquan asked Lu Ying carefully and said:"Junior sister Lu, you asked Mr. Lin to help you get rid of the evil spirit. How did you thank Mr. Lin?"

Lu Shiquan wanted to ask Yu Younian how much benefit he received from Lu Ying before he was willing to help him treat him. He knew better.

Lu Ying didn't give Yu Younian a thank you gift and looked embarrassed. Lu Shiquan said sincerely,"Am I going to do it again?" Did you say something wrong?

Yu Younian said:"The demonic energy is raging and the monsters are rampant. If we want to eradicate the monsters, we need to work together. You have been invaded by demonic energy. I have a way to cure you, so naturally you shouldn't just sit idly by."

Lu Ying said:"Master Lin has a kind heart and I admire him very much. Mr. Lin must be deeply grateful to Lu Ying for his kindness in saving lives and supporting the road."

"Your deep thanks are unnecessary. Yu Younian looked at Lu Shiquan and said,"But you can't." You guys at Shujian Villa don't listen to the advice and act recklessly. I'm really pissed off. You have to pay!"

No matter who it is, it will cost a huge price to get rid of the evil spirit. Lu Shiquan has already prepared for it.

Lu Shiquan has accumulated thousands of spiritual stones for many years, and he has saved them little by little. Today, he is ready to go bankrupt. Prepare.

Looking at Yu Younian's expression, you can tell how angry he is.

Yu Younian said:"I'm not looking for money, but today, I will teach you a lesson!""

The initiative lies entirely in Yu Younian's hands. Lu Shiquan has been fully mentally prepared. If it doesn't work out, he can only borrow it from other disciples.

Yu Younian said:"I hope you will act in Shujian Villa in the future. Think more. Get it for me..."

Lu Shiquan didn't dare to listen to that number, his head was buzzing.

"Those hundred low-grade spiritual stones. Don't bargain with me!"

It turned out to be one hundred spiritual stones! One hundred spiritual stones?

Lu Shiquan wondered if he had heard wrongly. Why was it only one hundred spiritual stones?

"One hundred spirit stones?"Lu Shiquan said in shock.

Lu Ying and Xiang Yingying didn't expect that Yu Younian only wanted a hundred spiritual stones, and their expressions were dull.

Yu Younian thought to himself,"It's broken. Why is even Yingying confused? I want too much." No? It shouldn't be, why is Lu Shiquan so poor?

Yu Younian cleared his throat and said:"Fifty is fine. Fifty spirit stones are enough"

"Fifty? The three of them were so shocked that their eyes almost popped out.

Yu Younian thought that Lu Shiquan was not enough, so he got angry and said,"Fifty is my bottom line. If I can't give it out, you can spread it out in installments." If you still think it’s expensive, then if you don’t want to give it, go find someone else. I don’t serve you."

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