Speaking of how we met the girl named Jade... Ah, yes, Mithras and I went into the desert to find travelers to inquire about the executive officer of the Fools, and then we picked up a dying desert girl. The good news is that Mithras rescued her, but the bad news is that after the girl woke up, she asked"Where am I" once at the beginning, and after getting the answer"In our tent", she fell into a state of panic. She didn't eat or drink, couldn't sleep, just sat on the floor with her head down. At first we thought she was just an ordinary runaway who ran away from home and was surrounded by trees and grass, causing insomnia. Mithras even spent a lot of money to buy a flying snake's horn, but there was no such thing. Sleep aid effect.

It wasn't until I casually complained,"Why is she still in this state after being bitten by wild beasts?" Mithras finally realized:"Only a small part of the wounds on her body were caused by wild beasts, and the rest were all torn by weapons. Penetrating injuries!"

I realized we were in for something big.

Afraid that the tribes in the desert were robbing each other for money, food, and territory again, I secretly looked at her hand calluses. This girl was a thug. Based on the short-handled weapon she carried with her, I speculated that she was most likely doing dirty work.

Later, we accidentally learned from the travelers who ran back to Xumi City how she became like this, and the fools also got involved.

……When will this group of shit-talkers no longer hear their names somewhere?

I have heard a saying: Every newborn is a blank piece of paper, and what the paper will become depends on what is written on it.

Not only do I think that, He thinks the same way I do

「Mithras is a living example. His parents are the kind of doctors who are not accepted by the times and are too advanced, but their character is not much different. It can be seen from this boy's attitude towards Ai Shi Lingkong that children of this age are always I'm not willing to admit my little mistakes. It won't matter when I grow up."

Perun, it would be better if you didn't suddenly seize my body and make me look like I'm talking to myself.

I asked him guiltily,"Will I be considered a dual personality?"

"The two personalities of patients with dissociative identity disorder generally do not think that they are the same person. Most of the main personalities do not even know the existence of the second personality. Don't worry, Mr. Perron, you are not."

No, I'm not doing medical consultation. Nowadays, this word has become like those incredible phenomena in light novels. I have seen many liars who claim to have dual personalities.

For example, I admitted that it was the first time I saw Kazamlai Palace. I was shocked.

Countless genius ideas were all integrated into this magnificent building in front of me.

So I went to visit the designer of Kazamlai Palace, an architect who has been involved in public opinion for a long time.

His residence It's not hard to find out, although he somehow lives with the clerk Alhaysen, but that's not the point.

Unrealistic criticism from an acquaintance would be a fatal blow to someone like him. Art for some , is the method and means to prove their ideals, or even all of them, even if for me those"so-called" arts are not that important.

This kind of thing that cannot be limited by reality should not be narrowly defined in a certain film Area, it has flexible coverage and diverse categories, regardless of high or low

「It is undoubtedly a kind of trampling to wantonly belittle the achievements of others!"

It was Perun who said, Brother Kawei, don't blame me.

Why am I remembering something irrelevant again... But I forgot to ask Xiaomi whether dreams can be shared in situations like ours. This is the first time"Perun" has had a dream.

In His dream, I saw a giant dragon rising into the sky

《"Randomly Dropped Small Theater"

Lingkong: I heard Perun say that the Fools lost a lot of people in Xumi.

Lulu: It’s worth celebrating.

Ning Zi: Huh? A big shot with a big head?

Lingkong:...It's okay.

Lulu: (Reading the mind) So damn good, pop the champagne.

Ning Zi: So who is on the announced list?

Lingkong: Yes, keep it a secret. There was a professor named Froedlock, and one-sixth of the experimental drugs that were injected into Lulu and other children came from his handiwork.

Ning Zi: That’s really nice. I’ll treat you to a drink next time. ps: tmd’s vitality reward dog doesn’t even smoke! What? Why do you say that?

Because I am the fool who has drawn the supermarket to work all the money.

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