"Wait a moment!"

I took a shortcut from the top of the mountain and flew directly towards the outlying island. As soon as I landed, someone called me from behind.

I'm paralyzed. Why are there so many things going on today? Is it so difficult to leave Ina Wife?

Is this what"big evil" means? ?


I looked at the conspicuous blond hair, and the other person awkwardly fought with me, haha

"Oops, Lingkong, long time no see……"

……It's been less than three days since we last met, okay?

"My intuition tells me that there is a mystery here!"The boy who called me had dark red hair.

"Although I don’t know what method you are using, we will not let go of the fools!"Paimeng, who was present throughout the whole process, was floating behind the traveler and the boy with his arms akimbo. He had an aura that in Liyue language is called a fox pretending to be a tiger.

The traveler began to make crazy hints

"Cough cough cough……"

Looks like he forgot to tell Paimon about me.

"Fools?"It was the young man who became interested first,"But I see you have already left."

Now that the words have come to this, what else can I say?

So I showed a very standard smile and applauded the young man.

"It is worthy of being called"Storm" by Kanoin Tongxin."

Due to the continuous unexpected situations in the past few days, I missed the boat to Liyue perfectly, and the ticket of 130,000 Moras was invalidated. Fortunately, the traveler, who didn't know what state of mind he was in, provided me with a remedy.

"Tomorrow is the day when the Southern Cross fleet regularly comes to the outlying islands to exchange supplies... The leader and I are acquaintances. When the time comes, I will go and tell her to take you there as compensation."

To be honest, I haven't thought that this traveler who was demonized by the Fools as a large ruin guard with three pairs of arms is so reasonable.

Since the traveler has said this, let's wait. Well. Paimon, one of the culprits, scratched his head uncomfortably, while the other culprit lowered his head and thought about something.


I tapped the table of the food stall with my knuckles. Not far away, a shop named Liangzi was making dry-roasted sweetfish. The crackling sound of frying floated along with the aroma, but even the most familiar with food Even Paimon, who was interested, was not interested in the meal.

But the sound also made me not want to eat.

"I don’t know whether the [smell of puzzle] that Kanoin Tongxin said has something to do with me, but can you please three of you solve the puzzle in front of you first?"


After obtaining the consent of Kanoin Heizo, the travelers told me the reason for their distress.

I had heard something about the detective assistant named Ryuji, but my overall view on this matter... I killed someone with my own hands, and also found out that the"father" I trusted was a bad guy.

Can that innocent detective assistant really accept all this?

"But before that, Lu Yeyuan Tongxin had already left Banduan Coral Detective Agency, right?"

The young man sitting aside nodded and began to think deeply again.

"Although I don’t know why you didn’t do that... why didn’t you tell President Coral the truth directly while Ryuuji was away?"

Maybe it's because the other party is too difficult to let go, I thought in my heart.

Just like you at that time... reality didn't give a third option at all.

"But if you have to choose between these two, I hope you can say it yourself after the traveler tells the truth."

I saw Shikanoin Heizo raising his head in shock, doubts almost overflowing from his eyes.

"Luyeyuan Tongxin, there must be something supporting you to reach this point. What is that spiritual pillar?"

I tried my best to suppress the images that flashed through my mind repeatedly. The fire burned out and he lit me up, soaring into the sky in the silent night. The flames jumped back and forth between the angry crowd and the proud expressions on the faces of those in high positions..

He was stunned and did not let out a scream, not even a sound.

He was poured into the flooding waves, part of which merged into the land that had been fertile thousands of years ago, and more parts were washed away by the never-ending current. I I couldn't and had no way to catch him.

So I cleared away the memories that flashed through my mind again and gave them the last piece of advice with a normal expression.

"Don't wait until it's too late."

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