A God's Apocalyptic Entertainment

Chapter -2 - Geir Teir Rateing

(*Gear Tier Rating*)

Use when referencing Gear in the Game. Introduced in Volume 4, some small spoilers, but read at your own Risk.

Grey : Eg Beginner gear - level 1-5 Bonus: 0

White : Eg Padded Gear - level 5-10 Bonus: 1

Green : Eg Elf Armour, Combat Armour - level 10-30 Bonus: 2-4

Blue : Eg Empire Armour - level 30-40 Bonus: 6-10

Purple : Eg Empress Necklace - level 40-50 Bonus: 12 - 15

Orange : Eg ???? - Level 50-75 Bonus: 18-20

Black : Eg ???? - level 75-90 Bonus: 30 -40

Legendary : Eg ???? - level 90-100 Bonus: ????

God : Eg ???? - lev 100+ Bonus: ????

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