A Good Protagonist Bends When He Says

Chapter 74: The End of the Moon [6]

    Huashan discusses the sword, Qingyan deserves to be the first Taibai, and won the title of "Sword God Unparalleled", but every time they go out with the title of "Grass-picking madman" Lin Xi, the two of them wear The titles seem odd to go together. Ye Qingzhou, who was participating in the team competition, invited Qingyan with the attitude of giving it a try. Unexpectedly, the great **** agreed. He just said that he would bring Lin Xi. A great **** can hold a whole team. Even if Lin Xi is a drag, so what? Little Loli's medicine is great, but it's amazing _(:3"∠)_Ye Qingzhou felt that he had seen the birth of the strongest team, and he even foresaw the victory of the team. "There is still one person left." Lin Xi suddenly reminded that seven people are needed to form a team. With Ye Qingzhou and the other three people who were besieged by the emperor last time, as well as Qingyan and Lin Xi, there are only six people, each of whom is professional. I can't repeat it. Apart from these six occupations, there are no top-notch players. "Not bad, there is another acquaintance. I have already contacted him, and he will come to gather here soon." After a while, a man in red came walking on the moon. It was just ordinary clogs. A lotus flower moves very slowly and elegantly, but not too slow, just a few steps across an ancient road. Seemingly close, in fact, one step is far away. He wears a bald head, with six neat scars on it, a little cinnabar between his eyebrows, his face is elegant and handsome, his expression is calm and calm, his red monk robe is large and elegant, and he looks like an outsider. Compared with Qingyan, it is not much worse. "Ximen high official! How are you? What's your title?" Lin Xi looked like he had seen a ghost, isn't this person the flower-picking thief! I also found out that Ximen high official is Shaolin, but at that time he had long hair and wore a gorgeous red shirt with bare breasts, which made people ignore his occupation. Unexpectedly, this man suddenly changed greatly, and he couldn't help but sigh, "It's really eighteen changes in men's colleges! It's like three autumns if you don't see each other for one day! You don't have to be impressed for three days!" "Use idioms indiscriminately." People looked at each other, and this person seemed to have seen it before, which was very different from the current style of painting. "The little monk saw through the red dust, and now he is a person outside Fang Fang. He used to be a cloud and smoke. He used to be the little monk Meng Lang. I apologize to Miss Lin here." Ximen high official saluted Lin Xi like a master. "Bah, he looks like a dog, and he is a beast." Lin Xi whispered about Qingyan privately, and Yu Shisan replied, "Ignore him." He thought to himself, if Ximen officials were to die, they would be locked in the small black room. , Ten days and a half months, not long memory continues to close. Lin Xi said that he would listen to Master's words, nodded lightly, and looked calm and calm in front of outsiders. "Everything is good at home, Xixi is really a good boy with a broad mind~" Ye Qingzhou bent down and touched Linxi Lolita's head, smiling. Lin Xi proudly puffed out Pingchuan's chest, feeling great. Suddenly I felt that something was wrong, my mind was empty, and I suddenly remembered that she wanted to come to the game to hook up with male gods, but now she is indeed hugging Master's thigh, but it seems to be a little different from the Shuangsu Shuangfei I thought before... I looked at my small body , sighed silently, there shouldn't be a player shorter than him in the whole game, but it's not bad, I really like Master very, very much. "Let's go." Qingyan picked up Lin Xi, hugged her in her arms, and let her sit on her arm. She was so small that she couldn't even occupy half of his arms. It was like raising a daughter. A lot of noise. Now I occasionally think of Shang Wei, but I find that the girl has always been humble in front of Shang Zhengyu, treating him like a god, which is different from the equality of Lin Xi. Even in different worlds, you can't find the same people. In the team competition, this team was really invincible. Originally, everyone in it was very good. After a few more games, they cooperated tacitly and became unstoppable. There was no suspense, and they became the first in the team competition. The senior officials of Ximen seem to have really changed their minds. Many female players are obsessed with such a pure-hearted master and extend an olive branch to him, but he doesn't pay attention to any of them. Instead, he is gentle and considerate to Lin Xi. When Lin Xi saw Ximen's strange behavior, he always felt that the weasel was greeting the chicken for the New Year. When he was always normal and plain, with Qingyan guarding him, Ximen couldn't find a breakthrough. Ye Qingzhou frowned when he disagreed, and then praised him casually. It was normal again. The other people were also very interesting, and the seven got along very happily. During the team competition, Yu Shisan found out that his favorability was increasing very quickly, Lin Xi was already full, and Ye Qingzhou was only a little short, and he actually felt a touch of reluctance. In the last game, Yu Shisan personally directed, seven people connected to the wheat. It was the first time to hear the voice of the great **** Qingyan in everyone's heart. It was not a particularly pleasant tone, even a bit lazy, but it felt like this person was talking. There is a kind of magic power, not wanting to miss a word, causing a slight turbulence in the bottom of my heart. "This last game, I'll invite everyone to dinner if I win." Ye Qingzhou patted his chest, very bold, several people agreed, and he asked again, "Qingyan, are you coming?" "Come." Yu Shisan In response, for the first time, I was curious about the few people I had never met, and I didn't know what they looked like in reality. "Master, I'll come too!" Lin Xi agreed, Ye Qingzhou laughed, "Xixi, you're not really a child!" Lin Xi's voice was soft, making people feel like he was very young. Everyone regarded her as a little loli, and they all laughed when Ye Qingzhou said this. "No, no, I'll surprise you then." "Okay, Brother Ye is ready." Ye Qingzhou didn't forget to take advantage of words and got a kick from Linxi's little loli, which happened to hit him in the knee, and he shook. The equipment was shaking heavily, and it was as motionless as a mountain. Except for Lin Xi, everyone else burst out laughing. This final amazed everyone, and the win was very beautiful. All seven performed perfectly, with the most youthful appearance, and the other six were not bad either. The battle video shocked the entire network, and the swords, lights and swords were beautiful, no less than a blockbuster, and many players poured into the game for a while. And these seven people divided the winning reward, and surrounded the remaining egg, Ye Qingzhou really wanted a mount that could fly, and everyone didn't want to fight him. He happily hugged the egg in his arms, and was caught off guard. Eggs break free. Everyone stared blankly at the egg and rolled to Qingyan's feet. She didn't move, Qingyan moved two steps to the left, and the egg rolled to the left a few times, then rolled to Qingyan's feet, and Qingyan walked forward again. After a few steps, the egg continued to roll with him, Qingyan suddenly flew up with his sword, the egg turned into a tornado and still followed him, Ye Qingzhou spat, and frowned, "Hmph, isn't it just an egg! Who doesn't have it, my lord still? There are two!" "Yo, Xiaoye is very strong, take it out and show it to my brother, don't see how we believe you have two eggs!" "Quick, quick, I'll record the screen, HD-HD-None - Code!" "Brother Qingyan has three eggs now, one more than us!" Several men teased Ye Qingzhou, caught off guard. "Bah, quickly drain this bucket of decontamination powder!" Lin Xi laughed twice, interrupting Ye Qingzhou's egg digging activity. Although he definitely won't be able to dig out anything, this game is so powerful that no one knows what will happen. , If he really took it out, wouldn't he have a needle eye in the future? At this time, the egg that jumped into Qingyan's hand exploded, and a too cute white tiger used a small milk sound to ooh, ooh, ooh, begging Qingyan to kiss and hug and feed the hair, and everyone else was cute After being stunned, Lin Xi's eyes were glowing green, "This is my spirit beast, Xiao Hei." Qing Yan rubbed the white dumplings and smiled. "This is white _(:3"∠)_" Ye Qingzhou was stunned, there is such a person in the world, who named the white tiger Xiaohei... It should be said that he is indeed a great god, and his behavior is different from ordinary people. " Well, it recognizes the master, I will take you to brush the copy of the beast, and catch a bird for you. "The white tiger that was going to be given to Ye Qingzhou turned into a little black. Yu Shisan didn't want to pay it back, so he decided to send him another divine beast. Anyway, it's still half a month before he left the world, so it's not in a hurry. "Little Ye has a bird! And eggs, he said. "Ximen first began to dismantle Ye Qingzhou's stage. "Yeah, yeah, he has it, why don't you take us there!" Another teammate answered immediately. "You guys are so dirty!" bully me! Ye Qingzhou looked like he was being bullied, and looked at Qingyan. "Don't make trouble, Xiaoye stupid can't be bullied too much. I will take everyone to the copy of the beast separately, and everyone can get a good spirit beast." "Yu Shisan never participated in or learned from his teammates, and occasionally helped Ye Qingzhou, who couldn't help them, and simply brushed up his favorability.

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