A Hogwarts Esoteric Leader

Chapter 119: Unexpected War (1)

I don't know when, the dark clouds in the night sky outside the window have dissipated, and from the scratches of the mottled window, the moonlight has printed a desolate picture on the ground, and the stove is still burning vigorously.

"Rivers have directions, and prophecies indicate the direction of rivers, but why do rivers flow in that direction?" Dumbledore asked, "In reality, rivers naturally flow downward according to natural laws, and what are the world's rivers according to? What about flow? On the other hand, it would be nice if the river just flowed according to a firm rule, nothing but an inevitability."

"While there will be a lot of sadness, it's not unacceptable if it's as hard as an apple when it's ripe enough to fall to the ground. Because it makes sense."

"Following such rules, although there will be certain restrictions, we will act according to our own will after all. The future is still created by ourselves."

"However, the truth may be otherwise."

"The future may be set," he said. "It is because the future is set in advance that there is such a thing as prophecy. It seems to be called fatalism in Muggles."

He smiled and said: "But if it's just fatalism, that's fine. It's like a hundred rivers return to the sea. No matter where you start or what road you go through, you will reach an end. Although the destination is certain and cannot be changed. , but the process is still freely created by us.”

"It makes sense," he said. "It's as if the four founders set a goal to create Hogwarts, and the goal is already there, and everyone is going to get there in their own way."

"I can live with that. Because without that goal, maybe Hogwarts wouldn't exist."

"However, everything I've been through is telling me that things could be a little worse." He said with a hint of helplessness, "Not only is the destination certain, but even the process will be controlled unknowingly, People show their stupidity against their own wisdom, and the final purpose may just be to fulfill a certain word in the prophecy."

"Of course," he said with a smile, "before today, it was all just a guess, a theory at best, and all I could do was organize my stories and conjectures. Make a book and pass it on."

"However," he glanced at Gabriel, who was lying on the bed in the other corner of the room, slumbering with a quilt, "not long ago, my guess was further verified."

"Although it is impossible to conclude that this girl named Gabriel is the will of the world based on one-sided remarks, I am at least certain that in this world, there really exists another deeper place, in There, maybe I can find the answer I want."

He looked over and seemed to be waiting for Unieff to say something.

However, for a while, Unieff was silent.

Dumbledore's thoughts exceeded his expectations.

In a sense, Dumbledore's perspective has been somewhat beyond the long river of history.

No wonder he was able to accept Gabriel's existence so quickly, it turned out that he had already laid a theoretical foundation for himself.

But it is precisely because of this that some of the information he originally prepared, such as Voldemort, may not be able to satisfy Dumbledore's appetite.

Even, the current situation is not as simple as revealing secrets, but involves another aspect that even he did not expect.

Because the information is not correct.

First of all, Gabriel was born not long ago, and what Dumbledore experienced was mostly years ago. At that time, Gabriel probably didn't have a shadow.

What's more, the prophecy has existed since ancient times, and those distant things obviously won't be related to Gabriel.

If so, what is going on?

Could it be that it was just Dumbledore's own wishful thinking? After all, the things he listed were doubtful, but it didn't mean that it was impossible.

It's just that the probability is small.

The earth has existed for billions of years, and it is understandable that occasional small-probability events occur.

However, if everything is not just Dumbledore's speculation, but there is indeed a world will, and this world will is not Gabriel...

Unieff couldn't help but think of what Gabriel had said before.

She's just a tiny part of the world's will...

She said that twice.

The first time, he originally thought he was talking about the power gap between the descendant and the main body, so he didn't care much.

The second time, he just thought that Gabriel had a lot of untapped power, and changing the world might be her process of developing herself.

However, it now appears that things may be a little more serious.

"I'm here to exist," Gabriel once said.

It seemed to say that if she couldn't create drastic changes, she would disappear completely.

Unieff recalled the accusation she had made to herself when they first met.

Between the "world" and the "burst of light", there is also a "wound".

This may be to say that her birth was related to the wound of the world.

Also, she seems to be constantly stressing about the wound, albeit in an almost flirtatious manner.

Now that I think about it, this may not be just a simple origin, but a foundation of life.

She may need to maintain the wound from healing, or create a larger wound to ensure her own existence.

From this point of view, she obviously did not come out to play when she was idle.

Perhaps this action was taken out of desperation.

She may want to end the game in person, in order to give the world greater changes, and then maintain the survival of the body.

No wonder she was particularly interested in Dong Chuan Mansu, maybe she thought it would be of great benefit to do so.

I am afraid that all her actions have a specific intention~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In addition, her situation may be very urgent, because after coming to reality, her first major decision seems very rushed.

She couldn't wait to be the headmaster of Hogwarts, but couldn't say anything about it.

Of course, it may also be to attract Dumbledore's attention and leave a deep impression.

In short, it is to publicize their presence.

However, there is still a sense of haste. She should not have made a good plan. Her original plan may only be until Mansu.

This also shows that she lacks sufficient control over reality.

Unieff summed up his thoughts a little, and came to a very bad result:

If the world originally had the will of the world, then the current situation is probably——

A war between the wills of the old and new worlds!

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