A Hogwarts Esoteric Leader

Chapter 152: Arena (2)

"It's a duel, of course." The witch paused and said, "but think about how we can match you with a suitable opponent so quickly."

"Oh?" Unieff asked slightly provocatively, "Is it by divination?"

"Part of it." The witch said as if she didn't hear it.

"Part of it?" Unieff asked.

"As a general principle, we want to match wizards with similar strengths together, so we rate the strength of wizards. The rating is a number, the higher the better." The witch said, "But the strength of a wizard is difficult to talk about, nor is it true. It is determined by one-sided factors such as magic power, and there is always a tendency for people to hide their own strength. The veterans who have dueled are okay, and they have records to follow. But a chick like you-"

She raised her head slightly, revealing two contemptuous lights: "If you don't want to match an overly strong opponent once and get beaten to death, probably you can only rely on divination to make a preliminary grade."

Somewhat irritated, thought Unieff.

"Oh," he said, "but listen to what you mean, why does it seem that there is still the option of divination and not divination."

"Of course you don't have to do divination," said the witch, "but the arena will not simply set your strength to the lowest level."

"What do you mean?" Unieff asked.

The witch explained: "Whether divination is not done, the real ranking is based on performance after the first duel; if divination is used, a suitable opponent will be assigned to you according to the results of divination; if not divination , the opponent of the first duel will give you any match, and you will be matched according to the most recent match."

Unieff asked, "What's the difference?"

"Well," said the witch, "the ones who are idle are usually opponents that ordinary wizards don't like to pick."

In other words, a more brutal guy.

Unieff glanced at the witch and asked, "Don't you want the newbies to match those people in the arena?"

"It doesn't make sense," said the witch. "Divination?"

Unieff said, "Then please give me a divination."

For the first exploration, there is no need to deliberately raise the difficulty.

The witch glanced at him, seeming surprised that he suddenly used more polite words, but still said: "Put your dominant hand on the crystal ball."

Unieff did as he did and asked, "Are you a student at Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? I heard that the prophecy wizards here usually come from Beauxbatons."

The witch stretched out two slender hands, the fingertips of her ten fingers were attached to the sides of the crystal ball, her eyes were fixed on the crystal ball, and she said, "Don't gossip and ask."

It seems so.

Unieff continued to ask: "Does Beauxbatons' prophetic wizards specifically serve the underground arena? Is it so difficult to get along now?"

I saw the blue veins jump on the witch's right hand.

"Don't ask!" she insisted.

Unieff shrugged, his muscles twitching like waves.

After about ten minutes... the witch's forehead was slightly sweaty.

"How long does the divination usually take?" Unieff asked.

"Thirty minutes." The witch casually reported a number.

"Did it take that long?" Unieff asked.

"Yeah. It's just that long," the witch said through gritted teeth.

"Okay." Unieff retracted his hand on the crystal ball.

The witch stared at her, and Unieff saw her eyes under the hood, the pupils were emerald green and very clear.

"No more divination," Union said. "You probably won't be able to divination."

"What do you mean?" the witch asked coldly.

"It's not an offense, it's a matter of personal fate," Unieff said. "Not everyone can detect me."

"You need to figure out one thing," said the witch. "Since you have come to this room, you have to fight one game before you can get out. So, if the divination is not completed, you can only play one random game."

"And this rule?" Unieff asked.

"It's written on the door," said the witch, "not the door of the ground entrance, but the door of this room."

"..." Yunefo walked over, pushed open the door, looked at it, and found that there was indeed a line of words engraved on the underside of the stone wall outside.

But it is gray, not very large, and it is not conspicuous at all on the stone wall.

"Isn't this cheating?" he said.

"Do you have unrealistic expectations for the arena?" The witch still sat at the table and said, "The black market, do you think it is a gathering place for dueling enthusiasts?"

"Besides, aren't you mentally prepared? How long will it take you to walk down, the stairs are long, and you can turn back during that time. But you don't."

She seemed to have something to say, and she seemed to have a lot of psychological fluctuations.

Unieff raised his hand to stop her from continuing to speak, and asked, "Why do you seem to be on my side?"

The witch opened her mouth and said nothing.

Yunevo asked again: "By the way, if I go back the same way now, will I encounter any obstacles?"

So he went back, his main goal of the trip was to investigate, not necessarily to fight a duel.

Then, he found that when he returned to that corner, the stairs up were gone.

In its place was a rather thick stone wall with no traces of carving, as if it were naturally there.

Not some illusion.

If it is an illusion, the original staircase is more like an illusion.

The witch came over from behind him and said: "If you can't go back, after entering the stone room, you can only go all the way forward. After a fight, whether it is a victory or a defeat, you will exit through another opening. This is a gladiatorial arena. rule."

"Really?" Unieff turned around and asked, "Then how are you going to get out?"

"I also want to fight out," said the witch. "After I finish work today, there will be a duel that I must win. The reward for the duel is my reward for today. It is assigned to me and cannot be transferred. "

Yuniefo said again: "A lonely man and a widow, you are in the underground, aren't you afraid that I will do something wrong?"

The witch smiled~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said: "The arena naturally considers this aspect and has protection. After all, there are always vicious people among those who dare to duel, but they can't threaten me. You can give it a try. , but I advise you not to try. Set aside some strength to duel."


In the dim candlelight, I saw a cloud of smoke rising, and the figure of Yunefo disappeared, his muscles knotted, and he threw out a fist.


It was like hitting a piece of hard cold iron, making a crisp collision sound, the witch was wrapped in strength, her body involuntarily reached the stone wall, and then the sound of footsteps came one after another. It slapped on the wall behind her ear and made a snapping sound.

The witch was only about 1.6 meters tall. Due to the height difference, Yunefo's figure completely blocked the candlelight, like a black mountain pressing down, and those eyes were condescending.

She couldn't help holding her breath, her pupils dilated. Because of the protection, she was naturally not hurt, but she was shocked mentally.

Whose wizards use hand to hand combat.

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