When Ho-Eun entered the third studio,he saw that it was too monotonous.

The chairs were placed one by one for the interviewer and the interviewee, and there was a large desk between them.

Even on the desk, Ho-Eun’s self-introduction or resume was left with only the results of the recruitment examination.

“Kwon Ho-Eun, sit comfortably.”

The man, who covered more than half of his face with his bangs, asked Ho-Eun to sit down.

He then touched his cell phone.

Ho-Eun tight fists were filled with sweat.

When Ho-Eun was thinking about whether he should introduce himself, the interviewer put his cell phone in his pocket.


A long silence continued as they looked at each other, Ho-Eun began to wonder if even this was part of the interview.

Ho-Eun felt uncomfortable sitting down and moved his hips for no reason.

“The interview is formal, so you don’t have to be so uncomfortable.” The interviewer said.

“Oh… Shall we introduce ourselves first?” Ho-Eun asked.

The interviewer, who shook his head as if he did not need to listen to Ho-Eun, raised his hand as if touching something floating in the air.

“I’m getting you a tour guide. That’s a pass. Congratulations.” The man said.

“Yes, thank you, no! What? Pass? I didn’t do anything.” Ho-Eun wondered if he had traveled in time without knowing it.

Ho-Eun didn’t introduce himself for even a minute and he didn’t tell the man his motivation for applying or his aspirations after joining the company.

This must be a fraud!

What a ridiculous interview.

A multi-level company wouldn’t do this either.

“The internship period is about a month for guide training. You don’t have to feel pressured because you’re an intern and you’ll be a full-time employee right after the grade test a month later.” The interviewer only said what he wanted to say, as if he didn’t want to answer any of Ho-Eun’s questions.

He looked like a robot only saying the fixed words.

The interviewer’s attitude to Ho-Eun, who had been told to kill his irritable personality, was like setting a fire point on fire

“No, I don’t know if I’m right to say this as an interviewee, regardless of the burden. Are you really going to pass me? I’ve never had a part-time job, my TOEIC score is low, and I didn’t submit a certificate! And are you sure you saw the cover letter properly? I wrote it all roughly. What kind of public institution has an interview like this? It’s not the guide industrial complex, right? Isn’t this a new kind of scam?” Ho-Eun said in a confident voice.

It didn’t make sense no matter how much he thought about it.

Before entering the interview, Ho-Eun thought he might be lucky enough to pass.

The man Ho-Eun saw in the car also said that he passed, so Ho-Eun would be lying if he says he did not expect it.

However, at least Ho-Eun wants to do well in the interview.

The interview ended in vain, showing his efforts and trying to be recognized as being unemployed.

“Specs? That’s important in a normal company, but it doesn’t matter here. We are useless to the world… Yes. It’s okay if you can only guide superhumans after you become an adult.”

“Hey, superhuman?” Ho-Eun asked.

“You know what I mean? It’s not a scam, so please write a labor contract.” the interviewer said.

Ho-Eun eventually left his seat and got up due to the interviewer’s rude behavior.

It started to feel like he was wasting time.

The interviewer made a squeaking noise as Ho-Eun was about to leave, saying that it would be better to read a comic book at home.

The interviewer grumbled up to Ho-Eun.

When Ho-Eun swept his bangs with his hands, the interviewer’s black eyes, which had been covered, began to turn green.


The green stem, which grew on the marble floor without a piece of soil, stretched out around the wall and quickly wrapped the wall and the door.

It felt like it was telling him to go out if he was going to go out.

On the contrary, the interviewer, who touched Ho-Eun’s white cheeks with his hands, slowly touched his neck.

Ho-Eun felt a strange sensation before fear of being strangled.

The moment the interviewer’s bare hands touched his skin, he felt a tingling and unknown current.

It was like the static electricity felt by the man he touched yesterday.

“Is it because you are not smart? I said the interview was a formality. As soon as you come here, you should be a guide and an employee of the Guide Industrial Complex.”

“Cause I can’t give you a pass.”

“Please give me a pass! I don’t want to get a job.” Ho-eun responded, looking straight at the man’s green eyes, as if he wasn’t afraid of the hand holding his thin neck.

“Honestly, I didn’t apply because I wanted to go to this place. The situation came all the way here, to the point where I was scammed..….”he heard a crunching sound in his ears, and the green stem began to wrap around Ho-Eun’s body.

The stem that rose from the floor a while ago has been pressing little by little whenever Ho-eun speaks.There was a cold sweat behind his back, “Ugh…” He was so angry that his head was steaming and he couldn’t see well.

Now he saw that the bumpy, thorny stems are disgusting.If it tightens his body more, he felt like it would pierce his clothes and hurt his skin.

“Why do you keep saying it’s a scam?”

“You’ve seen the building outside.”

“Well, well, I can’t guide!”

the interviewer said, “As long as you can guide, it’s okay.”

Ho-eun was not the right person for such a sentence. ” What do you mean, a guide? What’s that? How do you do that?!”

” Kwon Ho-eun is a guide. It’s as natural for a guide to be a guide as it is for breathing.”

“I know. Why am I a guide?”

“Ha. Should I explain from there?”

The interviewer fell into thought and hit his hands once. Ho-Eun was shaking and said what he had to say without avoiding the interviewer’s eyes until the end.

Then the stems surrounding Ho-Eun’s body quickly disappeared to the floor.

“Do you see the results of the recruitment examination in front of me?” the interviewer said.

The results of the recruitment examination with his name on it were fluttering right in front of Ho-Eun’s eyes.

“In order to find a guide who may be awakened at what age, Esper developed guide test every year, but unfortunately, Korea has not been widely distributed. The way we looked at this time was to find the features of the guide.” The interviewer said.

“The characteristics of the guide can be determined by the blood test. After finding the right person for the first time, put Esper in the second round. Any Esper can see if he’s a guide or not.” The interviewer explained.

“That means……”

“The man who brought you. He’s also Esper. If you weren’t a guide, you wouldn’t have come to the guide industrial complex.”

Ho-Eun looked up and down the recruitment examination results, but he didn’t know which part is the guide’s characteristic.

“If it is confirmed that Esper is right in choosing a guide, the interview is just for formality. All you have to do is write a labor contract and go back.” The interviewer’s voice seemed to be heard from far away.

While walking on the street normally, the car stopped.

“Please explain in detail later!” Ho-Eun shouted.

“Get in first!” The interviewer replied.

“Actually, you weren’t an ordinary person. It’s not even a guide version of the scenario, Hero, you have to fight right now!”

“I can’t believe I woke up as a guide.” Ho-Eun expressed his suprise

The interviewer touched the back of Ho-Eun’s hand while he was mesmerized.

Ho-Eun’s skin stung with static electricity every time he touched it.

“An Esper can’t live apart from the guide, so you have to stick together. From now on, you’ll learn to live in the world you didn’t know as a guide.”

“I don’t understand…” Ho-Eun mumbled.

“I’ll tell you so you understand. Congratulations on joining the company.”

The interviewer, who smiled for the first time, took two sheets of paper from a simple drawer and put them on the desk.

“Then let’s get to the point and write a labor contract. Oh, you didn’t bring up the most important thing.”

” _____?”

“Now, the guide’s essentials are wills.” The Interviewer said



Ho-Eun’s back was wet with cold sweat after he subconsciously cussed..

‘I’m doomed. I apply here and there without looking at the job announcement properly, and my life will be ruined. What kind of crazy company makes you sign your last will on the first day? Are you trying to make it not weird when you die? Like just now.’ Ho-Eun thought.

Ho-Eun’s hand shook as he held the ballpoint pen,

A story that kills you if you go against their will and then they will try to disguise it as suicide. Even if you want to run away, if the interviewer pulls out a strange stem, you’ll be stuck.

In the end, the only way to get out of the door was to sign a labor contract and write a will. If Ho-Eun chose to broadcas this in YouTube, he thought it would earn 2 million, not 2 million views.

The title would be, writing a will on the first day of the interview.

‘Oh, my gosh, I’m dragging it properly.I couldn’t believe it, and I couldn’t help laughing.’ Ho-Eun thought.

Ho-Eun, who was trying to look away from the will and slowly reading the invisible labor contract, stopped breathing at the part where the annual salary was written.

“One, ten, hundred, thousand, ten, hundred million?” Ho-Eun, who was counting the number with a ballpoint pen, raises his hand and his eyes widen.

Ho-Eun, who was reading the number murmuring once again, burst into laughter, with an annual salary of 100 million won.

Oh, of course it is. As expected, it’s a fraud. It’s clear that Esper, who is dissatisfied with the government, is committing such fraud. Otherwise, how could the salary part be not explained. He can’t believe his new employee’s annual salary is 100 million won.

“You’re really going to give me 100 million won’t you?” Ho-Eun asked.

“It may feel like it’s not enough now, but if you accumulate years of experience and take on field duties, you’ll get more than that. No matter where you go, new employees are bound to have a low salary.” Ho-Eun breathed in at the interviewer’s words.

Less? Who thinks that 100 million won a year is less? He would like to ask if 100 million won makes sense for a new employee’s starting salary, but he thought he is making excuses for the small salary?

If it’s true… Wouldn’t it be okay to write a will for about 100 million won a year? Looking at this amount of money, he wanted to shout that he would be a guide or something right away without being threatened.

If the interviewer or the Esper had offered Ho-Eun salary from the beginning, Ho-Eun might have applied for the interview more calmly than now.

“Well, why is there a will?” Ho-Eun asked.

“If you look at the labor contract, there are confidentiality issues, right? Kwon Ho-Eun’s identity as a guide is confidential for now, but it may be revealed depending on the situation. In addition, Kwon Ho-Eun’s duties include risking his life, so what can the person who died say? If you die, we have to inform your family first, so you should write your will down in advance.”

One hundred million must have been worth the price of life. Will he sell himself for 100 million won? Won’t his parents be sad if their son dies because of a 100 million won?’ Ho-Eun, who was agonizing, made a decision at the end of the interviewer.

“Oh. And if Kwon Ho-Eun dies, there will be 1 billion won in consolation money.”

‘Let’s die and be filial!’ Somehow, such a sentence passed through Ho-Eun’s head.

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