A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 3 Chapter 92: Spy Wormtail

As his own body, senior and big brother, Voldemort collapsed overnight, bringing countless life experiences to Riddle.

He tastes, he tastes carefully, and the biggest lesson is: don't use Avada's life on Potter!

It's not unreasonable that this spell is banned... If he could listen to a little warning from the Ministry of Magic, he wouldn't have fallen to such a point.

In addition to this, there is one more thing: violence and fear cannot solve all problems.

When Voldemort was at his peak, those servants were respectful; when they lost their power, the Death Eaters immediately dispersed.

Almost no one thought of looking for him, otherwise they would not have been wandering outside for twelve years.

This is the price of coercion and terrorism, not only the enemy is afraid of him, but also his subordinates.

If it were the first-generation Dark Lord Grindelwald, how would those believers go crazy to welcome him back after he lost his power?

Violence can't solve everything, sometimes it has to rely on the power of personality and language.

Unlike Voldemort, Riddle was a sixteen-year-old soul who was good at that.

He decided to pick up the traditional arts lost by Earth Demon, to re-deceive people's hearts and form a new team.

More reliable team!

Peter Pettigrew is the person he wants to win over now!

The diary left Ron and entered Lockhart's hands, with Peter Pettigrew helping.

In the original plan, Riddle wanted to manipulate Ron and give the diary to Lockhart, but Ron's abnormality caught Peter's attention.

He took the initiative to contact the diary.

Riddle suddenly discovered that there was such an interesting existence next to Dumbledore!

But Peter Pettigrew is a **** who only cares about his own life and death.

Riddle decided to use his eloquence, his eloquence, his infectious power, to make Pettigrew allegiance to him.

Riddle walked over to Peter, patted him on the shoulder, and said softly:

"Peter, although you call me master, I never thought I was your master.

You have helped me in my toughest times, you are my friend, brother, and trusted servant.

I'm not Voldemort, I'm Riddle... Although I have the same soul as him, we are not the same after all, you feel it? "

Riddle raised his right hand and motioned for Peter to feel his hot soul. Peter hesitated, nodded, and stuck out a pair of fat, ugly hands.

dark old room,

A middle-aged greasy old man,

trembling hands,

Fascinated, he stroked the blond man's chest.

"It's really different, Master."

Pettigrew kept stroking Lockhart's chest with a look of excitement on his face.

The young man in front of him was really different from the Dark Lord.

The Dark Lord will only say: "Idiot, **** it, Avada kills..."

Never gently pat someone on the shoulder and smile so brightly.

"Peter, I pity you." Riddle moved slightly away from Pettigrew.

"I became a mouse and hid for twelve years. I didn't live a good life, and I didn't feel the warmth of love. Who caused this situation?"

"Ministry of Magic, Dumbledore? Neither, Voldemort himself!"

"Look, he can't even beat a baby, and he's hurting you guys! This is my future, my body, the incompetent Voldemort."

"It shouldn't be like this." Riddle touched Pettigrew's bald head pitifully.

"Suffering is not a Death Eater, hardship has never been our goal.

When you are in such pain, who hears you cry?

Where is Voldemort?

I hated him as much as you did, and he abandoned me in a diary for fifty years! We are both sick. "

Riddle stared straight into Peter's eyes.

"I know, Peter, you like to cling to the strong. The stronger the existence, the closer you like to be.

You ask yourself, 'What good is it to follow this young man...he is no match for the most evil lord, and no match for Dumbledore'..."

"Don't forget, because of your whistleblower, Voldemort lost most of his power, and those Azkaban Death Eaters wanted to kill you;

Because of your betrayal, the Potters died, and if Dumbledore knew the truth, he would have wanted to kill you. "

"I'm different. I won't kill you, I will trust you, and treat you as my best subordinate, because you gave me... help when I was at my worst."

Riddle's voice grew softer.

"I don't want to give you too many verbal promises, but one thing to remember, Peter.

Voldemort is my future, I have the same great talent as him, I have Slytherin's guidance... I will be as strong as him soon! "

"Times have changed!

The future is not Dumbledore's, it's not Voldemort's, it's mine.

Of course, it could be ours too! "

"You still don't know who to pledge allegiance to?!" Riddle asked softly.

He took Lockhart's wand and drew a line of black flames around him.

"Join me through the flames, Peter. Make an unbreakable oath to me, swear allegiance to me."

Peter hesitated, he was silent.

After a long silence, he finally plucked up the courage to penetrate the flames.

Riddle hugged Pettigrew, he touched Pettigrew's face, and said happily:

"Very well, I will save you from the curse of death, and I will lead you to a future that brings immortality."

"Then master, where do we leave Hogwarts?" Peter asked carefully.

Riddle shook his head. "No, Peter, I need you to stay for now."

The little dwarf star froze in place.

"Listen to me, it's not that I don't want to take you away. I've planned a school year and done so much, and Dumbledore won't let me go, he'll keep following me," Riddle said.

"I won't die, I have conquered death, but you are different. I don't want to sacrifice you when you are being pursued. You have more important tasks."

"What mission?"

"...At the right moment, I ask you to leave Hogwarts, find Voldemort, find my body!"

"What?" Peter shrank his head in fear again. "Master, he will kill me, he will definitely kill me..."

"No." Riddle's voice became soft again.

"I know his state better than you... He must be hiding in a corner now, shivering, waiting for someone to save him."

"You appeared in front of him, because of what happened back then, he wouldn't believe you. But after a while, a Death Eater was willing to find him, and he wouldn't kill you, much less torture you."

"I need you to be my spy and watch him!" Riddle's voice echoed in the room.

"I can not……"

"You are too humble Peter, there is no one more suitable than you, you have lived under Dumbledore's eyes for twelve years."

"Also, I don't need you to do anything, just help him resurrect according to his request."

"If the Dark Lord comes back to life..."

"Believe me, even if he is resurrected, he is not Dumbledore's opponent, and he will die, and I will absorb his soul and become whole!"

Pettigrew said, trembling, "The Dark Lord has a great dementor, and he'll know what I'm thinking."

"No." Riddle said to himself.

"I will help you create a fake memory and modify everything about me.

You have just appeared in front of Voldemort, he will not dig deep into your memory, he is afraid of killing you; when you resurrect him, he will not bother to dig your memory.

Because he has power... Your memory is irrelevant to him!

I understand my identity, he is such an arrogant, ignorant person~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a mortal person! "

Pettigrew was silent, and asked after a while, "Master, where are you going?"

"America...there's something from Slytherin, I'm his heir, and I want it back."

"I think...you'll hear about me in Britain soon!"



(Ps explain. Sixteen-year-old Voldemort is very good at memory spells, he made a fake memory for his uncle Morfin, Dumbledore said "it takes a lot of high-skilled Legilimency to draw it out".

Professor Laghorn also tampered with his memory, burying the truth in his heart to prevent Dumbledore from seeing through.

With Riddle's ability, Voldemort wanted to see the real memory, and probably had to torture him, just like he did with Bertha, but the price was that Bertha was killed by him. Voldemort must have been reluctant to kill Pettigrew. )

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