A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 4 Chapter 37: Dementor capture complete!

Dementors are a special kind of magical creature, and William is very interested.

He is so interested!

Of course, it's not a question of like it or not! It really is one of those rare... magical creatures.

The rarity of the Dementor is that it is a "non-existence".

"Non-being" is a branch of magical creatures, the most famous of which are dementors and boggarts.

Peeves are also non-existent creatures.

They themselves transcend life and death and have no counterpart in the Muggle world. Muggles can only perceive all non-existence through indirect means.

Since non-existence transcends life and death, they do not multiply among the same kind as ordinary creatures do.

Dementors, for example, are only created by human emotions and feed on them.

Humans are still alive, even if the existing Dementors are wiped out, they will be born again in the dark, and the stream will continue!

William couldn't wait to find out the existence of this magical creature; to find out what kind of **** Miaoman body was hidden under their large black robes!

He must grab one and keep it in captivity like a pet.

Of course it's hard.

Because strictly speaking, Dementors have been part of the Azkaban battle order since they were recruited by the British Ministry of Magic.

Not to mention the danger, they are serious civil servants of the Ministry of Magic, enjoying special allowances from Azkaban.

The thugs in this system can also be caught if they want to? ! I thought it was the Minister of Magic.

But the problem is, William is now in France, not in England.

He is free from the "extrajudicial land", and can let go of himself without worrying about Britain, and be a quiet extrajudicial madman William.

Dementors appear in France and attack Muggles, a serious diplomatic incident.

If one or two dementors were really "accidentally" missing, the British Ministry of Magic would be the first to think that the French were taking revenge.

Or try to steal the technology and copy the Azkaban model.

France will think that the United Kingdom is doing something wrong and is looking for trouble!

No one would doubt that William, an ordinary, harmless little wizard!

Simply perfect.

William suddenly found that he was already on the road of crime, racing all the way, and leaving his peers far behind.

No, Hermione is still following him closely. She has participated in almost every bad thing William has done recently, and she is the first accomplice!

If William were in Azkaban, the two of them would probably get a nice double room.

Huh, it looks good too.

Even in France, it's not that easy to catch a Dementor.

They usually come in groups and can fly!

But now a dementor is detached from the large group, and they are not like ghosts and cannot pass through the entity.

That's a lot of ways to grab it.

"Crate!" William took off his watch and threw it to Hermione.

Hermione caught the precious security watch, thought for two seconds, and understood what William meant. She entered the security watch and hurriedly found a large box.

William waved his wand and summoned a tent on the ground between the Dementors and Fleur.

Furong stepped back, the dementor followed, the girl started "King Qin walks around the column", and the dementor "Jing Ke stabbed the king of Qin".

Naturally, William wouldn't shout "The King's Wand" or something. He raised his wand and aimed it at his temple.

With a flick of the wand, a silver substance was implicated in the tip of the wand.

Like clouds are both liquid and gas-like.

- William's memory!

He murmured the incantation and waved his wand quickly. Under the traction of the incantation, those happy memories, like smoke rings, slowly enlarged and scattered in the air.

William's happy memories, like deadly poison, were discovered by the keen sense of smell of the Dementors.

It sniffed hard and moaned softly, a hint of longing on its face.

Sure enough, France is much better than England, and even the air here is sweet.

At the same time, other dementors also smelled this smell,

They became restless and attacked the Aurors frantically.

For a time, more than a dozen Aurors were caught off guard by more than a hundred dementors who suddenly went mad, and even Clegane almost had an intimate French kiss with the dementors.

"Get rid of them, those **** bastards!" Clegane commanded loudly, waving his wand.

William's monster-pulling skills are definitely enterprise-level, and the Dementor really lost Furong and slid towards him following his memory.

"William, the box you want!" Hermione finally got out of the security watch, a large black cabinet floating behind her.


Hermione opened quickly.

William waved his wand, and three sea eagles appeared on the tip of his wand.

The sea eagles lingered leisurely around William, then fell on Hermione's shoulders affectionately, and flew towards the sky suddenly.

After a while, the first fell quickly!

Instead of coming straight and hitting the top of the dementor's head, it landed dozens of meters in front of the dementor, and then a sudden drift hit.

The Dementor was sucking the memory in the air, not paying attention to the Patronus. It was backstabbed, and it flew forward like a lightning strike on its back.

It screamed in pain, instinct told it to escape, but its mouth told it, don't go!

Take another second!

Just billions of seconds!

Unexpectedly, Dementors are still standard foodies.

As a result, the second sea eagle has already rushed to the chest of the dementor.

The dementor was knocked forward by the sea eagle more than ten meters, and the body slid out of flying dust on the ground.

After being attacked twice in a row, the Dementor did not dare to be greedy for memory, turned around and flew towards the sky.

The third sea eagle slammed down, slammed into the Dementor's head with great force, and smashed it onto the beach.

"Let's go?" William folded his arms and chuckled lightly. "Since you're here, don't worry, I'll take you to see the little goldfish."

Pulled by his magic, the three sea eagles used the lonely Dementor as a Quidditch on the beach.

Between the three sea eagles, the dementor flew around in embarrassment, and the black robe was spinning rapidly, and it was really interesting to see it from a distance.

After Furong finished witnessing the process, she was shocked beyond measure.

No matter how the newspapers boasted, how could anyone have truly witnessed William's magical attainments and felt more directly? !

This kind of power was something she had never been exposed to before. Seeing Hermione's calm expression on the side, she seemed to be used to it for a long time.

In addition to her envy for a moment, she had an indescribable and inexplicable jealousy, which made her particularly annoyed!

William played for a while, the wand waved, the box flew out, and finally the sea eagle collided and slammed the dementor into it.

The iron door slammed shut, and William took his wand, pointed it around the cabinet, and began to draw ancient rune.

The cabinet kept shaking, and the dementors slammed violently, but as the rune increased, the cabinet completely quieted down.

William smiled contentedly.

Dementor capture complete!

Hermione was still staring obsessively at the ancient runes drawn by William, most of the words she couldn't even recognize, let alone use.

Furong also lowered her head and pondered, carefully looking at the runes.

The Aurors were still driving away the more than 100 dementors, and they had no time to take care of the beach. William's memory made them suffer a lot.

William tapped his wand and took the memory back and put it in a small crystal bottle.

After Hermione took it, she shook it and carefully hid it.

William hid the box too, to prevent Clegane from seeing it later.

Everyone came over, Roy and the others couldn't see the dementor, they didn't know what happened, they only knew that danger was coming.

Fortunately ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ William seems to have solved it.

"Drink some, it will be much more comfortable." William took out a few bottles of euphoria and let everyone drink it.

William also poured some down on the black dog, which also seemed to be greatly affected.

This dog is obviously going with Yaya, looking tall and mighty, with a cowardly stroke in his heart.

After licking a few sips of the euphoria, the dog's tail was raised again, swaying, looking very happy.

It ran to the beach, not knowing whether it was at the Aurors or at the Dementors, barking loudly.

An arrogant stance of a dog fighting a man.

The sky was clear, the rain stopped, and the dog thought it was okay again.



(Thanks to the "Hellcat" boss for the reward.)

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