A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 5 Chapter 126: You are already a mature treasure hunter


William and Cho left the Ravenclaw lounge and headed towards the first floor.

As a night travel veteran, William no longer needed Bobo Tea's tool cat to seduce Mrs. Norris.

He could dodge Filch with his eyes closed.

However, tonight, I still hold the map of Hogwarts honestly and stare at the movements around me.

There's a reason to be so careful.

This semester's night tour business was sluggish and encountered the strongest black swan event.

Not only the number of night tours has plummeted, but the number of people arrested has also increased exponentially.

The root of all evil is...Mad-Eye Moody.

Since he came to school, he has launched various night tours and arrests code-named "Long Mian".

I don't know where all the energy came from. I didn't sleep in the middle of the night, searching for students in the corridor.

With the magic eye, he can even see through the invisibility cloak. Coupled with powerful tracking skills, like a precision-guided rocket.

Unless he was hiding in the Room of Requirement, the student would definitely be found as long as he wandered around the area he was searching for.

It used to be good for Filch to catch a few students in a half term, but now Moody can catch five or six a night.

The efficiency is simply terrifying!

After students are caught, not only will they have to deduct points, but they will also have to be locked up. After so many times, not many people dared to swim at night, and they all hid in the lounge honestly.

The school ethos has become completely depraved!

Everyone has a lot of criticism for Moody's. What is he doing?

It is blocking the communication between the four major colleges!

Do you think everyone really wants to go on a night tour? , No, everyone is really making friends!

Every time I go on a night tour, I can effectively expand my circle of friends. If I am lucky, I can also meet young ladies from other hospitals.

Sometimes, with just one look and one action, everyone can instantly understand where there is danger.

Before you know it, cooperation has been strengthened and tacit understanding has been exercised.

What's more, develop a super-friendship relationship.

As a courtesan at Hogwarts, Cedric had received hints from many boys that he wanted to play with him in the prefect's bathroom.

But now that's all gone, utterly ruined by Professor Moody!

Filch wasn't too pleased with the students' opinions.

In his opinion, Moody's is a choking line, robbing him of his job.

You arrested all the students, didn't they make him very incompetent?

Fortunately, William and Qiu didn't meet old Moody tonight.

They quickly came to the door, where Cedric was already waiting.

"Come on, I don't know when the storm will start," Cedric urged.

"Drink this first." William handed over a small bottle.

"You need a little luck tonight."

"Oh, it's Fuling Potion!" Qiu stared at the bottle.

After Cedric took it, he shook his head and asked, "So few?"

William rolled his eyes. "Drinking too much can have the opposite effect."

"William, don't we both drink?" Qiuyan asked eagerly.

"Cedric was lucky enough to be alone," he explained.

The frequency of taking Fuling agent should not be too frequent. This kind of good thing, of course, should be drunk when it is most needed.

William had already thought of a good time to drink Flux, and he certainly wouldn't drink it tonight.

"Qiu, are you sure you want to try it tonight?" he asked again.

"Even if you drink it, at most it's the help of 'lucky' Cedric to complete the Animagus."

"Forget it, I still don't use my luck on him." Qiu shook his head quickly. "That would be a waste."

Cedric felt a stab in the heart.

He hurriedly poured the Fuling agent into his mouth, trying to make it work from time to time, so as to resist this kind of heartbreak.

"How do you feel?" Qiu asked eagerly.

Cedric didn't answer, but closed his eyes.

It was an extremely exciting feeling that flowed through the whole body, as if there were infinite opportunities.

He felt like he could do anything...and finish Animagos with ease.

"Wonderful, really wonderful. Well... we should go to Hagrid's."

"Hagrid?" Qiu asked in surprise, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, it couldn't be more certain. Trust me."

Cedric squeezed Qiu's face with his hand, and then walked outside, not even using the phantom body spell, he was extremely arrogant.

Qiu's face suddenly turned red, she turned her head and asked, "William, are you sure he hasn't overdose?

I almost couldn't hold back and chopped off his claws just now! "

"There's no overdose. If it's normal, you must have beaten him, but now he's not beaten... This already shows that he is very lucky." William smiled.

"Also, if he overdose, instead of going to Hagrid, he is clamoring to take us both to slash the dragon."

"..." Qiu was speechless.

The three walked across the grass, quickly came to Hagrid's hut, and hid in the watermelon field on one side.

Last year, William suggested planting a little watermelon. Hagrid changed part of the pumpkin fields to watermelons.

He also used the Expansion Charm, a watermelon almost the size of a wagon.

The cabin lights were still on, and Hagrid didn't seem to have any plans to sleep.

After a while, he opened the wooden door, and he was wearing a suit with a large bouquet of flowers in his pocket.

Looks very irritated.

Ya Ya also wanted to follow Hagrid out, but he was chased away directly.

"Go back quickly, Fang, Olim doesn't like dogs. Don't let her see you, it will affect her good mood!"

Fang Ya tucked his tail and wailed, as if hurt by Hagrid's words.

It and the dead woman, Hagrid could only choose one.

Otherwise it runs away from home,

Let Hagrid regret it!

Hagrid didn't care about Ya Ya, he picked up his clothes and walked towards Beauxbatons' carriage.

He went to the carriage and knocked three times on the door marked with two crossed golden wands.

Madame Maxime opened the door. A purple silk shawl was wrapped around her incomparably broad shoulders.

She smiled as soon as she saw Hagrid.

"Ah, Hagrid... is the time up?"

"Well, good evening, Miss Maxime, stronger than a dragon," said Hagrid.

Madame Maxime's face twitched.

Who is stronger than the dragon? ! Isn't this a curse?

They are so weak that they can't even unscrew the lid of the wine bottle!

Hagrid obviously didn't notice that there was something wrong with his words, he smiled and said:

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the big baby... Don't tell anyone."

"Of course, I won't tell anyone." Maxi smiled reluctantly.

"Why are they going?" Qiu stuck his head out, looking at the disappearing backs of the two.

"Probably went to see the fire dragon." William narrowed his eyes. "Those big guys should be locked up in the forbidden forest."

"Didn't Madame Maxime already know?"

"I definitely want to confirm with my own eyes." Cedric replied: "We all know that it is a fire dragon, but we still don't know the specific content of the first project."

"That's right." William nodded and said, "It can't be against the fire dragon. It's too dangerous, and there are too many warriors."

"Then let's go take a look." Qiu looked up at the sky.

The clouds are still gathering, and there is no possibility of rain in a short time.

"Wait..." Cedric grabbed Qiu's hand and said.

The three of them lay low, and soon saw a sneaky figure running from the black lake on the other side.

— Principal Karkaroff.

Karkaroff wore a hooded cloak, and he walked forward and looked back in a furtive manner.

After confirming that no one was there, he ran after Hagrid towards the Forbidden Forest.

"He must have been on the boat and saw Hagrid and Madame Maxime." Qiu whispered.

Hagrid and Maxim were too tall, and it was hard not to be noticed by Hagrid talking without lowering his voice.

"Come on, let's go this way." Cedric led the way.

Rather than leading the way, it is better to say it is a scavenger journey.

Cedric's luck was so good that he ran into a Panglock after walking less than 500 meters.

It was too timid, and when it saw three people, it ran in a panic. Then, he slammed his head into a tree trunk and passed out.

"Great." William picked up the Penrock.

"I have a rune horse, and I just need a Panglock."

Penrock protects the horses and cleans them regularly and eats their clutter.

After walking more than ten meters, Cedric suddenly jumped up, and he stepped on something.

Several people looked down and found that it was a deformed lizard.

"What a coincidence, I'm missing a wallet." Qiu said happily.

The skin of the shape-shifting lizard is especially valuable because it can be used as a purse. A wallet made of this material suddenly shrinks when a stranger approaches.

Therefore, it is difficult for thieves to steal it.

Both looked at Cedric, as if looking at a large sniffler.

"What are you still doing, hurry up and hunt for treasure!" Qiu urged. "Tonight, you were the only one who took the Fuling.

Look for gold mines in the Forbidden Forest. "

Cedric was speechless.

Is he here to perform Animagos tonight, or is he here to be a tool for the two of them?

Who is this phlegm for?

(Ask for a recommendation ticket and a monthly ticket. Everyone)

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