A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 5 Chapter 159: Christmas Ball (1)

The recent password of Gryffindor House is always changing. A few days ago, it was a toad, but today it has changed to 'No strangers to enter'.

I don't even know who is guarding!

"Of course it's to prevent 'idlers and other people'." After hearing William's command, the fat lady giggled and turned forward.

"Professor McGonagall said that all the good girls in our hospital were taken away by the outer courtyard. We must prevent 'someone' from entering."

"Oh, that has nothing to do with me." William smiled confidently: "I'm not an idle person, and I'm not that person."

"No, William, that's what Professor McGonagall said!"

The fat lady was sitting in the picture frame, unpacking the boozy chocolate, and said, "She said... If you send Hermione back in the middle of the night in the future, you will break your legs."

William said speechlessly: "It's okay not to complain."

"Yeah." The fat lady smiled. "But who made you not invite me to the dance."

William rolled his eyes... During the dance, he was holding a painting?

It's like a relic!

What an eerie picture!

Also, I can't send it back in the middle of the night... That's easy to do. If it's too late in the future, I won't let Hermione come back.

The Room of Requirement can also sleep.

Get straight to the root of the problem!

William quickly followed the passage and got into the lounge, where he saw the twins, Harry and Ron sitting on the sofa.

Harry looked sleepy, dozing off constantly.

Can he be sleepy?

It is said that there is everything in a dream. He has always wanted to dream of autumn, but last night he dreamed of Tom again and was awakened several times.

Not to mention the poor sleep quality, and Dobby woke him up in the morning to give him a Christmas present.

I'm so tired!

Harry had never been so lethargic and uninterested in anything since knowing Cho had agreed to Cedric's invitation.

Ron looked at Harry secretly, suddenly raised his hand, put it on his head, and pressed it down hard.

Harry shuddered and finally woke up.

He touched his almost broken neck and said angrily, "Ron, don't you know it's soft and brittle here?

Also very easy to break!

You just need to poke me, don't push me like that... it hurts. "

"Okay." Ron shrugged, holding his wand, re-aligning a floral dress.

That dress was the robe that was exposed on the train...the one that Malfoy laughed at.

Ron seemed to find it ugly, and was about to cast a cutting spell on the folds and lace to cut off the lace.

However, his cutting spell is not very skilled, and the collar and cuffs are still full of raw edges.

William walked over and sat down on the sofa.

"William, how is it, the Christmas present from the two of us?" Fred frowned and said:

"It's a good book, isn't it?"

"Do you think I'll need it?" William laughed. "I can't handle Hermione?"

"What book?" Harry asked curiously.

"The Twelve Secrets of Fascinating Witches." George blinked.

"A book about how to date and flirt with girls."

"Yeah," Fred said triumphantly, "that's how I got to Angelina.

Of course, William doesn't really need it, your charm is enough to make Hermione fascinated by you. "

Harry opened his mouth, he... needed this book!


If he had already had it, he would definitely be able to make an appointment until Qiu, instead of being so passive now.

"Why didn't you give me a copy?" Ron raised his head and complained, "I'm the younger brother of both of you, so give me a Christmas present like that?

I thought it would be a little more expensive, or a little more interesting..."

"Ron, we're generous enough with your Christmas present." George shook his head.

"Yeah, we're not just sending a handwritten greeting card..." Fred pouted.

"Ron, I really have you. I sent a greeting card for Christmas, and I used parchment paper...Is it so embarrassing to let us send valuables?!"

Where's the face!

"You know... where did all my pocket money go!" Ron stared at the two of them.

"Don't take that attitude, Ron." George shook his finger. "We both helped you pay off the debt, otherwise you still owe a lot of Galleons."

"I've become a medicine man for you too!" Ron glared at George.

"Okay, have you found your partner, Ron?" Fred laughed. "I remember the Warriors are going to lead the dance.

Don't come, it's only you. "

"Of course, Lavender!" said Ron triumphantly.

"I just told her this morning, and she immediately abandoned Seamus and wanted to team up with me."

Fred raised his forehead and sighed: "I really don't know what you think. What we want to know is... how could it be?"

"What do you mean?" Ron asked, frowning.

"Did Lavender have a car accident or something?" George asked.


"How could she have such extensive brain damage, gave up Seamus, and agreed to your invitation." Fred shook his head.

George shouted suddenly. "Be careful!"

Ron swung his wand, throwing a slicing spell at Fred viciously.

Fred waved his wand lazily, and the spell was lifted.

Just then, the door of the common room was slammed open.

Seamus walked in angrily.

"Ron, you invited Lavender?" he exclaimed.

"That's right, brother." Ron blushed and lied: "I just invited casually, but she agreed..."

"But she promised me first!" Seamus glared at him angrily.

"But, Lavender said she never promised you anything." Ron muttered:

"You were going to the Christmas party with her, but she never said...just a friend...she's a free man..."

Seamus jumped up suddenly and punched Ron in the face. Ron squeezed the dress, screaming and covering his face with his hands.

The twins didn't get up, just sat awkwardly where they were.

Ron ran towards the dormitory, and Seamus chased after him.

Harry thought about it, and immediately followed to prevent Seamus from continuing to beat Ron.

Although he also wanted to punch Ron, after all, what he did was too unkind, but...

Well, one is a best friend and one is a roommate... Harry is a guy too!



[Ron and Seamus fight for Lavender]

At noon, the rumor spread quickly at Hogwarts.

As someone who witnessed the whole thing, William was actually powerless to refute ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After all, the reason for Ron and Seamus' fight was really because of Lavender.

During lunch, neither Ron nor Seamus appeared, which further confirmed the news.

Harry didn't come either.

As a result, the rumor quickly turned into a story of three men fighting for each other and getting jealous.

As for Lavender Brown, the heroine involved, she seems very happy and shows off to others everywhere.

You know, being famous like Hermione didn't let others fight for her; she was beautiful like Hibiscus, and there was no such exaggerated treatment either.

However, this has nothing to do with William and Hermione. After lunch, the two hid in the Room of Requirement.

Hermione was still working on the golden egg and came up with other ideas.

But none of them succeeded, instead, William was exhausted.

At six o'clock, Hermione kicked William out.

"I'm getting ready for the dance," she said, looking up.

"Well, you need two hours?" William said in confusion.

"Yeah, yeah, it takes time for girls to dress up." Hermione smiled sweetly.

"William, I just didn't want to dress up before, but you have to learn to adapt in the future!"

"Well, in fact, I can wait for you here." William smiled.

"No! I need to take a bath..." Hermione's mouth curled slightly, but she deliberately said with a stern face: "Why, do you want to take a bath with me?"

It's not impossible.

William muttered to himself.

Hermione stretched out a finger, poked William softly, and smiled coquettishly: "Okay, hurry up, come pick me up at the dance."

The girl stood on tiptoe, kissed William's forehead, and pushed him out of the Room of Requirement.



(Ask for recommendation votes, everyone.

It's late, but I'm here... while I'm still a little energetic, let's code the next chapter by the way.

Otherwise, it will be updated later tomorrow. )

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