Herbal tea is good, but the taste is not very good, it is difficult to swallow.

Although Li Yi added licorice and rock sugar to it, it was still a drop in the bucket.

So, Li Yi placed another order and bought some radishes and pears, and planned to stew another pot of radish and pear syrup for Zhao Jinmai, so that everyone could drink some as a precaution.

After the herbal tea was boiled, Li Yi took it down, took a portable gas stove, and put it in the open space outside the restaurant, and asked Zhao Jinmai to watch over it.

Next he will prepare fried rice noodle sauce, which requires a lot of chili.

So whether it's herbal tea or Zhao Jinmai, it's not suitable to stay in the kitchen.

After Zhao Jinmai settled down, Li Yi began to prepare the rice noodle sauce.

Half of the rice noodle sauce he bought was used yesterday, and the remaining half was put in the refrigerator by him.

The taste of this rice noodle sauce is almost interesting, he still has to make it himself.

There are three kinds of dried chilies he bought in the warehouse, namely Ervittia, Millet Spicy and Yanqi Spicy Pepper.

He took them all out, put them into a large basin according to the ratio of 10:5:5, then boiled a pot of boiling water and poured them in.

Put the lid on, let them soak slowly, and Li Yi started to make red oil.

Red oil is the most commonly used seasoning oil in Sichuan cuisine, but with the fusion of cuisines from various places, red oil is also used in many dishes from other provinces for seasoning.

Li Yi took out the bullet peppers, bell peppers, and seven-star peppers that were boiled in red oil. Li Yi was about to wash them in a basin, but when he turned around, he found Wu Lei was wiping tears.


While wiping his tears, he sucked his nose and breathed out, his eyes could hardly be opened.

"Why are you still crying?"

Li Yi laughed and teased.

Wu Lei narrowed his eyes: "I cut so many onions, can I not cry?"

In front of him, there were five or six onions, as well as half-cut onions cut into rings on the chopping board.

Seeing this, Li Yi stepped forward with a smile, took the knife from his hand, and motioned: "Go and put your head in the refrigerator."


Wu Lei narrowed his eyes: "Do you think I'm stupid?"

"No, it's for you to relieve the symptoms of crying."

Hearing Li Yi's explanation, Wu Lei immediately turned around and ran to the refrigerator, yelling, "Say it sooner!"

Liu Yifei was peeling garlic aside, and seeing Wu Lei running to the refrigerator like an ostrich, poking his head into the refrigerator, couldn't help but ask, "Brother Yi, why are you crying while cutting onions?"

"Because when an onion is cut, it releases an enzyme called alliinase."

Li Yi turned on the faucet, wiped some water on both sides of the blade, and quickly cut the onion, explaining: "After this enzyme reacts with the amino acid in the onion, the amino acid will be converted into sulfenic acid.

The sulfenic acid molecules rearrange to become thiopropanal-S-oxide, which is then released into the air.

After this chemical substance comes into contact with the eyes, it will stimulate the free nerve endings on the cornea, and the lacrimal gland will secrete tears to wash away this substance, and people will cry. "

Hearing Li Yi's explanation, Liu Yifei half-comprehended: "Is it okay to cover your eyes? I read on the Internet that you can wear swimming goggles when chopping onions so that you won't cry. Is it true? Is it?"

"It has a certain effect, but it will not be completely protective, because it will still be inhaled and stimulated when breathing."

Li Yi smiled and said: "Whether it's wearing swimming goggles, plugging your nose, or like me, putting water on the knife, it can only slow down the tears to a certain extent.

There is only one best way to cut onions without crying. "

Liu Yifei asked curiously, "What way?"

The light of the knife in Li Yi's hand flickered like flying. In just a few words, he had already chopped the onion.

Putting all the chopped onions into a big basin, Li Yi said with a smile while washing the chopping board: "The best way is to finish cutting the onions at the safest and fastest speed. The longer you cry."

Hearing his words, the audience in the live broadcast room was filled with bullet screens.

"Incisive! So incisive!"

"Isn't this nonsense? If I can have this knife skill, I don't need to worry about crying when I cut onions?"

"No, as a mature man, he can only cry heartily when chopping onions."

"Damn it, it's not even 12 o'clock, why did you start to suppress the clouds?"


The door of the refrigerator was closed, and Wu Lei came back refreshed, exclaiming, "Putting your head into the refrigerator really works! You will feel much more comfortable after a while."


Li Yi handed him the knife: "Then cut up these green onions and ginger too!"

Wu Lei's smile froze instantly.

However, he didn't refuse, took the kitchen knife directly, and continued to slice scallions and ginger.

Compared with onions, shallots and ginger are much less powerful.

And he has already learned the method of stuffing his head into the refrigerator, so even if he tears again, he doesn't have to be afraid.

After handing over the onion and ginger ingredients to him, Li Yi began to process the peppers.

First, he washed the three types of peppers with clean water, then he started the pot and turned on the fire, then poured the dried peppers into the pot, and stir-fried them over medium-low heat.

This step is to fry the water in the peppers to get the aroma of the peppers and remove the dry and spicy taste.

As he continued to stir fry, the water vapor in the pot gradually evaporated, and the wet and spicy smell of the peppers gradually changed to dry.

After a few minutes, a burnt aroma began to waft out.

Immediately turn off the fire, Li Yi poured out the dried peppers.

At this time, the aroma of the pepper is the best, and it will become a paste pepper after frying.

After handing over the dried chilies to Huang Xiaoming, and handing him a stone mortar, Li Yi explained: "Your task is to mash all these dried chilis into fine powder, mash the bell peppers into rough noodles the size of rice grains, and mash the seven-star peppers into salt and pepper. The size of the vermicelli.”

Huang Xiaoming took the stone mortar, looked at the pot full of dried chilies, and asked puzzledly, "Can't you use a wall-breaking machine? Isn't the wall-breaking machine faster?"

"no the same."

Li Yi explained: "The taste of crushed chili noodles is different from that of mashed chili noodles."

"How could it be different? Aren't they all the same size? The wall breaking machine is even finer than manual pounding!"

Huang Xiaoming couldn't understand.

Seeing this, Li Yi didn't explain to him, but pointed to the audience's barrage screen: "If you don't believe me, ask them."

Huang Xiaoming looked over, but found that the audience was sending barrage.

"Really! The crushed chili powder is really different from the machine crushed!"

"Mashed ones are definitely more fragrant! Pepper noodles are also more fragrant when mashed!"

"It's true! It's more soulful, it's not a joke!"

"It's not just the chili noodles! Some dishes have to be broken by hand, and they can't be cut with a knife!"

"Cucumbers must be photographed to taste delicious, eggplants and potatoes must be broken to taste, and they can't be cut! Whoever eats it will know!"

"That's right! Dutch peas are used to stir-fry pigs, what's the law? How about stir-fried beef?"

"Just like the meat in the dumpling stuffing has to be chopped with a knife to be delicious. The meat grinder grinds out all the meat, which is not delicious at all."

Looking at the audience's barrage, Huang Xiaoming was convinced: "Okay, I'll do it, I'll do it."


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