Li Yi's proficiency in movements surprised the boss.

Even some master craftsmen can't do such a quick look.

If he said that he killed puffer fish for four or five years, the boss would believe it.

Seeing that Li Yi had completely removed the puffer fish liver, the boss stared at his follow-up actions curiously.

Fugu liver is the most difficult part of the puffer fish to handle. Many fugu restaurants in Yangzhong choose not to make fugu liver because they are too lazy to handle it or don’t know how to do it.

The reason why Changshun Fugu Restaurant is famous is because it can process many poisonous parts of fugu into non-toxic and edible dishes.

Especially the fugu liver, many diners come to Changshun to eat fugu, and they are all must-orders.

Therefore, although the fugu offal dish is not Changshun's unique skill, it can be regarded as a special skill.

The boss is very curious, does Li Yi really know how to handle puffer fish liver?

After removing the puffer fish liver, Li Yi took it under the water pipe and washed it with the scissors without pausing.

Then, he pinpointed the duct and cut off the gallbladder with a scissor.

Removing the gallbladder was only the first step. He turned around the puffer fish liver, found the thicker liver head, and cut off 1/8 of the liver, exposing the glandular ducts below.

This is the duct connecting the liver of the puffer fish to the stomach, and it is full of blood.

After cutting the duct, Li Yi pinched the liver tightly with both hands and squeezed it hard.

As he squeezed, the blood and venom in the liver were also squeezed out by him, it was dark red and black, and it looked terrifying.

Seeing his series of actions, the boss immediately gave up all doubts.

This kid really knows how to butcher puffer fish!

In the live broadcast room, the audience watched Li Yi's methodical movements and were dumbfounded.

For a while, even the barrage was much less.

But the barrage that was still drifting by was full of amazement.

"Really kill this?"

"No, Brother Yi, are you serious?"

"Huh? Brother Yi knows everything!"

"Isn't this too awesome? Is there any culinary skills that Brother Yi doesn't know?"

Li Yi didn't know about the discussion in the live broadcast room. He squeezed his liver a few times, and when he found that he couldn't squeeze out much blood, he put the liver on the chopping board, so that the blood in the deep part could flow out naturally.

Then, he turned around and took the peeled puffer fish skin, put it in a small basin, sprinkled some salt on it, and came to the stove.

There is a pot of water on the stove, which is specially used for washing puffer fish skin.

He took a spoon, scooped up a spoonful of boiling water, and poured it on the puffer fish skin.

Puffer fish skin will secrete certain mucus, and these mucus will absorb puffer fish blood or other substances that may contain toxins, so it must be cleaned with boiling water.

After scalding with boiling water for more than ten seconds, Li Yi began to wash it.

After washing with boiling water, he repeatedly rubbed it with salt and rinsed it with clean water for a few minutes until there was no greasy feeling.

Then, he came to the chopping board again, and the blood of the puffer fish liver was almost gone.

But this is only the blood that seeps out naturally. There is still a lot of blood left in the liver, which must also be cleaned.

Therefore, he took the water pipe again, aimed at the blood vessels of the liver, and rinsed it repeatedly with the maximum water pressure.

With his washing, a large stream of puffer fish blood was washed out again, and the puffer fish liver gradually began to grow in size, and its color became lighter and lighter.

After rinsing for fifteen minutes, Li Yi stopped until the water flowing out of the puffer fish liver became transparent without any blood color, and the puffer fish liver also turned grayish white.

But that's not all, Li Yi took a knife, cut open the puffer fish liver, then mixed a bowl of edible lye, soaked the puffer fish liver in it.

Alkaline can decompose tetrodotoxin, and this step is also to remove the last remaining toxin in the liver.

Seeing this step, the boss was completely convinced, and smiled at Li Yi with a thumbs up: "Awesome! You really know it!"

"It's okay, I haven't forgotten."

Li Yi said something with a smile, picked up the water hose and rinsed his hands.

The audience in the live broadcast room had only awakened from their dreams at this time, and the barrage surged wildly.

"Brother Yi, bull beep!"

"It's amazing! It's the first time I've seen someone handle poisonous puffer fish with my own eyes!"

"My God, a small piece of puffer fish liver has been washed for a long time, and washed like this, I really believe that it is not poisonous."

"It's really clean. If my husband washes his feet so carefully, I'd dare to chew on his stinky feet!"

"Sister, you are even better than Brother Yi!"

Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai watched Li Yi clean his liver the whole time. At this moment, they were convinced that Li Yi would indeed handle pufferfish.

After the worries dissipated, their minds were all about the taste of puffer fish.

The puffer fish that Li Yi has handled so carefully should not be poisonous, right?

"It turns out that puffer fish are so troublesome to deal with."

Liu Yifei sighed.

"No wonder it's so expensive!"

Zhao Jinmai nodded in agreement, then swallowed: "But it should be quite delicious."

Hearing what they said, Li Yi turned around and said with a smile: "It must be delicious, if it's not delicious, wouldn't it be a waste of all my efforts?"

While speaking, he had already washed the fugu seminal vesicles.

After arranging the processed ingredients, Li Yi smiled and signaled to the boss: "After processing, I will trouble the chefs."

"Eh! Don't."

The boss smiled and waved his hand: "If you know how to deal with it, you will definitely burn it. The most difficult ones have been dealt with. What's the difference? You just burn it! Let us learn your craft!"

Hearing what he said, Li Yi didn't refuse, and looked at the stove.

The boss pointed directly at a fugu master, and signaled: "Lao Yang, make room for this little brother."

Lao Yang just finished cooking a pot of puffer fish. After filling out the puffer fish, he cleaned the pot and handed it to Li Yi.

And Li Yi also took advantage of the time when he was washing the pot, carefully washed his hands clean, even dug his nails once.

Afterwards, he came to the stove, and the boss brought him the processed puffer fish for him.

Liu Yifei and Zhao Jinmai followed behind Li Yi, looking around curiously.

Although Li Yi had shown extraordinary cooking skills before, this time he cooked puffer fish!

Or poisonous puffer fish!

This is not something that ordinary chefs can do!

The cameraman squeezed ahead of them, putting the camera behind Li Yi's shoulder.

Seeing that the cameramen were too close together, Li Yi turned around helplessly and said, "The pixels aren't that low, right? You don't need to be so close. It's not that difficult to cook puffer fish. It's just normal braised or boiled."

The cameraman ignored him, and the camera moved closer.

This is not what the cameraman wants to see, but what the audience in the live broadcast room wants to see.

Seeing this, Li Yi could only scoop up oil into the pot while the camera was close at hand.

Not only Liu Yifei and the audience were curious, but even the puffer fish chefs in the back kitchen all speeded up. After finishing their work, they came behind Li Yi and watched.

Lao Yang, who had just stepped aside, folded his arms and laughed, "I've been cooking puffer fish for more than ten years, and this is the first time I've seen someone come to the back kitchen to cook it myself."


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