Seeing Li Yi and Liu Yifei's tacit cooperation of scalding red dates and peeling date pits, many viewers in the live broadcast room felt their teeth itch.

"Brother Yi, he actually specially brought Liu Yifei over to beat him up. His heart is damning!"

"Damn it! This is the scene of my dreams! It was realized by Brother Yi!"

"If I can marry Yifei, cook with her, live a happy life, and let me sit in a wheelchair, I am willing!"

"Do you want to fart? Yifei is mine!"

"Show your sword! I'm Yifei's original partner!"

"Come on fencing!"

"I'll just smile and say nothing, you all go grab Liu Yifei! I'll take Mrs. Mai Mai away!"

"Isn't Yang Shao more fragrant? How good is it that you can be a mascot and change your luck when you marry back home?"

Soon, the live broadcast room became a scuffle between all parties.

Li Yi in front of the camera had already washed and scalded all the red dates, and soaked the lotus seeds in the pot.

Use a strainer to fish out the lotus seeds and put them in a large basin. Li Yi rubbed them lightly with his hands, and the skin of the lotus seeds was removed, exposing the yellowish lotus seed flesh inside.

Rinse the lotus seeds under the faucet carefully, changing the water several times in succession, until the water became clear, Li Yi fished out the lotus seeds.

"Is it usable in this way?"

Liu Yifei was holding the date stone in her hand, while also observing Li Yi's movements.

"Not yet."

Li Yi picked up a lotus seed, pinched it precisely, and the soaked lotus seed was crushed in half, revealing the green core inside.

"The heart of the lotus seeds is bitter, the core has to be removed, otherwise there is no way to eat it."

Li Yi took a basin, squeezed the lotus seeds with one hand, and took out the core with the other, skillfully picking up the lotus core.

Hearing his words, Liu Yifei suddenly followed up: "Pear's belly is sore."


Li Yi looked at her in surprise: "How do you know this?"

The lotus seeds are bitter in the heart, and the pears are sour in the abdomen.

This is what Jin Shengtan, a literary critic during the Kangxi period, pleaded for the people, but was framed by corrupt officials who protected him, and was sentenced to beheaded for treason.

Liantong pity, that is, Lianzi's heart is bitter.

Litongli means Lier's belly is sour.

The core of lotus seeds is the most bitter part, which is said to be comparable only to lovesickness.

The core of the pear is also the most sour and astringent place in the pear, which is the opposite of the sweetness of the pear flesh.

Jin Shengtan is using this to express his reluctance to his family.

However, Li Yi didn't remember that he had mentioned this allusion in the show. The last time he mentioned it, he just casually mentioned it. Jin Shengtan told him that dried tofu and peanuts tasted like walnuts, but he didn't mention it.

Seeing Li Yi's doubts, Liu Yifei smiled and explained: "Last time you said that dried tofu and peanuts have the aroma of walnuts, so I went back and checked Jin Shengtan, and I knew what I said."

"Oh fine."

Li Yi nodded with a smile, and continued to peel the lotus heart.

But after peeling off a few, he looked at Liu Yifei who was holding the date pit again, feeling warm in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yifei would secretly go back to check what he said casually.

Liu Yifei lowered her head, but she seemed to be able to feel Li Yi's gaze.

When she was in a state of confusion, the rolling pin in her hand became disobedient, and she knocked it off, and hit the index finger that was pressing the red date.


She took a breath.

Although she had pulled back in time, her fingers still hurt a little from the knock.

"Are you okay?"

Li Yi happened to see this scene, and immediately asked with concern: "Have you hit a bone?"


Liu Yifei nodded, looked up at Li Yi pitifully, "It hurts..."

Seeing the pitiful expression she put on, Li Yi was relieved.

If she really couldn't bear the pain, she wouldn't do this.

Smiling, Li Yi deliberately looked at her ears left and right, and asked suspiciously, "Where's the paper ball? Why didn't I see it?"

Seeing him looking for paper balls in a serious manner, Liu Yifei couldn't continue acting immediately, and burst out laughing.

She knew what Li Yi meant by the paper ball, it was an allusion of Jin Shengtan.

"I just hit my hand, not beheaded, hum!"

She snorted and turned her face away.

Jin Shengtan is aloof, unrestrained, wild and uninhibited, and his writing style is extremely humorous.

The allusion of chewing dried tofu and peanuts came after he was arrested and imprisoned.

He was in prison at the time and was about to be beheaded.

On the night before he was escorted to the execution ground, he had a meal of beheading, and suddenly called the jailer, saying that he wanted to write a letter home and take it home.

And thousands of exhortations, so that Yuzu must not let the county magistrate see.

The jailer thought he was going to reveal some earth-shattering secret, so after getting the family letter, he immediately gave it to the county magistrate.

When the magistrate learned about it, he also thought that he was going to make a great contribution, and was very excited.

However, when the magistrate opened the family letter, he found that there was only one sentence written on it: Peanuts and dried tofu are chewed together, which tastes like walnuts. Pass on this skill, and die without regret.

On the second day, when he was taken to the execution ground, he bid farewell to his wife and children, and told the executioner that he should take a good look at the execution and kill him with one knife, so that he would suffer less crime.

If the executioner can hack him to death with one knife, the two silver notes on his body will belong to the executioner.

The executioner was very happy when he heard the words, so when beheading, he used all his strength and chopped off Jin Shengtan's head with one blow.

However, when the hands fell behind, the executioner stepped forward to search, but found no banknotes, only two balls of paper in his ears.

Opening the paper balls, the executioner found that on the two paper balls, one had the word "good" written on it, and the other had the word "pain" written on it, which together became the word "good pain".

Li Yi deliberately looked for the ball of paper, obviously teasing her that she only hit her hand, but it hurt like she had been beheaded.

Seeing her getting angry from embarrassment, Li Yi smiled, stopped teasing, and continued to peel the lotus seeds.

Liu Yifei's fingers also recovered. She looked back at Li Yi, curled her lips, and continued to pick up the date stones.

Seeing her seriously taking the date stones, Li Yi reminded: "You can eat a few more, it's good for your health, red dates are good for blood."


Liu Yifei responded, picked up a red date, and stuffed it into her mouth.

Chewing the red dates, she couldn't help asking: "Why is the core of this red date so small? The flesh is so thick and super sweet."

When she was taking out the jujube pit just now, she discovered that the pit of this kind of red date is only the size of a melon seed kernel, and the pulp is super thick.

After eating it in the mouth, the sense of satisfaction is instantly bursting.

"This is a jujube from Hami in the Western Regions."

Li Yi explained: "The temperature difference between day and night in the Western Regions is large, so the flesh of red dates will be thick and the taste will be very strong.

This kind of jujube has a high yield rate and is the top grade for making jujube paste.

In ancient times, this kind of jujube was a tribute and was specially used in the palace.

Although modern times have expanded the planting area, the output of this kind of tribute dates is still not high, and the price is not cheap. "

"No wonder you bought this kind of jujube after looking for a few stores. It's delicious."

Listening to what he said, Liu Yifei stuffed red dates into her mouth.

After eating one and tasting the taste, she couldn't help it, and ate several in succession.

Swallowing the jujube meat, she held the jujube pit in her mouth and looked around for the trash can.

She was cooking food, and it was unhygienic to spit in her hands, and it would be bad if she touched jujube meat.

Seeing this, Li Yi kicked over the trash can beside him.

"Spit! Spit!"

Liu Yifei was spitting out date stones like a date stone shooter.

Seeing this, Li Yi couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?"

Liu Yifei was a little puzzled.

Li Yi looked at the wheelchair under her, and the jujube stones in her mouth, and joked with a smile: "I think you will have a chance in the future, and you can also try playing Qiu Qianchi."


Liu Yifei patted the armrest angrily: "You are Qiu Qianchi!"


There are still three days, and there are still three experiences to be handed in, so I can't make it in time! Why are there only twenty-four hours in a day? Not enough time!

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