Shen Han only watched the live broadcast, and never saw Li Yi show off his hype.

He was also shocked when he saw the scene of the pieces of meat in the pot dancing under Li Yi's hands.

This was completely different from watching a video. Witnessing Li Yi's operation with his own eyes felt like a miracle.

The stir-frying lasted only 15 seconds, and Li Yi took the pot away from the stove.

Then, he poured the freshly prepared ginger, garlic and fermented soybeans into the pot, and quickly sautéed them until fragrant.

After leaving the fire again, Li Yi began to season.

Add oyster sauce, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar, and pepper in turn, and continue to stir-fry.

The oyster sauce, light soy sauce and dark soy sauce adhered to the meat slices, and soon dyed the meat slices into an attractive bright red color.

Finally, pour the stir-fried chili shreds into the pot, and after stirring evenly, Li Yi pushed it on his knee and turned off the fire.

The help cook at the side had quick eyesight and quick hands, and hurriedly brought a plate and placed it beside the pot.

With a flick of his wrist, Li Yi poured out the fried pork from the pot.

This smooth operation only took two minutes, but the steam of the fried pork has already attracted everyone behind.

"This is fine!"

"It smells good! The pot is full of gas."

"The method is professional enough, and the salary starts at least 8,000."

"The knife is really fine, and the heat is good. The shredded pepper looks crisp."

Everyone was discussing, but no one did anything, but looked at Liao Wendong one after another.

Li Yi put the pot back, looked back, and smiled at Liao Wendong: "Master Liao, should you try it? Comment."

Liao Wendong didn't speak, but walked slowly to the desk.

Picking up the plate, he sniffed it, and the spicy and delicious smell flooded into his nostrils.

The pot is full of gas.

Smelling this smell, he can almost conclude that the taste of this dish must not be bad.

But after looking at the bottom of the plate, Liao Wendong frowned slightly.

As a dish that every household in Hunan Province can cook, all Hunanese have a consensus on fried pork.

That is, the stir-fried pork needs a little oil to be delicious.

Therefore, whether it is in a restaurant or at home, when cooking fried pork, there will always be a layer of oil on the bottom of the plate.

The fragrance is not enough, the oil is added.

As long as there is more oil in the meat dishes, even if the cooking skills are limited, the dishes will not be too unpalatable.

But there was no oil on the bottom of Li Yi's stir-fried pork dish.

However, from the appearance, whether it is the meat slices or the sea pepper shreds, they are all shiny and covered with a layer of oil.

It's just that the bottom of the pan is dry and there is no excess oil seeping out.

Looking at the bottom of the plate, Liao Wendong frowned and thought.

There are only two possibilities for this situation.

One is that there is less oil in this dish, and it will taste dry and not fragrant enough.

Another possibility is that Li Yi's control over the amount of oil used has been extremely fine-grained, one point less is less, and one point more is excessive.

What is the possibility of this plate of fried pork?

Liao Wendong's rationality told him that the first possibility is infinite.

But when he smelled the aroma wafting from the plate, the balance in his heart tilted slightly towards the second possibility.

But how is this possible?

How could someone control the oil consumption to such an extreme?

How is this different from doing an experiment?

However, what he didn't know was that there were really people who cooked with such an extreme attitude.

Just last night, Li Yi just possessed that person and studied for thirty years.

"Boss, chopsticks."

The kitchen assistant Liao Wendong brought a pair of disposable chopsticks and handed them to him.

After taking the chopsticks, Liao Wendong glanced at Li Yi, then picked up a slice of red tenderloin, together with a few shredded chili peppers, and put them into his mouth.

After the meat slices are in the mouth, a compound aroma with the smell of burnt soy sauce is clearly transmitted to the taste buds.

The first possibility that Liao Wendong had just guessed collapsed in an instant and disappeared.

Although the meat slices in the mouth are a little dry on the surface, and the edge is even a little bit crispy, but it doesn't look dry at all.

The central part of the meat slices even retains a tenderness almost like raw meat.

Feeling the tenderness of the meat, he couldn't wait to bite it down.


His pupils trembled slightly, and his chewing movement also stopped.

The crisp sound came from those few chili shreds.

They have been stir-fried until they are broken, without the green and astringent taste of raw peppers.

But they are still full of moisture inside, maintaining a crisp and refreshing taste.

However, what shocked him was not the crispness of the chili shreds, but the fresh and thick gravy released by the sliced ​​meat after it was squeezed by the teeth, and the chewy texture.

After being stunned for a full two seconds, he chewed again.

Every time he chews, a salty, fresh and slightly sweet juice will be released from the meat slices. After mixing with the crispness of the shredded pepper, it becomes a spicy and refreshing taste, which makes him unable to stop.

Chewing carefully, he lowered his head again to look at the fried pork on the plate with complicated eyes.

Is this why Shen Han ran all the way to the capital?

Let alone him, how many people in Hunan Province can taste the taste of this fried pork?

The control of the heat and the precise amount of oil used, even a veteran chef of Hunan cuisine with decades of experience, can't be so meticulous, right?

How old is this kid?

How did he do that?

Liao Wendong's mood became more and more complicated as he thought about it. He only felt that he had been living on a dog for decades.

Seeing his strange expression, Li Yi said with a smile: "The ingredients are limited today, and the taste can't be perfect. You're welcome. If there are any deficiencies, just tell me."

Hearing his words, Liao Wendong looked up at him in astonishment, as if there was a mouthful of old blood in his heart.

Just this taste, can't it be perfect?

Who is disgusting?

Then he has been frying small fried pork all his life, and the things he made can't even compare with this kind of "defective product", so what is he?

"Defective products" are not as good?

Taking a deep breath, Liao Wendong suppressed his anger, and asked in a deep voice: "I would like to ask, the ingredients here are all made of fried pork. What ingredients do you think are missing? Why are the ingredients limited?"

"It's not that there is something missing, it's that the quality of the ingredients is not good enough."

Li Yi explained with a smile: "The pork used to make stir-fried pork is best local pork from Hunan Province, and flowered pigs can be used, the best one is Shaziling pig from Xiangtan.

The waist and back of this kind of pig are relatively sunken, which will cause the viscera to sag, the blood supply will be abundant, and the tenderloin will be more tender.

The pork you use here, although it is flower pork, is also raised on feed, and the breeding time is not enough, so the taste can only be regarded as mediocre, not brilliant.

But pork is only second. The essence of fried pork lies in chili, and the quality of chili here is relatively average, so the taste is not perfect. "

Listening to Li Yi's explanation, Liao Wendong was a little annoyed at first, but after listening to it, his anger dissipated.

Because he found that what Li Yi said seemed to be correct.

One of the key reasons why his stir-fried pork is delicious is because he uses earth flower pork.

He looked up at Li Yi again, this time, his tone became more polite.

"The sea peppers you use are fresh products that I asked my apprentice to go to the market early in the morning to buy. Is there something wrong?"


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