"You want to make up a havoc in the Heavenly Palace?"

Tang Entaichi asked: "Is it in the form of a screen, a mural, or something?"

"Of course it's three-dimensional."

Li Yi smiled and said, "If we were to weave a screen, how difficult would it be?"


Tang Entai was speechless.

Even if weaving screens, ordinary people can't weave them, can they?

But if it is really possible to make a three-dimensional "Havoc in Heaven", how shocking will the final product be?

Tang Entai couldn't help but recall the childhood memories of watching Havoc in Heaven.

At that time, why didn't he fantasize about becoming the Monkey King and wreaking havoc in the Heavenly Palace?

"After you make it up, I must appreciate it."

Tang Entai's appetite was whetted, and he was very interested.

"Okay, I'll let you know when it's done."

Li Yi said something with a smile, then looked down at the golden bamboo in front of him.

When he asked Tang Entai to purchase pure golden bamboo, he already had the idea of ​​fabricating a single fairy statue.

At that time, he wanted to weave a statue of Maitreya, or a statue of Emperor Zhenwu.

If we make this kind of single statue, then these golden bamboos will be enough.

But after last night, he suddenly felt a little dissatisfied with the single statue.

Although a single statue should be enough for him to complete the task of [Handed down Work], it is a bit mediocre after all.

Since he wanted to do it, why didn't he do it to the extreme?

Spend 90 points of effort to make a work of 90 points.

Spend 100 points of effort to produce 100 points of work.

Li Yi would rather choose the latter.

It is also labor-intensive and labor-intensive, so why not maximize the benefits?

If he really fabricated the "Havoc in Heaven" in his mind, then what he made would not be a "handed down work", but a "world-shaking work".

So, after realizing this, Li Yi completely rejected his previous ideas, and only the idea of ​​[Havoc in Heaven] was left in his mind.

The Jade Emperor, Taibai Jinxing, Taishang Laojun, East Sea Dragon King, Erlang God, Tota King Li Jing, Nezha Three Princes, Giant Spirit God, Wang Lingguan, Jiuyao Xingjun, Thirty-six Thunder Generals, One Hundred Thousand Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals...

Images of immortals kept circling, changing, and floating in Li Yi's mind.

But the one who occupied Li Yi's mind the most was the Great Sage Equaling Heaven who turned the entire fairy world upside down with one monkey and one stick.

In his mind, Li Yi had already designed dozens of plans, but it was difficult to decide.

Under the impact of a flood of inspiration, his hands were itchy, and he wished he could start editing right away.

As soon as he thought of it, he took off his backpack and took out the set of bamboo weaving tools.

"Mr. Tang, I'll test the quality of the bamboo first, so I won't greet you."

Li Yi said with a smile, and began to deal with the golden bamboo.

"up to you."

Tang Entai looked at his movements with great interest, very curious.

After starting to do it, Li Yi became more serious.

After assembling the jigsaw, he first cut off the golden bamboo along the joints and found the bamboo heads.

Then, he smoothed the bamboo joints with a scraper to make the bamboo body smooth as a whole.

Taking the strip knife, he cut in the center of the cross-section of the golden bamboo with the strip knife.

This step is called splitting.

Li Yi only cut into the depth of about two blades, and Li Yi pulled out the bamboo blade.

Then, he grabbed the two ends of the cut bamboo body with his hands, broke it hard, and pulled it to the sides.

Ka Ka Ka!

A string of crisp sounds like firecrackers came from the bamboo joints one by one, and he broke the whole golden bamboo into two halves from the middle.

Seeing this scene, Tang Entai couldn't help but widen his eyes, and asked in surprise: "Why can you just break it off? Aren't you afraid of breaking it off? And why does it look so easy? It feels like you didn't use much force."

"As long as the bamboo knife is cut right in the middle, it won't be crooked."

Li Yi explained casually: "The texture of bamboo grows vertically, as long as it is broken, it will break through to the end, so it is called as strong as a broken bamboo."

"So that's what it means to be as strong as a bamboo?"

Tang Entai suddenly realized, smiled and praised: "It's interesting."

As he spoke, he supported his knees and watched Li Yi's operations, becoming more and more curious.

After breaking the bamboo in half, Li Yi continued to cut the bamboo with the bamboo knife.

Soon, Li Yi broke a whole piece of golden bamboo into strips the thickness of chopsticks.

After breaking the strips, Li Yi began to split the strips.

Splitting bamboo strips is the key to the fineness of bamboo weaving.

A mature bamboo craftsman can split a strip of bamboo into eight layers of strips.

And Li Yi's highest record is the eleventh floor.

The bamboo strips split into eleven layers are thinner than paper, and can even be blown up by the wind, making them extremely light.

Holding a strip of strips in his hand, Li Yi put his thumb against the blade of the strip knife, pressed it less than one millimeter below the surface of the strip, and cut the knife gently.

Then, he cut the blade under the skin of the strip, and removed the entire layer of skin.

This layer of epidermis has a smooth surface and a rather hard texture.

Bamboo craftsmen are accustomed to calling this layer of skin green bamboo.

Green bamboo strips are the hard outer layer of bamboo, and this layer is the strongest.

The softer bamboo meat at the bottom is called yellow bamboo, which is soft and easy to break. It is the yellow bamboo meat in this position that giant pandas eat.

The reason why green bamboo is called green bamboo is that most bamboo craftsmen take fresh and tender green bamboo when they harvest bamboo.

When the bamboo is broken, the bamboo still maintains a fresh and tender emerald green, so it is called green bamboo.

But the bamboo Li Yi used this time is all green bamboo with a golden color on the surface. According to the color, it should be called golden bamboo.

Using gold strips to get strips of silk is also the key to his bamboo weaving.

Although the green bamboo strips of green bamboo are convenient to break into pieces, the upper limit is limited, and the hardness and toughness of the broken strips are not satisfactory.

Therefore, if you want to weave silk and bamboo weaving, you have to use gold strips to get the silk.

After taking off the golden strip, Li Yi put the yellow strip aside.

These yellow strips can be used as the skeleton and filling of weaving works, which is not a waste.

After chopping off all the green strips, Li Yi took out the strips from the bag.

Bamboo teeth are a unique tool for bamboo craftsmen, like a scraper with a handle.

It can be fixed at a specific place, form a specific angle, scrape the strips thin, scrape the edges clean, and scrape evenly.

If we talk about how to use the bamboo knife, it determines the lower limit of a bamboo craftsman.

So how to use the bamboo teeth determines the upper limit of a bamboo craftsman.

The degree of strip teeth is Li Yi's bottom-pressing kung fu honed in the bamboo stele space for 30 years.

The hair-thin strips he used to weave were scraped out with strip teeth.

After fixing the bamboo strips on the box beside him, Li Yi began to scrape the bamboo threads.

His movements are gentle, and the strength of pulling the green bamboo stick is just right.

The edges of the green strips are very sharp, and if you are not careful, you will be cut.

The teeth of the bamboo strips were placed at an oblique angle by Li Yi, which happened to be at a 45-degree angle to the strips.

With Li Yi's pulling, the two ends of the bamboo strips were also scraped by the sharp toothed blades, and two thin strips were scraped out, which were about the thickness of human hair.

Seeing Li Yi's operation, Tang Entai's eyes were straightened.

Just now Li Yi broke a bamboo into dozens of slender strips, which has already opened his eyes.

But the operation of scraping bamboo threads with a scraper still made him feel a little shocked.

Is this kind of operation possible in reality?

Could it be that the bamboo wire used in the fish basket that Li Yi gave him was made in this way?

Tang Entai suddenly felt that the one million price he offered Li Yi seemed a little low.

No wonder Li Yi didn't ask for the one million, but chose to make friends with him.

It seems a bit taken for granted that you want to buy such a wonderful craftsmanship for a mere one million!


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