Liu Yifei's doubts are also what the viewers in the live broadcast room want to ask.

"That's right! You can't ask the boss to cut a few holes when you buy it, right?"

"The lotus roots here are peeled and sealed in plastic bags, but you can still see the holes."

"You have to look at the skin of fresh lotus roots, right? My mother taught me this, but I forgot."

"I only know that after breaking it open, the silky lotus roots are noodle lotus roots, and the silky lotus roots are crispy lotus roots."

Seeing the divergent opinions in the live broadcast room, Li Yi looked around, then walked to the stove, picked up a lotus root, and explained to the camera: "If you are buying lotus roots and it is not convenient to see the cross section, you can also Identify by appearance.

The lotus roots of crispy lotus roots are usually white, and the surface is very smooth to the touch.

If it is noodle lotus root, the color of the lotus root will be darker, and the surface will be rough and there will be some pitting.

In addition, the starch content of lotus root is high, so the weight will be heavier.

So for two lotus roots of the same size, the heavier one is the noodle lotus root.

Also, the shape of noodle lotus roots is generally short and thick, while crispy lotus roots are generally more slender. As long as you observe more, the two kinds of lotus roots are easy to distinguish. "

After listening to Li Yi's explanation, the audience suddenly understood and started laughing and joking.

"I understand, the short and thick ones are more noodles, and the thin and long ones are more crispy, hehe!"

"The easiest way is not to buy it. One pound of lotus root and half a pound of lotus root have holes. Isn't it cost-effective?"

"Oh, that's the difference between Wu Dalang and Wu Song. The ugly one is the noodle lotus root, and the good-looking one is the crispy lotus root."

"Sister-in-law said she wants to eat crispy lotus root."


Seeing the increasingly outrageous barrages in the live broadcast room, Li Yi shook his head helplessly.

He is so upright, why are the audience so perverted?

The pot was filled with water. The two aunts poured the cut lotus roots into the pot, then covered the pot and started stewing.

Smelling the aroma wafting from the pot, Liu Yifei swallowed her saliva and looked greedy.

Although she only worked for half a day, she still put in a lot of effort, so she ate a whole lunch box bought by the crew for lunch, and also ate Li Yi's chicken legs.

But by now, the food had long been digested, and at this moment she felt like she could eat a cow.

After the lotus root cubes were put into the pot and simmered for twenty minutes, the auntie opened the lid.

The wafting aroma made Liu Yifei couldn't help but take a few deep breaths and exclaimed: "It smells so good!"

But even though she was greedy, she did not go to get food. Instead, she looked at the lotus root diggers who stood up and lined up.

She only worked for half a day, and she was so hungry that her chest pressed against her back. Those masters digging lotus roots must have been even hungrier after working for a whole day, so it was better to let them eat first.

The two Shengwu brothers were at the front of the queue and each brought out a large bowl of vegetables.

But instead of eating it themselves, they sent it to Li Yi and Liu Yifei.

When Liu Yifei saw this, she was both surprised and embarrassed. She quickly waved her hand: "No, no, you can eat first! You have been tired for a day, we will eat later."

However, the two Shengwu brothers insisted on putting the food into their hands, and then smiled and pointed in the direction of the gas stove: "The food is over there, we will fetch it for you."

"No, no, we can do it ourselves."

Liu Yifei was even more embarrassed.

Upon seeing this, Li Yi handed the vegetable basin to Zeng Shun, and followed the Shengwu brothers to get two meals back.

When he came back with the rice bowl, Liu Yifei had already started eating.

She got into the van with the vegetable basin in her arms, put the vegetable basin on the seat, and squatted in the car, eating deliciously.

Seeing Li Yi coming back, she shook the cleanly chewed spareribs in her hands and cheered: "Come and try it! This spareribs and lotus root soup is super delicious!"

Li Yi put the rice bowl on the seat and sat down cross-legged.

In the two pots of vegetables, a few pieces of the cold lotus root slices were not moved, but less than half of the pork ribs and lotus root soup was gone.

"Try this soup, it's super delicious!"

Liu Yifei brought her own cutlery, scooped up a spoonful of soup, and fed it to Li Yi's mouth.

Li Yi lowered his head and took a sip. The soup entered his mouth, and the rich aroma of the meat and the sweetness of the lotus roots occupied his mouth.

"Yeah, it tastes good."

Li Yi nodded in approval.

This meat is made from the common large white pork, which is not very fragrant, but the lotus root pieces are extremely outstanding.


Liu Yifei happily scooped up a spoonful, took a sip, squinted her eyes and praised: "This lotus root is so sweet, so delicious."

"The ingredients are fresh enough, no matter how you cook it, it won't taste bad."

Li Yi said with a smile, took the chopsticks out of the lunch box, picked up a piece of lotus root, and put it into his mouth.

The cook used lotus roots to stew the meat. After half an hour of stewing, it was almost stewing.

After entering the mouth, there is no need to bite at all, just touch it with your tongue, and the lotus root pieces melt like mashed potatoes, filling your mouth with a sweet aroma.

This kind of taste experience is a kind of enjoyment for Li Yi.

That’s the beauty of fresh ingredients.

Tasting the sweetness of the lotus root cubes, Li Yi suddenly recalled what Yi Xiang had said to Zhang Dongguan in his mind.

“No matter how exquisite your cooking skills are, when paired with fresh ingredients, it’s just the icing on the cake.

Top-quality ingredients don’t require complicated cooking techniques at all, as long as they bring out their own flavor, that’s enough.

The sophistication of your cooking skills is already unparalleled in the world, but as the saying goes, simplicity leads to greatness. When you forget all your cooking skills, you will be truly enlightened. "

Yi Xiang's words were recalled in his mind, and the sweetness of the lotus root paste in his mouth stimulated Li Yi's nerves.

Suddenly, a flash of spiritual light burst out, and his whole body suddenly felt relaxed, as if he had broken free from a layer of restraints, and seemed to have jumped out of some frame, feeling comfortable all over.

"The sound is great, the elephant is invisible, the ingenuity is not the craftsmanship, the complexity is simplicity..."

Li Yi murmured in his mouth, his eyes gradually clearing.

The two cooking aunties are just ordinary people, and they probably haven't studied cooking seriously.

But just using the freshest ingredients to fill the hungriest stomach, the satisfaction it brings exceeds that of countless rare delicacies from mountains and seas.

Perhaps this is the meaning of food itself and the original intention of cooking, right?


Liu Yifei ate a full mouthful, her cheeks puffed up like a hamster, and she turned around to ask vaguely in confusion.


Li Yi smiled: "I just think it's the right thing to make this food documentary."

"Yeah! That's right!"

Liu Yifei nodded in agreement: "This is much more interesting than filming, and you can also eat such delicious food."

Li Yi didn't comment, took Liu Yifei's spoon and took a sip of the soup.

He seemed to have vaguely touched a direction, a direction that would allow him to find his own way of cooking.

Jingle Bell!

Liu Yifei's cell phone rang.

She took it out and looked at it. It was Liu Xiaoli calling.

After connecting, she said a few words and handed the phone to Li Yi: "My mother wants to talk to you."

Taking the phone, Li Yi answered, and Liu Xiaoli's voice came from the phone: "Lin Long found me. He wants to see you and apologize to you personally."


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