Li Yi was taking photos of the sea when he felt a hand holding his arm.

Turning around, I saw Liu Yifei coming over tremblingly.

Seeing that her face was a little pale, Li Yi asked with concern: "Are you still sick?"


Liu Yifei answered, but her throat couldn't help but twitch.

After a pause, she suppressed the urge to vomit.

She breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the dark sea, feeling a little chilled in her heart: "It's so dark here. If there are no lights, you really can't see anything."

"This is still a sea with modern equipment. In ancient times, fishermen would never go to sea at night unless they had to."

Li Yi raised his finger and pointed at the darkness beyond the range of the lights: "If someone accidentally falls in when the boat is leaving, it will be difficult to save them.

Unless someone sees it immediately, there is still a chance to find it.

If a person falls, they will not know how far they have traveled by the time they are found. "

"It's despairing to think about it."

Thinking of the victims who fell into the water alone, Liu Yifei couldn't help but shudder and asked: "How deep is the sea here?"

"have no idea."

Li Yi shook his head, turned to Lin Hongqi and asked, "Captain, how deep is the sea here?"

Lin Hongqi was busy lighting the lamp, and without raising her head when she heard this, she casually replied: "A few hundred meters away!"


Li Yi nodded: "It should still be at the edge of the continental shelf. Going further south, when you reach the deep sea area, the water depth will be over a thousand meters."

"One thousand meters...that's higher than many mountains." Liu Yifei was speechless.

"The deepest point is more than five thousand meters."

Li Yi glanced at the underwater photographer wearing a diving suit and explained: "The deepest sea around us is the South China Sea, which belongs to the western part of the Pacific Ocean.

If you go southeast after passing the Philippines and enter the Pacific Ocean, the deepest point will be over 10,000 meters, which would be too big even if you put Mount Everest in it. "

Liu Yifei swallowed her saliva and turned a little pale: "No wonder many people have phobia of the deep sea. I am scared even standing here."


There was a sound of falling into the water, and Liu Yifei exclaimed: "Oops! Someone fell in!"

"No, the photographer went down to take pictures."

Li Yi pointed to the photographer who was carrying a camera and wearing a diving mask on the sea: "He wants to go down to shoot underwater material."

"Isn't it too dangerous?"

Liu Yifei was a little worried: "What if a shark comes over?"

At this time, Zeng Shun came over and said, "It's okay, we bought insurance for him."


Liu Yifei was speechless.

"Go! Insurance doesn't protect your life."

Li Yi was amused by Zeng Shun. After complaining, he pointed to another fisherman who had put on a diving suit and was about to go into the water, and explained to Liu Yifei: "That brother is responsible for protecting our photographer. He will go underwater." Observe the surrounding situation and protect the photographer if there is any danger.”

Liu Yifei watched the fisherman brother pick up a spear gun and jump into the sea, but she was still a little worried: "Then if a shark really comes, people can't swim as fast as sharks!"

"It's fine."

Li Yi explained with a smile: "Actually, the horror of sharks is exaggerated in movies, but the lethality of sharks is really not ranked high among animals.

Because many people are injured by sharks, but not many people are killed by shark bites. Every year, dozens of times more people are killed by cows than by sharks.

What they should really worry about is jellyfish. Those poisonous jellyfish are much more dangerous than sharks. "


Liu Yifei was still doubtful.

"Basically there will be no problem."

Li Yi looked at the empty sea under the searchlight and shook his head gently: "Sharks follow the school of fish. If the fish don't come, the sharks won't come.

Looking at this situation, it seems that there are no schools of fish here! "

The attraction of lights in the dark to fish schools is unparalleled. If there are fish schools nearby, the searchlights have been shining for a long time, and fish schools should have been attracted long ago.

But after so many spotlights have been shining for almost half an hour, no fish have appeared yet, so this wave of work may be in vain.

Lin Hongqi was very patient and used the searchlight for another hour before casting the net unwillingly.

Adhering to the principle of casting a net when there is no fish, after a few nets, as expected, everything was caught.

The huge fishing net finally caught only a few scattered small fish, as well as a few jellyfish and cuttlefish.

After working for two hours but getting nothing, Lin Hongqi was obviously not in a good mood.

Since there are no fish here, we have to change places.

He told the fishermen to collect the nets, then returned to the cockpit to look for the next destination.

The underwater cameramen and fishermen brothers also came up.

After soaking in the cold seawater for an hour, the cameraman was shivering from the cold and his lips were blue.

The fisherman brothers were doing better, but they couldn't help but shiver when they were blown by the sea breeze.

Seeing this, Zeng Shun quickly had someone bring the thermal blanket over and put it on the cameraman.

When Li Yi saw this, he stepped forward, picked a medium-sized wolf fish from the fishing net, and came to the kitchen.

Skillfully butchered, removed the internal organs, chopped into inch-long pieces, cleaned them, put the fish pieces into the soup pot, added some mineral water to it, and heated it up with an induction cooker.

Soon, the water boiled.

Li Yi opened two packages of instant noodles, put them in, boiled them with hot water, divided them into two bowls, and had them served to the cameramen and fishermen brothers.

After hypothermia, you need to restore your body temperature. Drinking something warm will be very comfortable.

Compared with ginger soup, carbohydrates and proteins can replenish energy more quickly.

Sure enough, after taking two sips of the hot soup, the cameraman's face looked much better. He held the basin and began to slurp the noodles.

"How is the taste?"

Zeng Shun looked on and couldn't help but swallowed.

“It’s so fresh!”

The cameraman sucked the wolf fish meat, and he sucked the tender meat clean, leaving only the green wolf fish bones, which he threw into the sea.

"The fish that has just come out of the water is boiled directly into the soup. Of course it will be fresh."

Zeng Shun said, feeling a little hungry.

But at this time, the roar of the engine came from below the cabin, and it was the fishing boat that set sail again.

Watching the fishermen return to the cabin and close their eyes to relax, Zeng Shun was embarrassed to say that he wanted to eat.

He was tired for a long time and didn't ask for food or drink. He had been watching for a long time. How could he have the nerve to ask for food?

And as soon as the boat started moving, the film crew began to get seasick again.

Liu Yifei held Li Yi's arm, closed her eyes, frowned, and said nothing, for fear of spitting out her words.

But this time, the fishing boat stopped after more than two hours.

When the fishermen heard the engine stalling, they all got up and walked out of the deck, ready to continue their work.

Rows of searchlights lit up in unison, shining onto the sea.

This time, everyone was lucky. As soon as the searchlight was turned on, the shadows of many fish passing under the water were illuminated.

Seeing this scene, everyone became excited.

Lin Hongqi also jumped on the deck and shouted to the fishermen to quickly lower the nets.

But at this time, Zeng Shun encountered some trouble.

"Do you have a fever? You have some medicine with you. Take some first."

Zeng Shun felt a little worried when he looked at the photographer who was wrapped in a thermal blanket but still shivering.

Li Yi noticed what was going on here, so he helped Liu Yifei lie down first, then came closer and asked, "What's wrong?"

"He still has a fever."

Zeng Shun looked at the shivering photographer, shook his head helplessly, and then pointed at another photographer: "Go down and take a picture!"

"Ah I?"

The photographer pointed at himself and looked confused: "I have never taken pictures in the water!"

"and you?"

Zeng Shun changed his fingers again.

"I have only taken artistic photos in the swimming pool, never in the sea!"

The photographer who was pointed out almost burst into tears: "And I don't know how to use that kind of underwater camera!"

"Useless thing!"

Zeng Shun was so angry that he started to curse: "Why did I come to you? I told you when I signed the contract that the conditions would be difficult. You signed the contract yourself, and now you are being pushed back. Do you still want to do it?"


A photographer couldn't hold it back, turned around and lay on the side of the boat, spitting out two mouthfuls of acidic water.

Seeing their depressed looks, Li Yi shook his head and said to Zeng Shun, "Forget it, I'll go down and take pictures!"


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