The warm water in the wetsuit was cooling rapidly, and it became much cooler after a while.

However, Li Yi had adapted to the temperature and did not feel any discomfort.

Pushing the camera, he dived at a constant speed.

A good shooting angle is to capture the swimming fish and the fishing boats on the water, so he needs to dive under the fish.

But the depth of field captured by the camera lens requires a certain distance, so he had to dive down to the optimal shooting distance.

So, as he dived, he turned back to observe the perspective, and at the same time, he counted silently in his mind.

After a minute, he reached back and pulled the safety rope.

Soon, the safety rope was pulled upwards, and that was Liu Yifei's response.

Feeling this response, Li Yi felt at ease and turned back to continue diving.

Finally, after nearly ten minutes of diving, Li Yi successfully dived to about fifty meters underwater.

At this point, the depth of field is finally enough for shooting.

Li Yi stepped on his flippers and looked up.

The two fishermen also dived down after him. When they saw him stop, they turned around, stepped on their flippers, and floated behind him.

The water pressure fifty meters underwater is already very high, and you can clearly feel the pressure coming from all directions.

But Li Yi felt fine, while the two fishermen looked a little tired even though they had been in the water all year round.

For ordinary people, diving to thirty meters underwater is already the limit.

This is also within the area where general recreational diving is located.

As the depth increases underwater, the pressure increases, and the density of the gases breathed by the human body also increases.

79% of natural air is nitrogen. If you use compressed air for scuba diving, the number of oxygen and nitrogen molecules per unit volume will increase.

If the human body absorbs too much nitrogen molecules, it will take more time to discharge the nitrogen molecules.

At this time, if the speed of floating is too fast, the accumulated nitrogen will expand because it cannot be discharged in time, causing damage to the human body, which is the so-called decompression sickness.

Therefore, if you use compressed air for diving, the maximum diving depth is only 60 meters.

This is the range limited by national standards. If it is exceeded, the risk of decompression sickness will be greatly increased.

Generally, for people who have not received professional training, when they reach about 40 meters, their bodies will suffer from nitrogen drunkenness due to too much nitrogen dissolved.

However, for this shooting, the cylinders prepared by the film crew were filled with professional helium-oxygen mixture.

The so-called helium-oxygen mixed gas is a mixed gas made by replacing nitrogen with helium and mixed with oxygen.

Because helium has smaller molecules and can pass through human tissue better, it can significantly reduce the risk of decompression sickness for divers.

And it can also reduce the density of the air, allowing divers to move underwater more easily.

But even with the blessing of mixed gas, you will still feel a lot of pressure after diving to a depth of fifty meters.

For every 10 meters you drop underwater, the pressure increases by 1 atmosphere.

At a depth of fifty meters, the pressure is already 5 atmospheres.

When ordinary people reach this depth, they will already feel difficulty breathing.

Deeper waters are a space for professional-level divers to compete.

After controlling his body to stay at this depth, Li Yi slowly raised the camera.

Before starting to shoot, he pinched the stuffy nose in his hand and blew it hard.

This is to combat the difference in air pressure within the ear canal and prevent eardrum pain.

In the human ear canal, the middle ear area is separated by the eardrum, forming a cavity.

As the diving depth increases and the air pressure increases, the air in the middle ear will be compressed, and the pressure of the external water will push the eardrum inward, causing the ear to be squeezed and causing pain.

This is the same principle as when your ears hurt when flying.

Blowing your nose is the most effective way to balance the pressure in your inner and outer ears, especially when scuba diving.

You can also use this method to solve earache on an airplane.

Just as they were diving all the way down, Li Yi kept doing this action.

So until now, he hasn't felt any pain in his ears.

After doing this action for the last time, Li Yi set up the camera, pointed it at the fish swimming under the light above, and started shooting.

The fish gathered together are like monsters that are constantly changing shapes, following the trajectory of the light, constantly gathering and scattering.

On the outer edge of the light, a small boat hung a trawl net, surrounding the edge of the fish school, and surrounded the fish school with the trawl net.

The water rippled by the oar engine stirred up large splashes of water, and the fish fled in panic, but they were still greedy for the light and refused to leave.

With the roar of the fishing boat's engine, the winch rotates and the trawl net shrinks. The surging fish gradually gather together under the force of the trawl net.

All of this was captured in the camera lens by Li Yi.

He swam around schools of fish and trawl nets, photographing the fishing scene from all angles.

After taking the long shot, he began to float up, approached the fishing net, and focused his lens on the schools of fish rushing left and right in the fishing net.

Under the illumination of the camera's underwater lights, the scales of every fish in the school reflect dazzling light.

They are completely different from the dead fish lying eclipsed on the ice in the vegetable market. They are full of fresh breath and strong vitality when swimming.

But it is a pity that they cannot understand what the fishing net is, and they cannot escape the temptation of the light. They can only flee in vain, and are eventually wrapped up in the trawl net and dragged towards the sea.

Seeing the fish being scooped up, Li Yi took another photo of the "stragglers" who were lucky enough to escape and ascend to heaven.

However, these guys escaped a disaster but still had no memory. They still gathered under the light, flying left and right, but still couldn't bear to leave the range of the light.

Then, a net dropped from the fishing boat, and they were caught in it again, catching them all.

At this point, there were not many fish left in the surrounding sea, only some slow cuttlefish, jellyfish and plankton swaying with the water waves.

Seeing this, Li Yi turned around and made a floating gesture to the two fishermen brothers, then stepped on his flippers and floated upward slowly.

As he floated up, he made swallowing movements.

During the process of floating, the air pressure in the middle ear will also change with the water pressure. It is necessary to balance the air pressure in time, otherwise it will cause pain.

After more than ten minutes of surfacing, Li Yi finally surfaced, and a commotion could be heard clearly again.

Listening to the roar of the engine and Liu Yifei's shouts of joy, he felt as if he was coming back from the dead and returning to reality.

He took off the mouthpiece, breathed in the fresh air, and waved to Liu Yifei.

A rope was thrown down from the boat. Li Yi caught the rope and tied the camera tightly.

After watching the cameramen pull up the camera, he swam to the side of the ship, grabbed the steel escalator welded to the side of the ship, and climbed up.

As soon as he got on the boat, Zeng Shun and Lin Hongqi came forward together and helped him take off his diving suit.

Then, Liu Yifei wrapped the thermal blanket around him and supported him towards the cabin with distressed support.

"It's okay, no need to help."

Li Yi said with a smile.

But Liu Yifei still supported him, asked him to sit down in the cabin, wrapped him in a thermal blanket, and brought him a bowl of hot soup.

Several photographers had already brought the underwater cameras over and took out the memory cards.

Zeng Shun plugged the memory card into his laptop, looked at the footage, and exclaimed: "Great! This picture is absolutely stunning!"


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