"Dear judges and friends, the first project our country applied for at this World Heritage Conference is Nishijin brocade weaving technology."

Konoyama Jun was reading the speech, and a PPT was played on the projection screen behind him, which contained detailed information on the relevant projects to be listed as World Heritage.

Representatives from various countries at the scene wore simultaneous interpretation headsets and could understand his speech.

After hearing his speech, representatives from various countries looked at the China World Heritage Project Team.

The representatives present are all scholars and experts from various countries, and they all have a certain understanding of the history and culture of various countries in the world.

As we all know, silk is a symbol of China and the first medium for countries around the world to understand Chinese civilization.

The Silk Road back then connected Eastern and Western civilizations, and is recorded in the history books of various countries.

But Neon Country has filed an application for the heritage of silk weaving technology, which is undoubtedly a provocation to China.

As a result, Konoyama Jun's speech on the application for World Heritage had just begun, and it had already aroused strong interest among the representatives present.

To be precise, it should be an interest in gossiping that is not too big a deal.

Konoyama Jun did not pay attention to the whispers among the representatives from various countries at the scene, but continued to talk to himself: "The history of silk textiles in our country has been more than three thousand years, and the earliest can be traced back to the late Kyushu Jomon period in the first millennium BC.

There are already traces of cloth patterns on the Jomon Period pottery fragments excavated across our country. "

As he spoke, photos of pottery fragments were also displayed on the projection screen.

The pottery fragments in the photo do have criss-crossing lines.

Looking at these photos, Director Zhu next to Li Yi couldn't help but complain in a low voice: "It's so sparse, can it be called cloth? It's more like calling it a fishing net!"

Li Yi smiled and did not say anything, but looked at Konoyama Jun who continued to speak with interest.

It's quite interesting to watch his serious nonsense, like watching a sketch.

“According to the Kojiki, the oldest ancient book written in our country, after the God of Food Otsuhime was killed by Susanoo, many crops emerged from the corpse.

Silkworms grew out of her head, rice grew out of her eyes, millets grew out of her ears, red beans grew out of her nose, wheat grew out of her vulva, and soybeans grew out of her buttocks.

Seeing this scene, the god of birth and nesting sun took out these seeds, and these crops began to grow from then on.

This shows that our country had already mastered the technology of sericulture and textiles long before the "Kojiki" was written. "

Konoyama Jun said, and the cover of a book also appeared in the PPT.

But looking at this book, Li Yi couldn't help but chuckle.

Because the three characters "Kojiki" on the cover of the book are clearly written in Chinese characters.

Representatives from other countries present also noticed this, and there was a lot of snickering for a while, which was quite clear in the quiet venue.

Hearing these laughter, everyone in the delegation behind Konoyama Jun suddenly looked a little embarrassed.

Arai Junta, who was sitting upright, looked particularly ugly. He glared at the laughing representatives with a sullen face, as if his eyes could burst out with anger.

However, Konoyama Jun continued to speak as if he was not aware of it: "As early as the time of Emperor Sougin, the 10th emperor of our country, senior Tataya Meiko of Kuji County had already made Nagababe Utensils out of thick silk.

In the Yamato period in the 5th century before Emperor Kanmu built Heiankyo, the textile industry in Kyoto, my country, began to take off, forming a large-scale textile industry.

With the relocation of Heian's capital to Kyoto and the establishment of the Oribe Department responsible for managing palace fabrics, my country's textile industry has developed rapidly.

In the second half of the Heian period, the textile craftsmen of the Oribe Division gathered and settled in Otona Town, east of the Oribe Division. They broke away from the management of the palace and began to work freely, producing Otona no damask, Omiya no silk and so on. Beautiful textiles.

In the middle period of Muromachi, many craftsmen left Kyoto due to the Onin Rebellion. After the war subsided, they returned to the ruins of the base camp of the Western Army. They redeveloped the textile industry on the ruins and produced more exquisite silk and satin than before.

These silks produced at the site of the Western Army's base camp are the predecessors of Nishijin weaving, a national treasure textile craft in our country today.

During the Edo period, Nishijin became a nationally famous high-end silk production base. Large-scale yarn wholesale stores and textile workshops formed a textile street. The scale of local looms reached more than 20,000.

It is precisely because of such a prosperous textile industry that the exquisite neon Nishijin brocade was born locally..."

Hearing this, many of the snickering representatives stopped smiling and began to look at the information and photos of cultural relics on the PPT seriously.

Looking at the photos of cultural relics of various fabrics displayed in the PPT, the representatives looked at the Huaguo project team with some confusion and thought.

Everything must be based on logic. Konoyama Jun's statement is well-founded, with evidence from cultural relics and historical records, and it is still very convincing.

Could it be said that Neon Country really has its own brocade weaving technology?

Beside Li Yi, Director Zhu was so angry that he rolled his eyes.

"What a fucking bullshit!"

Director Zhu cursed through his teeth before whispering: "This guy didn't even mention how he came to learn technology from us!

When he said this, it turned out that they invented silk themselves! "

"Don't worry."

Li Yi comforted him: "What is black cannot be white. Let's listen to what he says first."

Realizing that the representatives from various countries were getting serious, everyone in the Neon Country delegation sat up straight, looking proud.

And Junta Arai straightened her back, looked excited, and was about to burst into tears.

Not long after, Konoyama Jun had finished his speech.

However, his speech on the application for World Heritage was not yet finished. He turned around and looked at Junta Arai, raised his hand and introduced: "The person sitting behind me is Mr. Junta Arai, the inheritor of Nishijin Unbrocade.

The weaving technology of Nishijin Unbrocade was created by the seniors of the Arai family.

Next, I would like to ask Mr. Junta Arai to explain to the judges the specific weaving technology of Nishijin Unbrocade. "

After saying that, he walked off the stage.

Arai Junta stood up solemnly, slowly straightened out the haori hakama on his body, and after tidying up his clothes, he walked towards the podium.

Passing by Konoyama Jun, he nodded to Konoyama Jun and then walked onto the podium.

"Dear judges and representatives, I am the patriarch of the Arai family, Junta Arai."

He introduced himself with a serious face.

The microphone in front picked up his voice, spread throughout the venue, and reached the ears of representatives from various countries through simultaneous translation.

"My family is the oldest textile family in Nishijin."

There was a hint of suppressed excitement in his tone: “My ancestor, Taro Arai, witnessed with his own eyes the glory of Nishijinori in the Edo generation.

At that time, the Nishijin area could already produce more than 12 kinds of fabrics including warp brocade, weft brocade, satin, Zhuzhen, Shoba, futong, Sui weaving, Honori weaving, velvet, Kaori weaving, and Tsumugi.

My ancestor Taro Arai combined the most advanced fabric technology at that time to weave Nishijin Unbrocade! "


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