A Mouthful of Sky-high Fried Rice, Lao Tang Apprenticed on the Spot

Chapter 829 Are you sweating profusely? Brother!

Junta Arai looked at the comparison of the two photos on the projection screen and opened his mouth, but could not say anything.

Anyone with eyes can see that the clothes on the pottery figurine in the photo are exactly the same as the clothes in the other photo, without any difference.

In the face of such conclusive evidence, any rebuttal seems futile.

After a long silence, Arai Junta spoke again with a stern face: "I'm not a scholar, so I can't verify whether what you said is true or false, but I can confirm that the Nishijin Unbrochure was indeed created by my ancestors of the Arai family. I can use the Arai family's Glory swears!”

"Don't rush to make an oath, otherwise it won't end well."

Li Yi smiled and said: "You just talked about the vigorous development of Nishijinori in the information, but there are many things you didn't mention. I'll fill it in for you."

As he spoke, he motioned to the staff to pull out the Neon Country's information and explained it based on the information above: "In your information, there are many fabric cultural relics woven in the second half of the Heian period.

For example, the silk of the Grand Master, the silk of the Grand Palace, etc. They are all collected in your temples and Zhengsangyuan.

But you still have a lot of fabrics that you haven’t listed.

For example, the Shujiang brocade collected by Horyuji Temple, the Shujiang streamer collected by Kobe Temple, the phoenix-patterned brocade handrail collected by Shoso-in, and a series of brocaded patterns, I won’t list them all.

These brocades are proof of the large-scale absorption of Chinese culture by the Neon Kingdom in the 264 years from 630 to 894.

Over the past two hundred years, it was the Sui and Tang Dynasties in my country, and silk weaving technology reached its peak with the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.

In the past two hundred years, the Neon Kingdom has officially sent envoys to our country 17 times, and brought a large number of foreign students and scholarly monks to our country to study.

After these missions returned to Neon Country, they had a huge impact on the politics, economy, and culture of Neon Country, setting off a craze of imitating Tang culture.

The development of the textile industry in Neon Country also started from this period.

The envoys sent to the Tang Dynasty brought back the most advanced weaving technology at that time. The damask silk and damask silk, as well as the Tang damask you have not listed, were all introduced to neon at that time.

Until now, the Neon Kingdom still uses Chinese names such as damask, luo, silk, 灁, and 燈Valley to name silk fabrics, which is the custom passed down at that time.

Since then, Neon Country has never stopped communicating with our country.

During the Song Dynasty, a craftsman named Yasanemon went to the Song Dynasty with Enji Benen, a monk from Tofukuji Temple, and learned the weaving technology of Guangdong satin silk. After returning to Hakata, he founded Hakata-ori.

This kind of fabric imitates the damask brocade style of the Song Dynasty, and has different categories such as damask weaving, Yue weaving, bamboo weaving and Yunxia weaving.

These are the origins of Nishijin Unbrocade listed in your materials, but you did not mention the information that Yasanemon learned Guangdong weaving technology from the Song Dynasty. Could it be that the "Hakata Chronicles" you read is different from what I read? Same? "

In the audience, Konoyama Jun's face looked extremely bad.

He knew that Li Yi was deliberately sarcastic, but he couldn't refute it at all.

Li Yi did not give them a chance to refute and continued: "During the Yuan Dynasty, Kublai Khan crossed the sea twice to attack the Neon Kingdom. Official exchanges between the two countries were cut off, but private trade was still not cut off.

In the Ming Dynasty of our country, the Muromachi era of Neon Kingdom, the two countries resumed trade again.

At that time, our country's raw silk could be sold in Neon Country for five or six hundred taels of silver per hundred catties. One catty of raw silk shipped to Neon could be sold for twenty times the price.

Therefore, a large number of merchants began to resell raw silk between the two countries.

In addition, a large number of our country's various silk and satin, gold, silver, brocade, printed cloth, silk, silk and other textiles have also flowed into Neon, and have been sought after by Neon citizens.

In the middle period of Muromachi, a war between the East and West armies broke out in Neon Kyoto, also known as the Onin Rebellion. A large number of craftsmen fled to Sakai City in Izumi Province.

At that time, many weavers from the Ming Dynasty went to Sakai City and taught the neon weavers the most advanced weaving techniques at the time, such as pattern yarn and crepe yarn.

After those neon weavers learned the technology, when the war was over, they returned to Nishijin and redeveloped the textile industry, thus forming the Nishijin weaving that you are proud of. "

At this point, Li Yi stopped and looked at the Neon delegation.

At this time, everyone in the neon delegation was sitting quietly on their chairs, as if their souls had been sucked out.

Even Kono Yamatoshi gave up resistance and sat silently without saying a word.

He couldn't resist.

Li Yi has sorted out the history from more than 5,000 years ago to hundreds of years ago, citing classics and classics to demonstrate the development process from silk to brocade, and how the Neon Kingdom absorbed culture from the Chinese Kingdom.

In the face of these ironclad evidences as thick as towering mountains, how can he refute?

Li Yi waited for a moment, wanting to see if anyone in the Neon delegation was dissatisfied, so that he could throw a bunch of irrefutable evidence in their faces to make them sober up.

But unfortunately, he waited for half a minute and no one said a word.

Everyone felt as if they were mourning, and even their eyes became dull.

Are you giving up resistance now?

Li Yi shook his head in disappointment before finishing: "But unfortunately, by the end of the Edo period, the textile development of Neon Country fell into a low ebb.

The main reason is that Tokugawa Ieyasu established the Tokugawa Shogunate, pacified the neon country, implemented a national isolation policy, and prohibited neon people from trading overseas.

And because of the famine, the shogunate issued a ban on luxury goods, which led to a sharp drop in demand for high-end silk fabrics. The business of local textile workshops in Nishijin plummeted. Many workshops could no longer survive and had to resort to various methods to save themselves. "

Listening to Li Yi's words, Arai Junta felt complicated.

He knew that what Li Yi said was true, because it was recorded in the family tree that the ancestors of his Arai family married the local Hattori family in Nishijin at that time and entered the textile industry.

Li Yi no longer looked at the PPT. He clasped his hands behind his back and paced slowly on the stage while explaining: "At that time, our country was also in the period of regime change between the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The Qing government also implemented a closed-door policy in the early Qing Dynasty, so this During this period, exchanges between our country and Neon Country were severed for about eighty years.

Over the past eighty years, my country's textile industry has not stopped and is still developing vigorously.

However, the textile industry in Neon Country came to a standstill and began to shift towards dyeing technology.

At the end of the Edo period, the dyeing technology of Neon Country was already very sophisticated, and the dyed cloth would not fade in color. Therefore, many Chinese businessmen at that time transported white cloth to dyeing houses in Nagasaki for dyeing, and then shipped it back to the mainland for sale. Nagasaki people call it Somechiwatari.

During the Genroku period, after the resources of the Neon Country's textile industry were tilted toward dyeing technology, various local weaving and dyeing technologies began to advance rapidly, and finally Yuzen dyeing appeared.

This is the only technology developed by Neon Country's textile industry since ancient times, and it is a dyeing technique unique to Neon Country.

However, in terms of silk weaving technology, since the exchange with our country was cut off in the Edo period, the brocade weaving skills of Neon Country have remained at the level before our country's Ming Dynasty.

Subsequently, our country's brocade technology continued to develop, and finally reached its peak, forming the famous Jinling brocade. However, due to the seclusion of the two sides, the Neon Kingdom did not learn the technology at this stage, so it was naturally impossible to weave the so-called Nishijin brocade. "

Having said this, Li Yi smiled and looked in the direction of the Neon Kingdom delegation, and said calmly: "So, the Nishijin brocade presented by Mr. Arai is said to be the brocade woven in the early Edo period four hundred years ago. This makes me Somewhat curious.

From the appearance, the jacquard texture on the top of the Western Formation Brocade is a style that only appeared in the late Ming Dynasty in my country and is also the characteristic of Jinling Brocade.

But at that time, exchanges between the two countries were cut off. Where did you learn the weaving technology of Nishijin brocade?

Moreover, if Nishijin brocade weaving technology really exists, then why has there never been any written record or cultural relic evidence of Nishijin brocade in Neon China in the hundreds of years from the Edo period to modern times? "

Facing Li Yi's series of questions, everyone in the Neon Country delegation sat in their chairs without saying a word, staring at the carpet in front of them, their faces gloomy.

Junta Arai, who was furious before, now turned pale and was sweating profusely.

Seeing him sitting on pins and needles, Director Zhu who was not far away felt as happy as if he had eaten candy.


Not awesome anymore?

Keep calling?

Why don't you call?

Are you sweating profusely? Brother!

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