The inheritance of this space should be smelting or forging swords?

If it's the two of them, Li Yi has obviously refined the iron and forged the eight-sided iron sword, so why hasn't he returned to reality?

In order to clear up the doubts, Li Yi took the eight-sided iron sword and went to Chu State, intending to consult Ou Yezi.

However, when he arrived at Ou Yezi's home, what he saw was Ou Yezi's new grave.

After meeting Mo Xie, Li Yi learned that Ou Yezi had been experimenting with refining alloy steel in the past few years, and finally successfully cast an alloy steel sword last month.

He planned to donate it to the King of Chu, so he drove to Chendu to offer the sword.

But on the way to Chendu, he encountered heavy rain and the car slid into the valley, causing him to die on the spot.

Mo Xie's letter to the Xu family was delivered only the day before, but he didn't expect Li Yi to arrive so soon.

After learning about the situation, Li Yi asked Mo Xie directly if Ou Yezi planned to follow Zhuan Zhu's example and assassinate the King of Chu to avenge the generals?

Moye remained silent, but it was already acquiescence.

Li Yi sighed with emotion. Although several years had passed, Ou Yezi still had not forgotten the matter of revenge.

After comforting Mo Xie, he also saw the alloy steel sword forged by Ou Yezi.

Judging from the appearance, the sword cast by Ou Yezi already resembles the steel of later generations, but the material is not that pure yet.

Although its hardness is good, in terms of toughness, it is slightly inferior to the eight-sided iron sword made by Li Yi himself.

This also means that Li Yi's eight-sided iron sword is indeed the best magic weapon in the world.

However, even so, he still failed to return to reality.

After leading Li Yi to worship Ou Yezi, Mo Xie also called Mei Jian Chi and asked him to call Li Yi cousin.

The last time Li Yi saw him, he was only three years old, unable to speak, and stupid.

But this time I saw him, he had grown into half a man and had learned to speak.

Although his speech was still relatively vague, he answered questions and answers in a very orderly manner.

However, when asked more in-depth questions, he still couldn't understand and would only look to Moye for help.

Obviously, many of his words were taught to him word by word by Mo Xie.

But even so, it is already not easy.

To be able to teach a child with Down syndrome to be so disciplined, you can imagine how much effort Mo Xie put in behind the scenes.

The eight-sided iron sword that surpassed Ou Yezi could not bring Li Yi back to reality, so he simply regarded the sword as a memorial gift and inserted it in front of Ou Yezi's grave.

Ou Yezi died, and the hope of returning to reality became even slimmer. Li Yi was not in a good mood.

He came from afar and Moye wanted to entertain him for a meal.

Li Yi couldn't keep her busy, and seeing that she didn't have much food left at home, he planned to go to the market to buy some things.

Knowing that he was going to the market, Mei Jianchi was very happy and shouted to go with him.

In order to save Moye some trouble, Li Yi brought the eyebrow ruler.

However, what Li Yi didn't expect was that on the way to the market, Mei Jianchi asked him out of the blue how his grandfather Ou Yezi died.

Li Yi was surprised, thinking that he also suspected that Ou Yezi's death was related to the King of Chu.

But Mei Jian Chi then asked him how many days Ou Yezi would have to die before returning home.

Li Yi was speechless for a moment, and at the same time he became more and more sympathetic to Mo Xie.

It is indeed a difficult life for a family of orphans and widowers with a son who is also a sugar baby.

So, he purchased many things at the market and sent them to Mo Xie's home. He also left a sum of money before saying goodbye and returning.

However, on his way back to Zhao State, when he was about to reach the border, he encountered a group of bandits.

There are more than thirty robbers, and they are very experienced.

They set up a trap, trapped the hoofs of Li Yi and his subordinates' horses, and injured the horses' legs. Then they attacked with their troops and launched a siege on Li Yi and the others.

Their martial arts skills were so strong that several of their retinues were quickly killed after a few rounds of fighting.

Although Li Yi was extremely skilled, he almost died several times when he faced the siege of more than thirty people alone.

In the end, he struggled to kill more than 20 people before driving away the remaining bandits.

However, he was seriously injured as a result. He was stabbed seven times and his appearance was disfigured.

Fortunately, these stab wounds did not damage the internal organs, but the skin and flesh were rolled out. It looked horrible, but it was not fatal on the spot.

When Li Yi was preparing weapons, he made a batch of first aid kits.

Although they were just clean gauze, bandages, and triangle towels, they saved many people on the battlefield in Handan.

He also made a batch of high-end models for his family, including alcohol, scissors, pins, catgut, catgut gloves and other utensils.

This time when he went out, he also brought a few sets with him.

These things also saved his life. After he found a safe place and sutured his wounds, he successfully reached the territory of Zhao and received rescue.

This dangerous situation made him realize that leaving this dream space might be much more difficult than he thought.

He seemed to be involved in an incident and had to complete the incident before he could escape.

When he fought with the group of bandits, he discovered that the other party was not a bandit who robbed homes, but a well-trained killer.

Ordinary robbers would never maintain such strong combat effectiveness after killing their accomplices, and they would have to put him to death.

And since he came here, he has not offended anyone, let alone a powerful enemy who can send so many killers.

After much thought, he finally came to the conclusion that the person who sent these killers was probably the King of Chu.

But why did King Chu want to kill him?

Although the King of Chu was lewd and arrogant, he had never met the King of Chu. Why would the King of Chu be murderous towards him?

Moreover, there was something fishy about the King of Chu's order for generals to forge swords.

He judged that there must be a hidden secret behind this.

So, after returning home, he asked his grandfather Xu Du about it, and he learned an amazing past event.

At that time, King Huai, the father of Xiong Heng, the current King of Chu, was captured by the Qin State and threatened to cede territory.

Later, Xiong Heng was supported by the ministers of the country and succeeded to the throne, which led to the bankruptcy of Qin's plan.

King Huai fled back to his country the following year and fled to Zhao State by a small road, hoping to use a road to escape back to his country.

However, King Zhao did not accept King Huai because he was afraid of offending Qin. As a result, King Huai was chased by Qin's pursuers and captured back to Qin. As a result, he fell ill and died in Qin.

At the border between Qin and Chu, it was Xu Du who led his troops to block King Huai's carriage.

After learning about this, Li Yi immediately understood why the King of Chu secretly used Gan Jiang and Ou Yezi to influence the Xu family.

He didn't dare to deal with King Zhao openly, he only dared to attack a small Xu family, and he used such unsavory methods.

No wonder the Chu State was defeated one after another by the Qin State, even the country was lost, and most of the territory was seized. With such a useless leader, the country will be destroyed sooner or later.

After figuring this out, Li Yi finally realized that the prerequisite for him to return to reality was to avenge Gan Jiang and Ou Yezi.

That is, kill the King of Chu.

It turns out it’s not a cold, but mycoplasma pneumonia. No wonder I can’t get better even after taking medicine...

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