Although it was just two stir-fried side dishes, using the most common potatoes and cabbage, Lao Huang's family was full of praise and enjoyment.

Even the vegetable soup was dipped in steamed buns and eaten clean by Lao Huang.

Lao Huang even said that he had never eaten such delicious stir-fried potatoes and stir-fried cabbage in his life.

After finishing the meal, Li Yi fulfilled his promise and started the live broadcast.

He asked the photographer to film the entire process of Lao Huang making yellow steamed buns, which was completely displayed in front of the audience in the live broadcast room.

When they learned that these authentic steamed buns were sold for only one yuan, the audience in the live broadcast room was really intrigued.

So, Li Yi asked people to count the purchasing intentions of the viewers in the live broadcast room.

In one hour's statistics, there were already more than 80,000 viewers interested in purchasing.

Even if each person only buys one, there are more than 80,000 purchase intentions.

Lao Huang has been selling steamed buns for seven or eight years, but he has not sold a total of 80,000.

As a result, in Li Yi's live broadcast room, more than 80,000 people wanted to buy his steamed buns in just half a day.

This was somewhat difficult for him to understand.

But he doesn't need to understand, his son just needs to understand.

That afternoon, after learning that the film crew was filming at home, Lao Huang's son and daughter-in-law rushed back.

After learning that Li Yi planned to help Lao Huang open a food processing factory and sell steamed buns nationwide, Lao Huang's son and daughter-in-law were very excited, feeling like pie in the sky.

So, during the next few days of filming, they started running the formalities.

With the popularity of Li Yi and Liu Yifei and the attention brought by the live broadcast, they ran the procedures very efficiently. The local leaders also found Li Yi and the camera crew to discuss the details of the food factory.

Finally, before the film crew left, the food factory approval procedures were approved.

Local leaders said they would regard this factory as a key task next year, but they hoped that Li Yi could provide some help in terms of sales.

Naturally, Li Yi would not refuse. He told Lao Huang that after the food factory was built, he would come again to help build the live broadcast room.

After meeting the local leaders, Lao Huang finally believed that Li Yi really wanted to help him build a factory and become his boss.

He was both frightened and grateful for this. Before the film crew left, he stayed up late and made four large bags of yellow buns for the film crew to take with them on the road.

Li Yi and his party did not refuse, because this was the best gift he could give.

After leaving Lao Huang, the film crew continued westward, shooting noodles.

After arriving at Shule City, the westernmost city, and taking pictures of the local roasted naan, the film crew turned back and headed straight to Ji Province, heading to Chagan Lake to film winter fishing.

Busy time always flies by, and the Spring Festival is almost here in a blink of an eye.

After finishing filming in the Heilongjiang Province, Li Yi also received a call from his second uncle, asking him when he would go back to celebrate the New Year.

During the Spring Festival in previous years, Li Yi and his second uncle would go back to the countryside to worship their ancestors and have a meal with several uncles and relatives.

But this year, his situation has changed dramatically. Not only did he suddenly become a big star, but he also got a big star as his girlfriend, so the second uncle took the initiative to ask him to see how he would arrange it.

Li Yi has long lost interest in celebrating the festival.

But after confirming the relationship with Liu Yifei, I had to pay homage to my deceased parents.

Moreover, if you get married in the future, the elders of the clan will have to come out to witness the marriage, so you have to go back anyway.

So, Li Yi discussed it with Liu Yifei and asked her if she would like to go back to her hometown with him, which would be regarded as acknowledgment.

After Liu Yifei learned his idea, she was very happy and agreed without thinking.

This was the first time that Li Yi took the initiative to invite her to contact his family. She naturally understood the meaning contained in it.

After Liu Xiaoli learned about it, she also agreed with both hands, and even offered to go together, which happened to be the way to finalize the marriage of the two.

During this period of time, she had been staying in Jinling to help Li Yi handle matters such as Yunjin Research Institute, professional setup, etc.

After seeing the local government's support for the institute, she couldn't wait to tie Li Yi's golden son-in-law to Liu Yifei.

Because it was her first time visiting, Liu Yifei was obviously very nervous.

She bought a bunch of clothes for this purpose, and asked Li Yi about the preferences of her uncles and juniors, planning to buy some gifts for them all.

Li Yi didn't think much about it at all.

In his opinion, this was a return home, so there was no need to be so polite.

And he didn't want to make it look like a nouveau riche returning to his hometown, causing such a big battle.

However, Liu Yifei believes that proper etiquette must be observed.

He may not care, but Liu Yifei is still an outsider for the time being and must do her job properly.

Seeing that she was serious, Li Yi stopped trying to persuade her and started choosing gifts with her instead.

In fact, since his parents passed away, his uncle at home has also taken care of Li Yi.

Especially the second uncle, who looked after him as if he were a cub.

Although not as good as his biological parents, he may have done enough to take care of him.

So, Li Yi and Liu Yifei selected and prepared dozens of gifts, one for each of their relatives at home.

Although it is a bit ostentatious, as the saying goes, wealth does not return to its hometown, just like walking in brocade at night.

He was able to return to his hometown rich and wealthy, which could be considered as a way to pay tribute to his deceased parents.

After buying the gifts, Li Yi and the two found that there seemed to be no car to hold the gifts.

Since you have already spent money, just spend it all at once.

So, Li Yi asked Liu Xiaoli to buy a Defender directly and put it in the name of Jinling Company.

Li Yi originally planned to buy a Cullinan, but since the Spring Festival was approaching, he couldn't order a current car, and Land Rover happened to have a current Defender, so he ordered a Defender first.

After everything was ready, Li Yi took Liu Yifei and Liu Xiaoli back to Guangdong Province.

Perhaps due to psychological factors, after coming to the south, the Spring Festival atmosphere always feels stronger than in the north.

After several months of busy work, Li Yi returned to Yangcheng again and felt a little strange.

But enthusiastic fans who kept recognizing him soon brought him back.

Among Li Yi's fans, the number of fans in Guangdong Province is the largest.

Therefore, after getting off the plane, fans continued to recognize him and Liu Yifei and came forward to ask for photos with great enthusiasm.

After seeing off all the enthusiastic fans, Li Yi met his second uncle and second aunt who came to pick him up.

When she saw her second uncle and second aunt, Liu Yifei was very nervous and extremely polite.

But the second uncle and the second aunt were more nervous than she was, and for a moment they didn't know where to put their hands.

Fortunately, Li Yi introduced them in the middle, breaking the awkwardness, and then they got in the car together and headed to the countryside.

It was getting dark when the group of them arrived in the countryside, but it was a lively time.

When they learned that Li Yi was coming back with Liu Yifei, the uncles and relatives at home prepared good wine and food, and they were eager to wait.

When Li Yi and Liu Yifei got off the bus at home, they were surrounded by a group of children of all sizes, laughing and shouting that they wanted to see their future aunt.

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