Before this year's college entrance examination, Jinling Forestry University has already applied for the brocade weaving major, and the first batch of enrollment will also be launched in conjunction with this year's college entrance examination unified recruitment work.

Li Yi and Liu Yifei both posted on Weibo to advertise professional enrollment.

However, faced with such an extremely niche field and a major with no employment prospects, the vast majority of candidates and parents will still be daunted by the first reaction.

Although Li Yi made it clear that after graduation, he will be assigned and solved work, and his future development prospects are very good.

But there are still not many people who dare to spend the most important years of their lives on these verbal promises.

In the end, only a dozen students were recruited in the first class, and more than half of them were transferred.

However, Li Yi was very satisfied with being able to recruit a dozen.

After all, the professional courses for these students are all taught by Li Yi himself, and there are too many people for him to teach.

Therefore, after finishing "Havoc in Heaven", Li Yi began to prepare teaching materials related to professional courses.

These materials must be prepared before the end of the summer vacation, otherwise students will not know what to study when school starts.

While preparing materials, Li Yi also prepared information related to iron sword making, ancient papermaking, and natural stone carvings.

The latter two are the inheritance of skills he learned from the eight-sided monument space in the past six months. Li Yi also plans to cooperate with universities to develop them in the future.

Stone carving is the oldest skill of mankind and one of the essence of Chinese culture.

From the garden stone carvings led by the Old Summer Palace to various grottoes, cliff stone carvings, grotto Buddha statues in temples and temples, stone bridge stone carvings, stone tablets and calligraphy, etc., they are all the essence of Chinese culture.

But also because of the war, the inheritance of high-end stone carving skills has disappeared.

Most of today's stone carving techniques are completed using modern methods such as mechanical processing, sandblasting carving, chemical etching, etc. Some of them can be very delicate, but there is no beauty at all.

Li Yi plans to lead several students to try to enter the high-end private customized decoration market as a direction for the development and inheritance of skills.

Aesthetics are cultivated from the top down. As long as the trend can be brought up, the fashion trend will automatically bring the stone carving art back to the aesthetic preferences of the Chinese people.

As for papermaking, one of the four great inventions of China, although it has experienced wars, its inheritance has not been interrupted.

However, many famous papers have disappeared in the long river of history due to reasons such as loss of materials and techniques.

For example, the rattan paper that "knocks ice to reveal a skillful hand", the quicksand paper that "reflects brilliance with a sprinkle of royal hair", the ancient wax paper used to write imperial edicts, etc., are all exquisite.

After mastering the inheritance of paper art, Li Yi already knew the production methods of these famous papers.

And this is also a treasure that contains gold mines.

Paper is no longer a luxury product in modern times. You can buy one for a few cents, and the quality is quite good.

But this is ordinary paper, paper for artistic and professional purposes. It is also expensive and even hard to find.

For creators who study traditional arts such as painting and calligraphy, the impact of paper on their works is definitely much greater than ordinary people think.

Paper has a life span of thousands of years. Works created with good paper can last for thousands of years if they are well preserved.

Good paper, like good wine, gets better with age.

The newly made paper will be relatively hot, but it will become softer and moister as it is stretched, giving it a natural and simple feeling.

Old paper that has matured will take on a gentle spirituality.

This kind of paper is much better than new paper whether it is painting or writing calligraphy.

And this difference is also reflected in their prices.

A piece of newly made rice paper can be sold for dozens of dollars.

But if it is old rice paper, it can be auctioned, and a single sale can fetch hundreds or even thousands.

If it were older, it wouldn't be a problem to get thousands or even tens of thousands.

Therefore, many calligraphers like to collect paper, and each collection costs hundreds of dollars.

For them, collecting paper is also a kind of commercial investment.

From this perspective, the ancients said that the book has its own golden house, which is also a realistic technique.

While he was preparing the information, Liu Xiaoli was busy talking to the director of CCTV's film purchasing department about the introduction of "A Bite of China".

At the end of May, the filming of the first season of "Tongue" ended.

Zeng Shun worked hard to make a pilot film. After Li Yi watched it, he asked Liu Xiaoli to talk to the person in charge of CCTV's film purchasing department.

Liu Xiaoli was a little worried about this, because she knew very well that CCTV's standards for purchasing films were very high.

Although the pilot film edited by Zeng Shun seems to be quite similar, to put it bluntly, it is still a documentary about people eating across the country.

Can CCTV make this kind of film?

However, her worries disappeared after she gave the pilot film to the director of CCTV's film purchasing department.

Director Jiao of the film purchasing department was a little distracted when he first watched it, but halfway through, he sat up straight and concentrated his energy without even blinking.

After the film was played, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Is there anything more?"

When he learned that the rest of the content was still being produced, he immediately called his colleagues to watch it again.

This was not over yet. After reading it, the colleagues who became excited called other colleagues and leaders of several departments.

Dozens of people gathered around the screening room and watched it twice more, admiring it while watching it.

"Awesome! This composition and copywriting are top-notch."

"It's so lifelike. It's like being among the masses!"

"Show me you're hungry, this is really good."

"Eh? Didn't I already say that I wanted to enrich the content of the show? This is fine!"

"I think it's okay. I reported before that I wanted to show some documentaries, but the leader said that they were all imported films. They had shown them before and the audience thought they were boring. If this is this, the audience will definitely like to watch it."

"Food is the most important thing for the people! But this film is really good. If the subsequent content can maintain this level, it will definitely support the ratings."

Listening to their discussion, Liu Xiaoli was both excited and confused.

Is this movie really that good?

After some discussion, Director Jiao quoted a price to Liu Xiaoli. The person in charge of the set also approached Liu Xiaoli to ask how many seasons he planned to film in the future. He planned to open a new column to specifically screen this film.

If there is difficulty in financing the production, Taili can also invest.

Faced with these pie-in-the-sky conditions, Liu Xiaoli was a little confused for a while.

She didn't dare agree, so she used going to the bathroom as an excuse to go outside the bathroom, called Li Yi and told her about the situation here.

Li Yi was not surprised by this. After hearing this, he said: "Then just sign it!"

But Liu Xiaoli still felt that it was a bit unreal: "Can you sign it? There won't be any pitfalls in this, right? CCTV has opened a new column specifically for our film? Why can't I believe it?"

Li Yi was amused and said with a smile: "What are you afraid of in the CCTV building?"

"Isn't this condition too good?"

Liu Xiaoli praised her repeatedly.

"Isn't this a good thing? Good conditions mean that our works are good, and it shows that the people at CCTV are discerning."

After Li Yi joked for a while, he said: "Don't worry about signing the contract! Just tell them that we plan to make more than three seasons of this film and more than three films of the same type. We guarantee that the quality will not be lower than that of the pilot film."

After hearing what he said, Liu Xiaoli felt relieved and went back to sign the contract.

After signing the contract, CCTV also made intensive preparations.

Half a month later, on Saturday, which happened to be the Dragon Boat Festival, CCTV 1 officially launched the first national premiere of "A Bite of China".

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