After the production session is over, it’s time for the judging session.

The members of the judging panel are judges representatives elected by the World Chefs Federation and professionals composed of professional gourmet connoisseurs, a total of 16 people.

They were sorted by team, came to the national team's booth one by one, and started tasting.

They reviewed the dishes very carefully, first looking, smelling and then tasting. They would also rinse their mouths with water between tasting each dish to prevent odor transfer.

Every time they taste a dish, they will record the score of the dish on the scoring sheet in their hands and write down their comments.

However, during the tasting process, they did not communicate in any way to prevent them from influencing each other.

The judges are very efficient. They try every dish in small bites and never eat more than one bite.

This is to leave more appetite to taste the dishes of the team behind, so as not to be too full to eat.

After a person is full, his taste sensitivity will be significantly reduced.

In order to ensure fairness, when scoring, the scores of participating teams in the second half of the review will be multiplied by a coefficient, and the final score will be increased accordingly.

This is also to balance the slight sensory imbalance caused by the judges' taste sensitivity constantly decreasing during the tasting process.

The judges were very efficient and quickly got a taste of the Chinese team.

When they arrived at the booth, they stared at the [Beef Tenderloin Stir-fried with Green Onions] that had just been cooked.

The "fire stir-fry" that Li Yi just stirred up was very visually stimulating and aroused their curiosity.

In addition, the green onions stir-fried over high heat exude the aroma of green onions, which is particularly noticeable among the dishes on the table.

This dish uses green onions, and in China and even the entire East Asia region covered by Chinese culture, green onions are the most basic and important condiment.

Its status is equivalent to that of onions in the Middle East and Europe. It has an unshakable status.

The green onions made by the explosion method have the strongest aroma, retain the most juiciness, and have the best taste.

Surrounding the [Beef Tenderloin Stir-fried with Green Onions], the judges stepped forward to observe carefully, using their hands to guide the aroma and smell it deeply. After judging the appearance, smell and flavor, they began to taste it.

Thanks to the fact that Li Yi stir-fried this dish last and the plate that had been heated in advance continued to heat up, the [Beef Tenderloin Stir-fried with Green Onions] still maintained a relatively high temperature and was full of flavor.

Therefore, when the judges picked up the green onion and beef tenderloin, they could still feel the heat coming from them.

But this heat is made up of the rich aroma of green onions. However, after the initial aroma of green onions, the aroma of fried beef suddenly stands out from the rich aroma of green onions, like the sun jumping out of the sea, clear and clear. And enthusiastic.

After smelling the aroma, the judges did not rush to eat, but took a few careful sniffs to distinguish the seasoning of the beef tenderloin.

This also allows the temperature of the beef tenderloin to naturally drop.

After the beef tenderloin cooled down slightly, they put the beef tenderloin into their mouths and tasted it carefully.

The bursting method is the most important technique in Chinese food. The chef can control the ingredients to a just ripe state, allowing diners to taste the freshest and most tender texture.

The beef used by Li Yi has been starched in advance, which retains the moisture of the beef to the greatest extent.

So, when the judges took a bite, a burst of sweet juice suddenly gushed out of the tender beef tenderloin.

And when the green onion segment under the beef tenderloin is squeezed by the teeth, releasing a fresh and sweet juice unique to the green onion segment, the two flavors are mixed together, forming a unique fragrance that occupies all the taste. Senses.

Visible to the naked eye, the expressions of the judges have changed significantly, and there is a bit of surprise in their eyes.

As they chewed, the aroma became clearer and clearer, and the judges couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

After swallowing the beef tenderloin in their mouths, many judges looked at the plate of [Beef Tenderloin Stir-fried with Green Onion] again, with a trace of hesitation flashing in their eyes.

They all had the urge to have another piece.

However, this impulse was quickly suppressed by them.

There are still many dishes to try later, so we can’t break the rules.

Then, they looked at the second dish.

The order of dishes was decided by Li Yi. The second dish Li Yi arranged was [Golden Snake Offering Blessings], which is [Sounding Oil Eel Paste].

But before the judges could take action, Li Yi took a small copper pot next to the dinner plate.

He held the handle of the pot and poured the [Sounding Oil Eel Paste] in front of the judges through a layer of hand towel.

A stream of hot sesame oil was poured on the minced garlic and pepper spread on top of the [Sounding Oil Eel Paste], making a sizzling sound.

[Sounding oil eel paste] The reason why it is called this name is because of the sound of oil.

The pouring of oil is not only for fun, but also to maximize the aroma of the dish before the diners eat it.

[Sounding oil eel paste] What you eat is the fragrance of garlic and pepper. When the hot oil is poured, the aroma of minced garlic and pepper is instantly stimulated and spreads quickly.

Smelling this aroma, not only the judges nearby raised their eyebrows, but even the participating chefs from other neighboring countries stretched their necks, looking at the hot [Sounding Oil Eel Paste] floating in front of Li Yi, and marveled. Incessantly.

They were not amazed by the taste of the dish, but by Li Yi's operation of pouring oil on the spot.

Although they are not particular about wok gas, they also know that the aroma of freshly cooked dishes is the strongest.

Sure enough, after smelling this warm aroma, all the judges present couldn't help but swallowed their saliva.

And their reactions were all within Li Yi's expectations.

The reason why he arranged these two dishes at the front was to achieve this effect.

In the CCTV live broadcast room, the audience was drooling.

Although they couldn't taste it, they could imagine how fragrant the dish was by looking at the steam generated by the hot oil through the screen.

Then, [Fried Smoked Horse Intestine], [Zigong Fresh Pepper Rabbit], [Beautiful Dragon], [Tiger Skin Elbow]...the judges tasted each dish one by one.

Every time they taste a dish, the judges' expressions will change.

The unique smoky flavor of smoked horse intestines, the clear numbness of fresh pepper rabbit, the unique taste of dragonfly, and the fragrant braised flavor of tiger skin knuckles. Each dish served by the Huaxia team has a completely different taste, with clear and Independent style.

When tasting dishes from other countries, the judges all felt that they came from the same origin and had a unified style.

But the dishes of the Huaxia team are so varied in style that it feels like every dish comes from the same country.

After enjoying their meal, the judges couldn't help but sigh that China's food culture is indeed extensive and profound. The richness of the cooking methods shown in these dishes can rival a continent.

After finishing the twelve dishes, the judges also finished scoring.

Leaving the Chinese dining table with some nostalgia, the judges went straight to the next national team.

Perhaps due to the overwhelming situation, the judges have sped up a lot when reviewing the subsequent teams. The review time for each team is far less than that of the Huaxia team, or even less than half.

After one round of judging, the judges returned to the judges’ seat and handed the scoring sheet to the staff for scoring.

After twenty minutes of scoring, the chairman of the jury announced the winning team in public.

Under everyone's nervous gaze, the name of the Chinese team was read out.

This also means that the Chinese team made another victory and won the championship in the second event.

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