The boundary between life and death is actually very blurry.

When you think about letting others die, it is very likely that your own life has been cut off.

Wang Le's sports car crashed into Wu Hao's car like it was going crazy.

In a flash of lightning, Wu Hao's superb driving skills were immediately revealed.

He turned the steering wheel almost subconsciously, turning all directions.

At the same time, he pulled the handbrake with his right hand and kicked the accelerator violently. The entire car suddenly spun in circles, and the front and rear of the car spun around.

That move again.

It was the same trick Kubusan used when he finally wanted to hit him at the Golden Port Motorsport Park.

When Wang Le's car passed the Lamborghini at a speed close to 180, the scene replayed in his mind like lightning.

It’s over!


Wang Le's car hit the guardrail of the viaduct hard.

The front of the car squeezed violently.

The front windshield shattered.

A figure flew out of the car without even making a sound, was thrown far away from the viaduct, and fell under the bridge more than ten meters high.

It's Wang Le.

He never thought of doing such a dangerous move himself at first.

And there was a beautiful woman beside him.

So he wasn't wearing a seat belt.

On the contrary, Gu Liya escaped because she was wearing a seat belt.

On the viaduct, vehicles on both sides were stopped.

Many people ran down to watch.

The people in the sports cars that followed Wang Le drove away in a hurry, and no one stayed.

Wu Hao also got out of the car.

Slowly walked to the abandoned car.


There was a muffled sound from the front of the car, and a small flame instantly ignited.

Wu Hao rushed over suddenly, turned around and shouted loudly:"Fire extinguisher, there are people in the car."

When the people around him heard this, three or four people immediately took the fire extinguisher and ran here.

Fortunately, the flames were not big.

Three or four fire extinguishers fired at once, nipping the small flames in the bud.

Then, everyone opened the car door with all their hands.

Wu Hao used broken glass to cut off the seat belt, pulled out the unconscious Gu Liya, and put her on the side of the road.

Someone called the police.

Someone called 120.

There was chaos on the viaduct.

Wu Hao fell to the ground and let out a sigh of relief.

This result... is not bad either


Ten minutes later.

120 is coming.

The police car also came.

Wu Hao was taken into the police car.

Gu Liya was sent to the 120 emergency room.

In the police car.

Wu Hao called Tang Yuan.

Not long after, Tang Yuan drove to the scene of the incident

"Mr. Wu, are you okay?"

Tang Yuan asked with concern.


"what's the situation?"

"Come here, let me tell you. Please help me deal with things here later."


Wu Hao and Tang Yuan walked aside and told what happened.

Putting aside the personal grudges between Wang Le and Wu Hao, the responsibility for this collision lies entirely with Wang Le.

Especially, Wang Le was driving under the influence.

After describing it, Tang Yuan smiled lightly:"Mr. Wu, don't worry. I'll go negotiate and you can go back in a while."


Wu Hao nodded.

Tang Yuan is a very powerful person.

He is not only the head of the headquarters of Yingke Law Firm, but also a member of the Twelve Days Team of Ace Lawyers created by the system for Wu Hao.

In China, he He was considered a top figure.

So Wu Hao was not worried at all.

Tang Yuan ran out to negotiate.

The people sent by the police seemed to respect Tang Yuan, which could be seen from the way they talked.

Soon, Wu Hao was released But he couldn't leave Beijing and had to wait for the investigation results at any time.

After Tang Yuan arranged everything, he followed Wu Hao and left the scene of the incident.

Before leaving, Wu Hao saw someone.

Wang Le's sister, Wang Yan.

Wang Yan arrived.

But she didn't see Wang Yongzhi yet.

Wang Yan also saw Wu Hao leaving.

Surprisingly, this woman was so calm and frightening. After learning that her brother had died on the spot, she even showed no signs of expression. He was not as sad as he should have been.

He just glanced at Wu Hao who was leaving.


Half an hour later.

Wu Hao returned to the courtyard villa.

When he walked into his yard, the cold murderous intent in his eyes slowly faded away.

My sister is still at home.

So we can't let her get involved in our own affairs.

Wang Le died today, and Wang Yongzhi would never give up.

Since he is black, he has to strike first.

Wu Hao quietly came to the next room and took a look through the window. The lights in the room had been turned off.

Tiantian must have fallen asleep.

She had little energy and couldn't stay up late.

Wu Hao returned to his room, went into the bathroom to rinse, and after coming out wrapped in a bath towel, he picked up his mobile phone and started to enter the deep network system.

Search for Wang Yongzhi.

Swish, swish, swish!

Pieces of information about him flashed up.

Wang Yongzhi.

Foreign Chinese businessman.

He almost went bankrupt due to the financial crisis. Later, he accidentally went to Beijing to engage in real estate development and became a top real estate tycoon.

The industries under his name are spread all over China.

With a net worth of tens of billions, he is a truly rich man.

In the early years when I was engaged in finance on Hong Kong Island, I came into contact with the dark forces.

So until now, there are often those shady people around him.

The information on the deep web is very comprehensive.

There are even records of his daily browsing on the Internet, including his overseas properties and some shady things.

Wu Hao also discovered that he had an account on the 'dark web'.

He bought forbidden items.

After reading this information, Wu Hao smiled coldly.

It doesn't matter how deep you hide it.

Unless you don’t surf the Internet at all, or you cut off your tail yourself, you will definitely find the fox’s tail in the big data of the deep web.

Wu Hao downloaded some information and stored it on a USB flash drive.

After finishing all this, it was already past midnight.

I opened the message and took a look.

Several unread messages.

A cousin reminded me to go home early and go to bed.

Some Liu Ya complained that she was letting her go.

There is also a message from Wei Lai.

It's about Wang Wencai.

It's a photo.

Not long after Wu Hao left, Wang Wencai excused himself to go to the toilet and met someone.

Wei Lai secretly took photos.

It's Gong Hao.

It turns out that Gong Hao was also involved in what happened today.

That kid had been working in cahoots with Wang Le before, doing all kinds of fucking things.

His good days are coming to an end.

But the person who made Wu Hao more angry was Wang Wencai.

This SB didn't even kick him out when he took over the racing park, but even gave him a management job.

This guy actually ate everything inside and out.

Wu Hao's eyes turned cold.

Sitting quietly on the chair, several people came to mind.

A king of music.

A palace tycoon.

A Wang Wencai.

A middle-aged man with a mustache.

There is also a Gulia.

None of these people can even think about running away.


The phone suddenly vibrated.

A text message from a stranger popped up

"I am Wang Yan. I'm surprised that you dare to kill my brother. If you have the ability to cause my father to have an accident, the Wang Group will become your friend in the future."

Wu Hao was stunned.

This woman... isn't she too cruel?

PS: Chapter 6 is here!

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