What is the concept of a monthly salary of over 10,000 yuan?

In a very, very remote place like Laohe Mining Area, buying a new building of about 80 square meters would cost about 70,000 to 80,000 yuan.

If I could have a monthly salary of over 10,000 yuan in my hometown, it would be a life like a fairy.

There is no smog, no noise, no industrial pollution, and no tense pace of life.

Everything is very laid back.

After all, Shao Yumei never went to college.

Wanting to work part-time was just a passion that burst out after being stimulated for a while.

A person's knowledge level will affect his pattern. so.

Shao Yumei was moved.

She looked at Wu Hao blankly:"What... a job with a monthly salary of over 10,000 yuan?"

"Do you have any special skills?"

Wu Hao asked with a smile, and at the same time walked to the window and glanced down.

"Specialty? Is keeping accounts a specialty?"

"Settle accounts?"

"Well, I keep all the accounts at my family’s small store. I have a very good brain. I never use a calculator to do calculations. I do all calculations mentally. And I remember the accounts clearly."

Wu Hao looked back at her"Can multiplication also be done mentally?"

"As long as the number isn't too big, that's fine"

"345 times 3532?

Shao Yumei hesitated for a moment, then said:"121850.""

Wu Hao checked it, nodded and smiled:"It's really fast. Let's do this. You can be a temporary accountant in the mine office for the time being and try it out for a few days. Salary 3,000 a month"

"Isn’t it a monthly salary of over 10,000 yuan?"

"In your dreams. Your monthly salary is over 10,000 yuan when you first started working? Do you think it's possible?

Wu Hao smiled and said,"Shao Yumei, Laohe Mining Area is my birthplace." A brand new 'ecological town' will be built here, and it will take the route of a tourist town in the future. So, there is a future here"

"OK, I did it.

Shao Yumei nodded fiercely and said with a smile:"Three thousand a month is several times more profitable than my small store.""

"As long as you work well, it won’t take more than a year. When the ecological town takes off, a monthly salary of over 10,000 yuan will not be a dream."

"Wu Hao, what exactly are you doing in Yanjing?"

"Start your own company"

"No wonder. He speaks like a big boss, even more elegant than the previous mine manager. Then will you really stay and become the mine manager? Wu

Hao shook his head:"I won't stay, but I will come back to see you occasionally.""


Shao Yumei's eyes flashed with disappointment.

Wu Hao turned around and walked to the door, called Sun Lide, pointed at Shao Yumei and said:"Take her to the property office and let her try to do some basic accounting work. There is a one-month trial period."

"Okay, leave it to me."

Sun Lide now obeys all Wu Hao's instructions.

"Go ahead. The opportunity is given to you, it depends on your efforts."Wu Hao looked at Shao Yumei and smiled.

"Well, thank you."

Shao Yumei smiled sweetly.

She turned around and went out with Sun Lide.

The moment she went out, her nose couldn't help but feel a little sore.

When climbing the mountain, she could still feel the excitement of meeting Wu Hao, an old classmate.

But this Yes, she already knew the huge insurmountable gap between her and Wu Hao.

This old classmate could only be looked up to.

He was already out of reach.

After arranging Shao Yumei, Wu Hao glanced out the window again, and then He returned to the office and continued to check all relevant documents and materials.

Although the old mining area was backward, it was also a gift arranged by the system for him.

The diamonds in the gift bag were not here, but were sent directly to the office building in Yanjing Garden.

There is no safety at all here.

At noon,

Wu Hao called Sun Lide, and the two of them walked around the mining area, looking at the still-preserved mining area cinema, mining area activity center, small train station and other places.

Lunch was also easily dealt with. One mouthful.

I returned to the office building at around one o'clock in the afternoon.

When I returned, Han Meng was still kneeling in the courtyard, with a look of defiance and stubbornness, not even caring about the redness, swelling and blood on his face.

It was quite surprising.

He There were four or five little gangsters following him, sitting there and refusing to leave. As if he hadn't seen them, Wu Hao returned to the office building and continued to look through the documents in the mining area.

At about two o'clock, the phone There was a ding sound.

I picked it up and glanced at it, with a smile on my face.

Then I got up and walked out of the office, went downstairs, drove the Black Snake and quickly left the mine office building.



Daliu Riverside.

Outside Liu Tie's big villa.

Six Mercedes-Benz cars drove over one after another and slowly stopped outside the door.

A group of people got out of the car.

There must be nearly twenty people, old and young.

These people are roughly divided into three camps.

The leaders were three middle-aged men.

All of them have fleshy faces, fat waists and strong bodies.

The three people rushed to the door first and banged on the door.

Soon, the door of the villa opened.

Liu Tie looked at the group of people outside in bewilderment and exclaimed:"What are you doing? You are dragging your family with you, why are you all suddenly back?"

"Dad, do you have cancer?"The second son Liu Wenhu said anxiously

"Yes, Dad, when did you get cancer?"The third son Liu Wenjiang also rushed over.

"Dad, why didn't you say anything when you had cancer? If you pay for medical treatment, as long as it is not in the advanced stage, you can still hope to live a few more years."

The fourth son Liu Wenhai simply hugged him.

Immediately afterwards, there was a chaotic sound behind him.

People calling him father-in-law, people calling him grandpa, people calling him father, etc.

It was all a mess.

Liu Tie's face turned blue.

Suddenly Pushing Liu Wenhai away, he became furious:"Who the hell has cancer, are you crazy? What's wrong with everyone?"

"Dad, you...don't have cancer?"

Liu Wenhu looked confused.

"Who told you I have cancer? Liu Tie flew up in anger and kicked him.

"Hey, don't kick. That's what my eldest brother said. Big brother sent me a message asking us to come back quickly."

"Yes, my eldest brother also told me"

"My eldest brother also informed me, otherwise, how could I have brought my wife and children back?"

Seeing the three sons saying in unison that the boss informed him, Liu Tie was also confused. He took out his mobile phone and cursed:"You little bitch, what kind of trick is he playing? Are you being asked to come back and divide the family property?"

Dialed the number twice, but failed.

After a closer look, there was no signal on the mobile phone at all.

Others also took out their mobile phones, but they all had no signal.

For some reason, Liu Tie felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

PS: Early morning Chapter 1. Keep working hard today! Please vote for me, please comment on the flowers, and ask for rewards!

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