It was getting dark.

There are more and more military checkpoints and agents on the streets.

Moreover, members of the major gangs hidden in the foggy city were dispatched one after another. For a time, the foggy city was in a state of chaos, and everything in the foggy city was full of soldiers.

Wu Hao held Shen Zhu's arm and slowly walked towards the first checkpoint he encountered.

Victory or defeat depends on this.

If the little golden retriever's identity information is revealed, he will have no choice but to get out.

Lieutenant General Sinclair is a ruthless man.

He knew Wu Hao as the kind of big shot who could threaten the empire if released, so he would rather be imprisoned in England than let him go.

Or assassinate on the spot.

Therefore, the blockade and searches in Fog City will only become more and more strict.

Therefore, we must leave Fog City tonight.

Otherwise, if we delay for another day, we might really have to fight with the entire foggy city tomorrow.

Seeing that we are slowly approaching the checkpoint.

Wu Hao's face slowly showed an indifferent and casual expression, and at the same time he lowered his voice and said,"Be affectionate."

Shen Zhu blushed.

Then half of his body was nestled in Wu Hao's arms.

Wu Hao was no longer polite.

Before leaving the checkpoint, I went up and kissed her deeply.

The kiss is over.

Just arrived at the checkpoint.

Fogdu police conduct inspection.

Everyone must register their identity information, otherwise it will be impossible to pass through the main street, and it will be even more difficult to get out of town.

During the inspection, Wu Hao reported his identity information.

While checking the information in the system, Police Officer Wudu looked at the two people up and down, his eyes falling more on Shen Zhu.

Because she was dressed very revealingly.

Like that kind of promiscuous woman.

Soon, the information was verified to be correct.

When the police officer waved at the two people, Shen Zhu could clearly be seen breathing a sigh of relief.

Then, the two walked over in a swaggering manner.

When passing by the police officer who was registering and verifying information, the fat police officer unexpectedly slapped Shen Zhu on the buttocks with his hand.

Then several police officers laughed.

Shen Zhu was trembling all over after being beaten, and his eyes were instantly filled with astonishing murderous intent.

Wu Hao stopped.

However, Shen Zhu did not stop. Instead, he pulled Wu Hao forward slowly and said as he walked,"It doesn't matter.""

"I think it's related."

Wu Hao finally stopped.

"Mr. Wu……"

"It occurred to me that there was a more convenient way to leave the city."

Wu Hao turned around and glanced at a few police officers.

There were only three people at the checkpoint.

And in order not to attract attention, Wu Hao chose a small road to walk.

It was almost dusk and there were few pedestrians on the small road, so the three police officers were free. Panic, if you get rid of these three police officers as quickly as possible, put on their clothes and cars.

Wouldn't it be more convenient to leave the city in a police car?

Wu Hao leaned over and whispered a few words into Shen Zhu's ear. From the perspective of outsiders, It seemed like they were making out.

The fat police officer at the checkpoint looked back.

Seeing the two people making out, he immediately shouted:"Hey, go home and make out." Or how about you two making out in the police car?"

Wu Hao and Shen Zhu separated.

Then, Shen Zhu swayed to the side of the road, waved to the fat police officer, with a smile on his face.

At the same time, Wu Hao took out something from his pocket A pack of cigarettes came, I pulled out two cigarettes, greeted the other two police officers, and handed over two cigarettes.

They were good cigarettes.

Gold Treasurer, the most expensive cigarette in England and even the world.

More than 300 euros per pack.

Originally After Wu Hao arrived in England, he thought it was new and bought a few boxes to prepare for trying it.

As soon as he took out the cigarettes, the two police officers' eyes widened.

The fat police officer looked towards Shen Zhu in confusion. When leaving, Wu Hao lit cigarettes for the two police officers and asked casually:"What happened today? What happened? Identity checks everywhere?"

He had a full British accent.

So the two police officers were not suspicious.

They lit the cigarette greedily.

They just took a puff and were enjoying it with their eyes closed. Suddenly, they were hit hard on the neck at the same time, and then there was no sound. He collapsed as soon as he said it.

Wu Hao dodged to catch the two of them and quickly put them into the car.

On the roadside in the distance.

The fat police officer had just walked up to Shen Zhu and was about to speak with a wretched look on his face when he suddenly realized Shen Zhu's eyes were cold, and a murderous aura came to his face.


Just as the fat man said a word, a figure flashed in front of him. puff!

One kick hit the crotch.

The fat man's whole body twitched violently, and his eyes turned white.

Then Shen Zhu stretched out his hands, held his head and twisted it with his backhand. Hearing a"Gaba" sound, his head turned half a circle.

The fat man was about to fall, but Shen Zhu held him up.

Wu Hao also rushed over, held the fat man up and whispered:"Someone is coming, hurry up and change clothes, first stuff the fat man into the trunk"


Shen Zhu nodded.

The two of them moved quickly, stuffing the fat man into the trunk, and at the same time got into the car and quickly changed into the clothes of the two police officers.

Not long after changing, someone passed by this path.

Wu Hao and Shen Zhu put on sunglasses, covering half of their faces, and pretended to check their identities for a few people.

After those people left, Shen Zhu got into the car again and removed the police car's tracking position as quickly as possible. The device was hidden under the street lamp on the roadside.

Afterwards, the two drove quickly away from the block.

All day today, there were police cars wandering around the streets and alleys of the foggy city. So the two of them drove without being abrupt, and the speed was not fast either. They just drove slowly from the city to the southwest suburbs of the city.

When the sun completely set, the two people finally drove the police car out of the foggy city and drove wildly on the suburban highway.

More than an hour later, through the police radio , the two of them knew that their car had been discovered.

Fortunately, Shen Zhu removed the tracker in advance.

In the city, they could also call the surveillance camera to find the movement of the car.

But once they left the city, from the foggy capital to Nan'an There are only four or five highway routes in Pudong, not to mention the chaos in between.Bad town.

Finding traces of vehicles is even harder.

Moreover, the distance from Fog City to Southampton is only over 100 kilometers, and the drive only takes about two hours.

So when the police found out, Wu Hao was already outside Southampton.

Before entering the city, he found a random place to abandon the police car, and then used a hundred dollars to get a pickup truck, and the journey went smoothly into Southampton.

This night, I'm afraid the fog will make me sleepless.

PS: Chapter 4 is here!

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