Mother and Father,

It's been a while since I last wrote to you two. Four years really. Though I never really had the motivation to right to Y'all anyways. It's not like Y'all are gonna ask why aren't I writing to ya with you two being dead and all but I figured I might as well.

I graduated from High School. Robert and Jonathan suggested that I help them out with some military stuff and I told them that I will. I know that you'd probably be pissed off Dad but I assure you that I will be doing fine. On the bright side, I have a job now that pays well and I'm fresh outta high school.

Robert and Jonathan are happy with my decision and my training has been going well. The soldier controls a lot like the ones from the arcade simulators.

You know that was intentional? Apparently, the creators of the game wanted to simulate as much as they could. They were even allowed to use parts from fallen soldiers just to get as authentic as they could. Must have cost a lotta money to get them but hey it was put to good use right?

I also bought myself a Journal like you did dad. Figured it is something nice to do when I ain't training. Maybe I'll have a badass story eh?



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