With his thick brown hair spread slightly messily, King Camos sat cross-legged on a spacious malachite seat, with exquisite hollow patterns carved on the emerald green malachite seat.

Malachite is a gem that symbolizes God's blessing in Aaron Landis. Although it is not as bright as other gemstones and crystals, its restrained and noble emerald green luster is extremely popular among the upper class. In particular, malachite is considered to be the favorite gemstone worn by Solga, the god of wisdom, and symbolizes the future and wisdom.

Aaron Landis believe that it has the effect of suppressing evil and driving away evil. When wounds fester and evil spirits invade, applying malachite powder to the wound can drive away the disease and allow the wound to heal.

Therefore, this gemstone is extremely expensive. Not to mention common people, even lower-level nobles and wealthy businessmen feel like they have obtained a valuable treasure once they obtain a small piece of malachite and make it into a talisman to wear.

Probably only Camos, the king of Aaron Landis, could have such luxury of using large pieces of malachite to carve his seat.

Camos was randomly picking up a date and stuffing it into his mouth with one hand, and putting down the official document he had just read with the other hand.

Shermer, wearing a white priest's robe, stepped forward and handed the official document in his hand to Camos.

King Camos opened it and looked at it, and he was talking next to him.

"This is the plague report this month for the cities that suffered from floods." He said, "The city of Vinal is almost over. There is still a small spread of plague in the other two cities, but compared with last month, there were already dropped significantly.”

King Camos glanced at the parchment in his hand and looked at the data several times.

He nodded and said, "In other words, it has almost been confirmed that eliminating contact with water sources and diseased and dead bodies can indeed prevent the spread of the plague."

He put down the official document and touched his chin out of habit, because he would ask the maid to shave him carefully every morning when he got up. The chin of this strong king was clean, without any stubble.

"In other words, is it true that as the prince said, the 'disease' will merge from the human body into the water? And then infect other people through the water?"

As for what Gallan once said, Shermer once thought it was nonsense, which sounded ridiculous. But at this moment, facts proved this possibility, and the priest became confused.

He even felt a little emotional. Fortunately, the little prince had to do this at the beginning, and King Camos allowed him to do it, otherwise they would not have been able to discover this thing that could curb the plague.

...Semuer has a feeling that Prince Gallan seems to be favored by the goddess of luck. No matter what he does, he always gets a good result by accident and brings good luck to others.

Shermer thought.

So, no matter what the little prince wants to do in the future, even if it is an unreasonable thing, he will turn a blind eye and let him do it?

After all, there might be some good windfalls in that case.

King Camos thought for a while and then said: "Shemur, you can recruit a few doctors from the royal medical court. Well, it is best to have experience in treating plagues and let them specialize in research in this area. Tell them that within half a year, I will see results.”

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Shermur nodded and left.

King Camos, who was sitting on the malachite chair, touched his chin again and groaned.

"So, what kind of reward should be given to him?"

Those who have merit must be rewarded, this is his code of conduct.

What's more, the target is his little brother, so he should be rewarded greatly.

Hey, what does his little brother like the most?



At this time, the little prince, who King Camos was thinking about giving him something good, was struggling on the stone wall.

"King, Prince, isn't this good?"

The little fat man squatted down, crying.

"Ms. Tapti will be angry. She's so scary when she's angry."

"Don't be afraid. She's just a bit too good at training people. She's still very nice and kind to people."

Tal: "..."

That's for you.

Recalling that she was naughty and accidentally broke a vase in the prince's room, Princess Tapti smiled in front of the prince and said that she would only teach herself a small lesson, but as soon as she was carried out, she turned around and changed her mind. Face.

Thinking of the punishment he received at that time, the little fat man couldn't help but tremble.

Although Princess Tapti is very beautiful, she is really scary——

The little fat man was wailing in his heart.

However, no matter how much Persuasion by Tal, Garlan had already made up his mind and still tried hard to climb the wall with his little arms and kick his calves vigorously, struggling to climb up the high white stone wall.

This illness has made him unbearable.

It was a rare opportunity for him to get such a good opportunity. Tapti left for something, and Caihos went to participate in the special training of the king's guards that only happened every three months. He finally managed to transfer all the other maids and servants by pretending to be asleep. It's open, seize this opportunity to sneak out.

Garlan has actually been thinking about it secretly.

Although he has to watch Heimos until this man has a child, and he cannot run away immediately, but he will eventually travel across the entire continent in the future, so it is better to start training his abilities from the royal city now.

He had to adapt to the life among ordinary people first, otherwise he would be in a dark place after leaving the palace, and he wouldn't even know which way to go, so why visit the continent?

"Don't be afraid, it's okay. We'll just be back before dinner, and even if someone finds out, I'll leave a note."

The little fat Tarr looked at Prince Gallan who was determined to sneak out of the palace with a sad face, so he had no choice but to climb up.

Although the prince said at first that he didn't need to follow him, he was so cute. What if he was bullied outside?

That's right.

Tal thought.

He has to follow the prince and protect him!

After digging out Garlan's dormitory, the two children trotted along a remote place.

Although he sometimes bumps into other people on the road, Garlan has already changed into the clothes of an ordinary civilian child, which Tal secretly got.

There is a large school in the palace, which is managed by the priests of Solga, the god of wisdom. They will select children with outstanding qualifications and let them study in the school three days a week, and then select the outstanding ones to become priests of Solga. . This selection is regardless of status, so there are also children from civilian families who are selected to enter the university.

Therefore, even if you bump into a patrolling guard and see two children who are only seven or eight years old, still wearing civilian clothes, you will only think that they are here to study in the school.

The little fat man is very capable. Although Garlan said he couldn't do it, he did it very well when he actually did it.

He likes to run around, he looks silly and cute, and others won't guard him, so he can easily succeed in many places. No, he even stole two identity tags for civilian children to use when entering and exiting the palace.

So, Garlan, who was wearing a cloak covering most of his face, and Tal together, passed through the three major gates openly and openly with the identity tags of civilian children, and left the palace.

As soon as he left the sight of the guards at the palace gate, Garlan couldn't wait to pull off his cloak.

"Tal, you're amazing."

"Hahahaha~~No~~It's actually very simple."

The fat little man, who had always had a frown on his face, immediately turned up his nose when Garlan praised him like this.

Touching the back of his head with his little fleshy hand, he hummed humbly, but in fact he was shouting in his heart, ‘Don’t stop, praise me again, keep praising me, don’t stop! ’

It was a pity that his voice was not heard by Garlan. After Garlan praised him, he turned around and stared at the huge and prosperous city in front of him with his bright eyes.

Although he could overlook the entire city from the high tower of the palace, overlooking the city and blending into it were completely different experiences.

After all, in the past few lives, because of the huge cloud of Heimos hanging over his head, he was protected in the deep palace. He had never even set foot in the royal city a few times. He was like a bird locked in a golden cage. golden bird in .

But now, the dark clouds weighing on his head have dispersed, the shackles that locked him have been released, and he can finally do whatever he wants to do without any scruples.

Like a chick leaving the nest for the first time, Garlan looked at everything around him with eyes full of novelty. Even the noisy voices coming from all directions made him feel more friendly and put him in a better mood. He looked very happy.

Originally, the little fat man was still thinking about how to persuade Garlan to go back as soon as possible, but when he looked up, he saw Garlan's bright smile at this moment...

Ahhhh - the prince's smile is the direction for me to move forward!

The prince can play as long as he wants!

If the prince wants to hit someone, I will call him a thug!

When the prince wants to bully others, I will be the first to jump out and step on him!

The prince wants to rob a common girl and I will give it to him...huh? Something seems to be wrong... Yes, it is indeed very wrong. The prince does not need to rob the daughter of the people, he has to protect the prince from being robbed by others.

"It's okay, Tal, I have this with me."

When Garlan turned around, he saw Tal still standing there staring at him in a daze. Thinking that Tal was too scared to move, he leaned over and showed Tal the token he had hidden in his belt.

There are often patrolling guards on the streets of this royal city. If something happens, as soon as he takes out the token, those soldiers will immediately come to protect him. And although he is still a child physically, he is actually quite a lot older. It is impossible for him to be abducted or deceived, and he knows how to avoid danger.

Moreover, Garlan had another thought in his mind that had always made him itchy.

Since it’s a rare trip, you can’t waste it no matter what.

It should be the same as in the TV series of his previous world, let him bump into something, or some noble boy bully others, rob civilian girls, etc., he goes up to stop him, and is looked down upon, and then as soon as the token comes out, the light Shooting everywhere, everyone put on surprised faces, and the bad guys put on frightened faces...


That's enough flavor.

A prince who doesn’t show off in private interviews via incognito is not a successful prince!

Garlan felt that he should practice the skill of showing off more in the slightly safer royal city.

You must know that when he travels to the mainland in the future, he will definitely encounter many unfair things. Then he can be like an inspector, revealing his identity every time something happens, and pretending to be cool all the way. force.

Those days, just imagining them makes me feel happy.

Hmm~~So, when can Heimos get married and have children?

Just as Garlan was walking and thinking this in his heart, suddenly a horse galloped from behind him on the street. Just as the horse was about to pass him by, the knight on the horse suddenly bent down, grabbed Garlan with his hand, grabbed Garlan from the ground, and stuffed it in front of him.

Then, leave.

Garlan, who was caught on horseback: "???"


Little Fatty Tal: "King...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah-"

He shouldn't have said that the prince would be raped!

The author has something to say: Di, the new map [King City] has been opened.

Well... there are probably only a few chapters left in the time of being a child.

It’s almost time for the princes to grow up, ♪(^∇^*)

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