Fan Sisi said:"I won't drink."

An Siming said:"Drink, a drink will relieve a thousand worries."

Fan Sisi said:"This."

Guan Xiaozhou said:"Silly woman, can't live without Shi Yixiang?" and left the table..

Fan Sisi said:"That's not what I meant."

An Siming said:"You should be happy. After all, you are out of the sea of ​​suffering. Otherwise, I don't know what Shi Yixiang will do."

Fan Sisi said:"This is enough. What else?"

An Siming said:"Think about it, you go to work and take your children to work. If he doesn't go to work, can't he look after the children at home?"

Fan Sisi was stunned for a moment and said,"Huh?"

This is There is nothing elusive about the matter. Moreover, what An Siming said was not wrong. Basically, it can be said that everything he said is correct. Isn't it okay for Shi Yixiang to just stay at home and take care of his children without going out to work? The problem is that Shi Yixiang never felt that he should take care of the children.

In other words, Shi Yixiang feels that taking care of children is a woman's business and Fan Sisi's business. Therefore, he will ignore the child. There was no other way, Fan Sisi could only take her children to find a job. Doesn't Shi Yixiang know that she is in a difficult situation? Why is this still happening?

An Siming said:"He knows everything."

Guan Xiaozhou came back with the famous white wine and red wine.

An Siming poured some liquor, and then said to Fan Sisi:"Pour a little too, and taste it." The bottle was handed to Guan Xiaozhou,"You also have a taste."

Guan Xiaozhou said,"Okay." He took the bottle and started to drink it himself. Pour a little, and then give a little to Fan Sisi,"Try it and see what the taste is that men like to drink."

Fan Sisi was a little moved.

When I was with Shi Yixiang, I never got this kind of treatment. For Shi Yixiang, he is his god, he can drink it, but she can't taste it. She should be his woman. Even so, even in the most difficult time, she never thought of betraying Shi Yixiang. until today.

An Siming did not regard her as his woman, but showed some respect for her and let her taste it. This was very touching for her. His eyes were moistened unconsciously.

Said:"Thank you."

An Siming said:"Thank you for what? Just drink a little."

Guan Xiaozhou took a sip and said,"Is this the taste of liquor?"

Fan Sisi also took a sip.

An Siming said:"This wine is not overpowering. Even if you drink a lot, you still have a smoky feeling, not drunk."

Several people were eating their food.

Soon, Xiaoyu was full and wanted to watch TV.

Fan Si thought about stopping it.

An Siming said:"Don't stop me today, let her see. She was also very depressed in her original home."

Think about it, how would Shi Yixiang treat them? If he had been thinking about them, he would have recognized the reality long ago. Instead of thinking about them, he only thought about his own enjoyment. This is a disgusting process. Even if you think about Xiaoyu for a moment, you will clearly know what his situation is and you will become down-to-earth.

An Siming knows this.

Fan Sisi also knew it, but for her, she always hoped that Shi Yixiang would get better.

Guan Xiaozhou said:"Children, you have to suffer too."

Fan Sisi drank the wine in one gulp, and then said to Guan Xiaozhou:"One more glass."

Guan Xiaozhou poured the white wine, she drank it all, and then signaled Guan Xiaozhou to continue pouring the wine, and said to An Si Ming said:"Boss, she is very miserable. I also know that I have made her suffer, but there is no way to change it. I am powerless. I have wanted to work for a long time, but he stopped me. He is already useless. I don’t know what he is thinking."

An Siming said:"I don’t know what he is thinking. I just know that Shi Yixiang knows many things very clearly. It is impossible that he does not know."

Guan Xiaozhou said:"What?"

Fan Sisi said:"I have always excused him, thinking that he didn't know his situation. What I didn't expect was that his words today let me know his psychological thoughts."

An Siming said:"You are thinking simply."

Fan Sisi said:"What?"

An Siming said:"Shi Yixiang wants a divorce, a divorce that doesn't give you anything, and then he can start over."

Fan Sisi said:"Huh?"

Guan Xiaozhou said:"How could it be?""

An Siming said:"You have never thought about it at all. He thinks that many of the unhappiness are caused by Sisi's mother and daughter. He has never thought that it is caused by himself. Therefore, he will want a divorce. , If you want to get rid of Sisi's mother and daughter, you can start all over again. This is his idea."

In other words, Fan Sisi hindered Shi Yixiang's development. In his opinion, he is right and has always been right. He can fly again. It is because of the existence of Fan Sisi and his daughter that he is so depressed. If you want to fly, you need to let Fan Sisi and her daughter leave.

Fan Sisi said:"Why is it like this?"

An Siming said:"Why isn't it like this? And, to him, it is like this."

Guan Xiaozhou said strangely:"Xiao Yu is not her daughter?"

An Siming said :"He knows that Xiaoyu is his daughter. Once he admits it, he wants to take responsibility. In other words, he sold the villa, and the money needs to be distributed to Fan Sisi."

Guan Xiaozhou said:"Don't admit that Xiaoyu is Doesn't his daughter need to be separated?"

An Siming said:"Yes. This is what he thinks."

Fan Sisi picked up the wine glass, drank it down in one gulp, and said,"This bastard."

An Siming was not talking nonsense. Yes, if she had not divorced Shi Yixiang, she would have felt that An Siming was talking nonsense. In fact, when An Siming said this, she understood that the things here were exactly the same as what An Siming said. What she thought of was to protect her family, but Shi Yixiang's approach was to force her to divorce.

She didn't want a divorce, but Shi Yixiang wanted her to divorce immediately. Otherwise, it would be impossible to say that. Knowing Fan Sisi's character, he would drag Fan Sisi around and make Fan Sisi unbearable. As a result, Fan Sisi filed for divorce. In this way, he can get enough benefits.

Guan Xiaozhou said:"Boss, we can drag him."

An Siming said:"Do you know what he will do in the future?"

Guan Xiaozhou said:"What will he do?"

An Siming said:" What's so beautiful about Sisi is that he might use her to make money."

Guan Xiaozhou said,"How is that possible?"

An Siming said,"You think it's impossible? Someone needs to plan for him, and maybe he does this. After all, he doesn’t admit that Xiao Yu is his daughter, which is enough to explain a lot of things."

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