A Unique Hunter

Vol 3 Chapter 1441:

When they saw the soldiers on the battleship leave the ground one by one, those who were behind the trouble immediately realized that it was not good, and they didn't wait for these people to react.

It was arrested by Delaisi’s intelligence department. The reason why Delaixi’s intelligence department did not act is because Cook did not come. Even the morale of the soldiers was unstable. After all, the Wizarding Empire continued to build warships. , And the battleship on Desai’s side was placed on the mobile dock.

At that time, if there were any disturbances, the consequences would be disastrous. Now the army has been summoned. The battleship was repaired in just over a day, and then the soldiers boarded the battleship, and then went to rotate other battleships back to repair.

"Teacher!" Seeing Cook, Desai was very excited. He constructed the Wizarding Association and left Cook. He really couldn't do anything. In the past few decades, Prince Desai tried his best, but the battleship could not be repaired. , When replacing the module, there is a slight error, which will reduce the performance of the entire warship, or it will be scrapped.

In addition to the construction module, simple modules and general construction wizards can do it, but the damage on the keel is difficult to repair, because the energy control and operation system of the entire battleship is inside the keel, and nothing else. If it is wrong, it may cause damage to the entire system of the entire warship.

For example, the detection system of a battleship is realized by covering various detection points on the battleship. Once a node fails to contact, these detection points cannot be detected in all directions, just like a fishing net with holes. , Forming loopholes.

What's more frightening is that if there is a problem with the defense system, automatic attack system, etc., the fun is even greater.

Therefore, after Prince Desai carefully understood the construction modules, especially the construction modules of battleships, most of the construction modules were not repeated, and there were some differences.

Prince Desai did not dare to let those construct wizards repair.

"Yeah." Cook nodded. Cook knew that this time I was afraid that it would take some time. Only two ends ran away.

"This time I can only stay for three or four years. You try to prepare the materials for manufacturing battleships. I have asked the Constructor Association to manufacture components in large quantities. As for how many can be manufactured, no matter how many." Cook said.

"Yes." What can Prince Desai do, can he object? Certainly not.

"Let’s go, I’m going to start preparing." Cook saw what Prince Desai wanted to say, but Cook did not intend to let Prince Desai complain. This complaint must be a battleship. Prince Desai wants to use the wizard The empire was overthrown at once, and the war here has been going on for a long time.

It doesn't matter to Cook, but Cook does not have so much time to complete enough warships.

In addition, the things that Prince Desai took out were not proportional to what Cook gave. Cook built so many warships here, but whether it was the New Alliance or Prince Desai, he owed a lot of money. Debt, of course, according to the thoughts of Prince Desai and the new alliance, he wants Cook to create enough warships to unify the Wizarding Alliance or the Wizarding Empire.

But as for Cook, he is more worried about this. After all, the power of warships is great, even Cook now dare not say that he will directly resist the warships, that is to die.

Once something turns around at that time, Cook is not sure to get his reward back, but the main thing is that Cook does not have enough time.

So Cook has only set a three to four years time, and he can make as much as he can.

As for driving Desai away, because Cook is going to the plane of Hundred Witches, it has been there for decades, and I don't know what will happen.

Desai left, feeling very uncomfortable. Desai was very excited to greet Cook, but Cook just simply met.

"Isn't what I did good enough?" Prince Desai muttered inwardly.

When Cook came to the plane of Hundred Witches, he first checked the warships hidden above the plane of Hundred Witches. There were various data on the battleships, and the passive energy data collected by the warships.

"No abnormal fluctuations?" After reading it again, Cook was very puzzled.

"Is my guess wrong?" Cook had another question in his heart.

When Cook looked closely at the plane of Hundred Witches, he saw fierce fighting erupting in the city built by Luo Xiangyang.

Through the equipment on the battleship, Cook can clearly see that Luo Xiangyang's army is fighting with some humanoid creatures such as wizards.

"Don't look like a wizard?" Cook saw that although these creatures were in human form, they were not in human form after a closer look.

"The energy fluctuations are disordered. Can such energy fluctuations survive?" Cook looked at the data of these creatures carefully and frowned.

These humanoids are fast and seem to be very sensitive to energy fluctuations. Although Luo Xiangyang’s soldiers are in groups ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, they also have energy guns, but energy guns also have some disadvantages, such as energy guns. Attack in a straight line, it is a mountainous land, rocks, and ravines.

Seeing this, Cook's voice and shadow fell on Luo Xiangyang's side in a flash, and Luo Xiangyang frowned. Luo Xiangyang wanted to change his strategy and explore from the other side, but Cook said that there are more indigenous people.

Since clashing with the creatures here more than ten years ago, Luo Xiangyang has paid a great price, and people die every day, and the medicine for curing radiation that Cook gave has long gone.

Fortunately, because there are a lot of people who have become wizards, they can at least use the energy here, the original supernatural beings, and now the wizard apprentices. Empty the city to grow food and vegetables.

A large number of people can go out to hunt all kinds of food, and the entire city has a strong automatic defense system, the foundation will not be damaged.

Luo Xiangyang seemed to feel something wrong. He turned around and saw that it was Cook. He was very excited: "Sir?"

"What's the matter with these guys?" Cook looked at those guys. These guys are not all human anymore, human bodies, but some skin has scales, some arms are a claw, and the arm is a big pliers. Some are covered with spikes, like thorns.

These people were very fast and powerful, and they were both large and small. These people attacked very quickly. They jumped out of a place and died after impact. The soldiers under Luo Xiangyang were either dead or injured.

"We call these people mutants. We have dissected these people, and their genes are only slightly different from ours. However, with reduced brain capacity, these mutants seem to only know how to kill." Luo Xiangyang said.

"What about these people's use of energy?" Cook asked.

"No, all the energy is absorbed and mutated, becoming a monster." Luo Xiangyang said.

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