A Unique Hunter

Chapter 688: situation

Cook and a few people came to the side hall next to the lobby on the first floor. The side hall was used to receive guests. However, when Cook walked in the door and looked at his face, his expression became serious because not only people from the Archers Association but also mercenaries came. Union members and wizards' union members have different standard clothing and badges for each union

"Hehe welcome everyone." But after all, other people are guests, so Cook laughed and said loudly after he went in. Cook is now the president of the Hunter Union in name, so there is no need to salute.

The people who came to "Meet the Chairman" had to bend over to salute in the face of Cook, but it was obvious that these people were reluctant to salute. The Hunter Union is a shabby in everyone's eyes. If there is a choice, it is estimated that most people will go to magic. When the division union is a low-level deacon, I don’t want to come to this hunter union as its president

"Sit down" Cook greeted a group of people while the staff sat down and served some drinks

After sitting down, a man with the badge of the Archers Association on his chest said: "Your Excellency, I am here to represent the Archers Association to question some practices of the Hunter Union."

"Do you have any questions about Doron, our Hunter Union and the Archers Association?" Cook saw that this man didn't introduce himself and was arrogant, so he asked the question. Cook narrowed his eyes and asked Doron next to him.

"There is nothing to do with a copper coin," Duolong replied irritably

"Hehe, since it doesn't matter, why does this guy come here to harp and ask, is it a provocation" Cook said with a smile looking at the guy from the Archers Association opposite

"Your Excellency..." the man from the Archers Association said angrily

"Baglu drove this person out of me. I don't like the appearance of this person" Cook directly interrupted and waved his hand.

"Yes" Baglu hates such an arrogant person the most. He stretches out his huge paw to lift him up

"You Hunters Union really want to target the Archers Association" the man from the Archers Association shouted sharply

"Boom" Cook kicked it out. The foot of a few people sitting together directly kicked this person and hit the wall.

"What do you dare to represent the Archer Association, I will target your Archer Association. What do you want to do when Bagrul throws it out and compensates me for what he broke before he can leave" facing the unconscious archer Cook, the man of the association, said angrily

"It's the lord" Baglu grinned and dragged the man out

Facing Cook’s powerful mercenary union and wizards’ union, it seemed that they hadn’t seen them until the archers’ association was dragged out. The mercenary union stood up and bowed and saluted Cook and introduced himself: "Ku Your Excellency Chairman K. I am the head of the mission department of the mercenary union.

"It's easy to say that the Minister, you can first discuss with the minister of our mission department. In principle, I agree to cooperate with the mercenary union" Cook replied with a smile

"That’s good, that’s good" The mercenary union knows more about Cook than the Archers Association. But since the Archers Association is willing to take the lead in the mercenary union, I also want to see Cook’s understanding of this first. The reaction of the matter and then made a decision based on Cook’s attitude. However, several plans were prepared in advance. It is really the Hunter Union’s points system is too cheating. Although the mercenary union also has a point system, those points just represent the credit level and mercenaries. The relationship between the level and the level of the task received can’t be exchanged for anything substantial

However, after Cook established this point system, the mercenary union immediately got a headache because the equipment that Cook now takes out can be said to be no problem because the hunter union does not have many small tasks and it is not difficult to perform at the beginning.

But the mercenary union doesn’t work. The mercenaries registered in the mercenary union exceed 2 million. What is the concept? One person with 100 points is 100 million points, and 100 million points are at least seven or eight million gold coins according to the Hunter’s Union standard. Value things out

The problem is that the total points of the mercenary union is close to 100 billion, because a level one mercenary needs one hundred points to be promoted to a level two mercenary. The points of the mercenary union are not calculated according to the reward but according to the degree of completion of the task.

The point rule of the mercenary union is to complete the task with a minimum of eight points speed and completion degree. This aspect occupies another two points. As for failure, there is no points, and some tasks are completed by only a few points, but two and three points are different. One task is scored once, which means that the task completed by five of you will eventually get ten points, that is, two points per person.

Therefore, the second-level mercenary must take at least a dozen tasks, but the remuneration for more than a dozen tasks is not much, at most just a few gold coins, but this is a first-level promotion, a second-level promotion to a third-level requires five hundred points for a third-level promotion Level 4 requires 1,000 points to advance to Level 5, which requires corresponding strength and 3,000 points at a time. The registered mercenaries are generally Level 3 or Level 4.

Because only this level of mercenary can have that income to feed one’s family, level one and level two is simply not enough, so two million mercenaries each have a minimum of 1,000 points. Imagine

And most of the professional mercenaries are not limited to this point because of their own strength restrictions. There are many, many, and some old mercenaries that are more than ten years old. The points are a bit abnormal.

Therefore, one million gold coins is just the lowest estimate, and it is uncertain that the final result is still several times this million, dozens of times, and not only the mercenary union is rich, but all of a sudden the budget is so much that it is not that the forces are willing. There are too many interests involved, so the mercenary union had to send someone to this trip

Cook saw that the mercenary union was still sincere, so he said: "The reason why we implement the system of points for equipment is actually not for which union but for the long-term development of the union."

"Oh, how do you say this?" The representative of the mercenary union straightened up immediately because there was controversy within the mercenary union regarding the hunter union's point-for-equipment system, but in the end, without exception, all of them thought that Cooke's doing so was exhausting. Please

"According to the task model, we will draw a certain amount of remuneration and this is a two-way fee. My approach is just a little bit of it. The reason why I say it is for the long-term development of the union is because this part of the accumulated money is used to arm The mercenary is nothing but a mercenary. If a mercenary does not succeed in taking a mission, our union will earn more. The reason why we change equipment is to increase the survival rate of the mercenary and the success rate of the mission. The success rate of the mission has increased. The more profitable our union is, the more the survival rate of the mercenary increases, the more missions it takes. This is actually a win-win result." Cook explained roughly.

The task remuneration charged by the mercenary union is about 10% and this is still two-way charging. The simple thing Cook said is to make the number of tasks received by each mercenary higher. The number of tasks increases. The profit is naturally guaranteed and the task success rate is high. Naturally, the number of people who issue tasks will increase

The representative of the mercenary union is not a fool. Hearing Cooke’s words, he understands that the armed mercenaries that were brought out are just for better service and the union.

"Your Excellency," the representative of the mercenary union can't help but smile. Such a simple problem. People at the senior level of their union have not seen it clearly. It is foreseeable that the mercenary union will fall apart because of such a small change.

The representative of the Wizards’ Union never gave a speech. Cook knew that this was just a testimony. Cook waited for these people to leave and ordered: "After the mission department is renamed the Adventurers Association, it will be the adventurer members who will take up the mission. The soldiers are a bit unpleasant"

Before everyone reacted, the Hunter Union reported several major events. Firstly, the Hunter Union formed the Equipment Manufacturing Association. The Arms Production Department under the Armor Production Department under the two departments is subdivided into many small departments. Ke also reached a series of cooperation intentions with the dwarves. With this, the purchase of dwarf equipment in the Hunter Union will be 5% cheaper than the market.

In addition, the Hunter Union is still building an airship platform and is preparing to open routes between the Union and the imperial capitals. The civilian area has been purchased by the Hunter Union and a large piece of land has been purchased by the Hunter Union. Countless people are busy building there.

What is gratifying is that the Adventurers Association has more than 500,000 members in just one week, and the people who register every day are lined up in a long line of kilometers, and the number of first-level hunters has exceeded 5,000. The number of people who are ready to identify has reached as high as 8,000. This number is still increasing. You need to know that becoming a first-level hunter requires a promotion task.

The major unions in the Magic City exclaimed that the wolves are coming, and the Archers Association arbitrarily criticizes the Hunter Union’s point-for-equipment system. They swear loudly as liars and robbers, but this still cannot stop the members of the Archers Association from continuously canceling membership

Originally, the Wizards’ Guild was still watching the show, when the Hunters’ Guild was preparing to build an auction house. After the incident was exposed, the Wizards’ Guild could not sit still. You must know that the Wizards’ Guild also has an auction house and the profit of this auction house is not low.

For a while, the scene of the Magic City was a bit weird, but at this critical time, the thieves union and the mercenary union announced that they had formed a strategic alliance with the hunter union, and the mercenary union will also implement the point-for-equipment system with the hunter union from now on. Points don’t count, this also caused dissatisfaction with most mercenaries

Subsequently, the Assassin's Union announced that it had joined the Strategic Alliance. The Magician Union was almost confused by this series of things. Then he woke up and realized the status of the Magician Union directly after these major unions formed an alliance.

So the Wizards’ Union announced a rule that enrolled magicians are not allowed to log off, otherwise they will be sanctioned by the Wizards’ Guild. On the afternoon the Wizards’ Guild announced this rule, the Archers Association also announced this rule.

"Hehe interesting" The president of the Warrior Union put two invitation cards in front of the president of the Warrior Union, rubbing his chin and said with a smile.

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