Their faces went as pale as a sheet of blank paper, unsure how to react to the given information. Faibel's eyes returned back to normal as he began to think of how this might be possible, "Are you sure he's dead? We saw him… or at least someone, who said they were Abbadon."

The Grandmaster stepped forward, "Whomever it was, their essence is extremely dangerous. The amount of magic we felt was compared to some of the strongest professors at Princewood. This is no laughing matter and must be dealt with immediately."

Students came running down the hall, still panicking but relieved as they saw the Grandmaster. Once he noticed the crowd approaching, he had to make a quick decision to dismiss any inaccurate information that might be slipped.

"Professor Pride..." Calvin nodded, "Please escort your guildmates out of the current area. And please bring these three to my headquarters, I will be there shortly."

"As you wish."

Calvin pulled out a small circular sphere from one of his pockets with a mysterious colored smoke inside of it. He dropped it on the ground, letting the smoke disperse into the air, blocking the vision of everyone succ.u.mbed in it.

Within seconds the smoke slowly began to vanish into thin air and the environment they all stood in was now completely different. It didn't take long for Atlas, Rina and Faibel to catch on that they were now standing in Princewood's Grandmaster headquarters.

The room was small, with only one door leading out of it into an enormous private library. This was the Grandmaster's personal bookkeep, unavailable to any other students unless serious circ.u.mstances or permission to enter. The literature within the keep ranged from centuries of prophecies and knowledge, all kept hidden from the public eye. The books were aligned in a circle only 20 feet or so in diameter, but tall as a

The room itself was just a little larger than Calvin's office space, with only a few minor adjustments and a lot more objects they were unfamiliar with. The book they saw on the first day that floated above the grandmaster's stand was planted on a large, wooden desk behind countless piles of papers and objects.

A magnificent chandelier swung back and forth, dragging the light in parallel motion across the room. The walls had dark paint covering the wooden foundation built upon it, with a few marks and scratches to reveal a hollowness beyond.

Calvin gave them a few moments to take in the elligence of the headquarters. It wasn't everyday a student could easily enter these grounds, especially without an entrance.

"You know.. This isn't exactly what I pictured his headquarters to be," Rina turned to Calvin with a fl.u.s.tered look.

"Sometimes, it's the small things that make a difference. Because those are the ones you never pay attention to."

She turned around, not giving him a reply because she most likely knew he was right. Atlas, however, jumped to the main climax of the past couple hours, "Are we in trouble? Because we were just trying to get to our rooms, I swear-"

"Atlas," Calvin interrupted him, "You are not in trouble. But I wouldn't be placing your bets on your safety after this incident either."

Atlas's eyes quickly widened, but the attention of the room quickly shifted once the Grandmaster walked out of the library behind his desk at the front of the room. Calvin strictly told them not to go in there, knowing damn well they would at some point after all these events.

The Grandmaster took a slow seat on his cushioned velvet chair, releasing a large sigh as he got ready to speak. "Please, please, don't be shy! Come on up here." He motioned for everyone to huddle around his desk, with Calvin staying towards the back end of the room.

` "Now then! Atlas Bright, Rina Ambrose, and Faibel Sanders. A very interesting group of students you are. I had a feeling when each and every one of you entered the school grounds this year, there would be quite a ruckus caused, yes?"

He chuckled to himself, clearing his throat in the process, "Regardless, this so called ruckus has become a matter we must deal with immediately. If what you say is true, and the man you spoke to was truly Abbadon, then you three must be placed onto a lockdown."

They had no idea what he was talking about, waiting for him to explain what the lockdown meant.

Calvin finally decided to join them, taking the lead in explaining what the Grandmaster meant, "What grandmaster Selvis means is that you three, along with the four others in our guild must be supervised almost the entire day. You are no longer allowed to leave the school grounds unless I am with you, and you must report to me three times a day of your current whereabouts and your plans for the rest of the time until your next checkup."

"Are you serious!" Rina jolted up in anger, "This is too much! Why do we have to be on this, 'Lockdown' anyway?"

"Ms. Ambrose, please," The Grandmaster stood up, walking over to them slowly, "It is only for your safety. Nothing else. The lockdown will be lifted once the root of the problem is addressed."

"But why only us?" Atlas claimed, eager for an answer, "Why no other students?"

Grandmaster Selvis laughed a bit, "We live in a universe that some would not believe is a reality Atlas. This universe, along with all the other ones, has laws. There are seven laws that make our living a reality. Those laws are Mentalism, Vibration, Polarity, Correspondence, Rhythm, Causality and Gender."

Rina was beginning to put clues together, and make sense of all the information that has been lying in front of her this whole time. Faibel figured it out immediately as the Grandmaster finished his sentence, but stayed quiet.

"Those laws govern everything we do and achieve. They keep the order of living things between life and death. Abbadon Sylver was drastically curious in such laws, eager to find out why no laws were ever bound to humans on this planet of ours. So his curiosity led him into a world of corruption and despair, leading to his own death in the process…"

Faibels curiosity made him ask a question he would quickly regret, "What happens when a law is broken?"

"We've only seen it happen once before but…" Grandmaster sighed, showing a treacherous look on his face, "Death. From the one who caused such a sinful act of negligence."

The room quickly went silent, Rina's eyes widened with fear, she finally managed to put the clues together to form the conclusion to her questioning, "That man… When he saw us, he said, 'Mentalism, Correspondence, and Polarity,' referring to us."

"Yes. And he wasn't wrong," Calvin abruptly interrupted, "The second the seven of you created a guild it confirmed it. Rina.. You, Atlas, Faibel, Cartuja, Laena, Leo and Paris are possible the first ever human vessels of the laws that bind our universe together. And we do not know why."

The Grandmaster stood up from his chair, "Thank you professor Pride. You are indeed correct. We do not know how the laws are chosen, or if there were previous laws to begin with. All we know now is that each and everyone of you is bound together by some cause yet to be explained." He started wandering back and forth while explaining the situation. Going into detail on how he is not sure of their safety and what might happen in the next few months.

The Grandmaster finally sat back down on his luxurious chair, ready to depart the three back to their dorms, "I am sorry you all have been put into such an unfortunate situation. However, we will ensure your safety under your lockdown and will resolve the matter as quickly as we can. For now, you are free to return to your dorms, professor Pride will escort you there."

"Thank you for your time Grandmaster, I will make sure they are all escorted to their rooms as safely as possible."

They all said their farewells and appreciation for his time before they headed off. They proceeded to the back end of the room and grabbed a dark looking book on a small stand, being told by Calvin to say, "Elevation." Prompting them to appear next to the entrance of the great elevator they were quite familiar with by now.

They entered, greeted by one of the many faceless men that operated their transportation. One by one, they each said their room numbers while Calvin stayed next to them, until Rina was the last one standing.

As she said her room number and the golden doors swung open, Calvin stopped her with his hand, grabbing her shoulder, "Rina," she turned around immediately, "Before you go, I should tell you something."

"What is it?"

"It's about your sister… Did you, by any chance, see her?"

Her eyes widened, a little annoyed he would ask such a question in a dire situation.

"No. We saw four people… One was turned around the whole time, but out of the three I saw, none even remotely resemble Violet… Those people. They didn't even look human… I think I should go."

Rina go terrified, divulging her face to let Calvin leave her alone for now. He let her go silently, without stopping her. He had no idea how she felt, but he did know what it was like to lose someone close. Violet wasn't the only one he's lost in his life.

As Rina entered her room, she plunged the palm of her fist at the wall, on the verge of starting to cry. However, the knock on her door interfered with her train of thought, thinking Calvin has something else he wants to say.

She opened her door, greeted by Laena in her pajamas.

"Hi Rina, is everything okay? It's just that i heard a banging coming from your room."

Rina instantly remembered that Laena was her right door neighbor, telling her everything is okay and that she can come in.

They both sat down on her bed, and Rina filled in all the information about the laws and her sister to Laena. They say for at least half an hour talking about the recent events, unsure of what to do about it considering they are on lockdown.

Laena was overwhelmed by the information, asking only what the paper ended up saying once they got a hold of it.

"Something sturrs in the depths below,

Glass will break, so enter slow

Darkness crafts the gate of snow,

Deep within, the walls will show."

Laena's delightful, sleepless face immediately grew with fear. Rina noticed how silent Laena went, "Is. Something wrong? Do you know what that means?"

It took Laena a few moments to muster up the guts to speak, "Those words, that phrase…"

The room quickly fell into a deep silence, only being broken by the howls of life from the outside.

"My father… Before he died, always told me about adventures he would go on, telling me all of his journeys and accomplishments. But… on his last journey, he never came back. I know I already told you a lot about my father but those words would echo through our small house like crows in the depths of night. He mumbled those words every night in his sleep, but whenever I asked him about it he would brush me off."

"Laena? Are you saying your father, went missing?"

"Not just missing, he sent a letter from himself stating he was dead, two nights after he left. All he told us was he was off on another adventure, deep into the mountains to find a glass dome to the chamber of treasures or something. We were kids so I don't exactly remember.."

"Wait," Rina managed to acquire another clue out of their conversation, "This could be a lead. A glass dome. Mountains. Snow. We need to tell everyone in our guild! Thi-"

"Are you sure?" Laena interrupted her, getting worried and anxious, "Sorry to interrupt but are you hearing yourself? It seems like everyone that has gone into some sort of mission hasn't come back. And they were a lot more skilled than us, I mean, we're just teenagers."

Rina's excitement faded away, "I… Guess…" She dropped her head down, thinking over the situation carefully. Laena got up from the bed, telling Rina she was going to go back to sleep. However, right before she exited, Rina stopped her.


Laena turned around right before she opened the door to see what else Rina had to say, "We should still tell them. I'll let everyone know to meet at the plaza at our usual table at noon, Will you come?"

Laena smiled, "Sure... Good night"


Laena walked out, dropping her fake smile for once, replacing it with eeriness and possibly regret.

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