A World Of Decree: And The Seven Laws

Chapter 76 - Ends and Beginnings

Flint Evermore was a man with too many secrets, and too little information. His ability to look into the past was compared to no other. His rivalries were low, and his connections were high. He was a good friend to have, but an evil partner.

Flint led Faibel out of the tower back into the hallway, letting the boy ask any questions he might have.

After wiping a few more drops of blood off his broken nose, Faibel finally felt at ease. "What's to come now?"

A simple question, but a hard one to answer. Flint continued looking ahead, coughed, and spoke, "The tournament begins next week. All information will be sent to your Academy due to your lack of presentation in the outside world." Flint cleared his throat once more, walking slowly. "You're young. I'm to assume your Guild mates are too. The tournament will be dangerous for the lot of you, but determination can drive you far, further than you think." He stopped, realizing they've reached the small train where it all began.

"Go on," Flint gestured with his cane, "We'll see you soon, Faibel Sanders of Endless Sun.

Faibel shook his hand, and stepped back on board. The conductor gave him a firm handshake and prompted the boy to go take a seat. All the others that were on the train previously were now gone, and only Mooks remained.

This time however, Mooks was in the window seat, looking out into the darkness of the underground. Faibel sat beside him, took off his glasses, and released a deep breath. "So they don't even treat medical emergencies?" He said in a low, arrogant voice.

Mooks took his eyes off the window and gave Faibel a thoughtful look, "They had a projection inside the train of everything that happened inside. They let us watch and hear everything." Mooks stretched out his paw. "I am truly proud of you, Faibel."

Faibel grabbed his paw, feeling the soft pads squeeze his hand rather delightfully.

"How's your nose?" Mooks asked.

"Seems broken, but the pain has already left."

"That's good to hear, we'll have Laena patch you up, it's best she gets as much practice as needed."

The conductor made a few noises with the train engine, and began the hour long journey back to Princewood.

Faibel got up and moved his seat to the open aisle on his left for a free window view, making their conversation revolve around noise and distant staring. "I like to observe. Seeing things others cannot. Finding clues, solving puzzles." Faibel started with a little more energy in his voice.

Mooks continued staring out his own window, "Seems we are just the same."

Their conversation made it seem as if they were two strangers involved in a semi-argument they didn't know they were having. Neither dared to look at one another, but the words they spoke meant more than a simple train ride could offer.

Faibel leaned his head against the window, "During the tournament, will they not have medical professionals on the sidelines?"

"They will, but not till the round is completely over. If one dies during the round, then there's nothing they can do. Everyone is there at their own will, so you're agreeing to a possible death."

"Seems uncanny…"

"Death's are rare. Perhaps one every 10 or so tournaments."

"You sure act like you know more than you wish to tell." Faibel gave a low chuckle.

Mooks took his head away from the window, "It's like you said. We observe, seeing things others cannot."

After they arrived back at Princewood, everyone was already at the station patiently waiting for them to return with the news. Mooks was the first to step off the train, and Faibel followed.

Paris, Cartuja, Atlas, Leo and Laena all rushed over to them as quickly as possible. Their faces stirred with anticipation and excitement, driving their every step closer and closer towards the news they all wished to hear.

As they all huddled around Mooks and Faibel, Mooks took the lead in telling everyone the news, "Before you all bombard Faibel, yes, Faibel was indeed victorious in the preliminary round, granting us the passage into the tournament."

"YESS!" Leo screamed, flying his fists into the air and jumping onto Faibel to give him a knuckle on the head. Cartuja yawned, stretching his fist out for Faibel to bump it, "Nice on broski."

Faibel shooed him away, but appreciated the compliment.

Paris gave him a preemptive smirk, crossed her hands, and felt excitement

race through her blood, but refrained from showing it.

Atlas gave Faibel a gentleman's handshake, truly proud of what Faibel has accomplished. "Seriously. Nice job, we couldn't have done it without you."

After shaking Atlas's hand, Faibel turned his attention towards Laena, making her a little nervous on the spot. He was about to ask for a favor when Laena stole the words right out of his mouth. "Your nose… Uhm, may I?"

Faibel smiled, "Please, and thank you."

Laena raised her hands towards his face, "Healing Light." Releasing a white glow around him, and fixing the damage done in a mere instant.

Faibel put his glasses back on, feeling their comfort reassure his sight once more. With his nose back in shape, they fit perfectly.

Mooks gave a tiger's glance around the circle, reassuring there's still more to discuss. "Everyone please follow me to the Headquarters. We will plan what's to come within the next few days."

Everyone gave a silent nod, and followed him to their Guild Hall in the headquarters.

Cartuja told a few jokes on the way there, but only Leo and Atlas found them funny. Sometimes Calvin and Rina would laugh, but they weren't there to experience the same joy as the rest of the group.

With the elevators conveniently placed around every major landmark of the Academy, the trip from one side to another didn't take long at all. The same cobblestone path leading to their Guild never seemed to bore them, and the same unchanging grass seemed as lively as ever.

Cartuja jumped on ahead to get the bar rolling, grabbing a few pitchers and filling them with cold water from the tap. For some reason, Cartuja being behind the bar didn't feel odd at all. In fact, it suited him perfectly.

Everyone sat down by the bar table in the open stools, patiently waiting for Cartuja to slide them a glass of water.

Mooks hopped up on the table so he can see eye to eye with everyone, "I know this week you all have finals." He started in a monotone voice. "So get some rest, feed yourselves well, and be prepared. The Gilded Throne will test your limits in every way imaginable. Your opponents will be the strongest you've faced yet, and they won't be holding back either." Mooks drank a few splashes of water from the bowl Cartuja slid his way, and continued.

"Next week we'll officially get escorted to the capital as a competing Guild. This means there will be crowds, cheers, and of course, competition. Since we're newcomers the lot of you will get a lot of rumors spreading and perhaps fowl language thrown your way. Ignore it, and focus on what's truly important here."

"What about Rina and Calvin?" Atlas asked nervously.

Mooks gave him a hopeful glance, "All we can do is hope they'll make it back in time. They are both very valuable assets to our Guild, and we won't be victorious without them."

"Can't they just teleport back?" Leo scratched his head cautiously.

"Only the Grandmaster can teleport such distances, and even he was skeptical of Calvin and Rina taking a massive leave from the Academy. Now, back to the subject matter. We will arrive at the capital on Friday, and our first round will be the following day. So sleep and recovery should be your main priorities for all of you to be in the best shape and focus."

Leo boiled the water inside his glass, making it evaporate into a thin line of steam. "Just you wait! We're bringing everything we've got, and we'll win!"

Although no one said anything, everyone agreed mentally. Leo's enthusiasm and excitement was more than enough to raise everyone's spirits, so Mooks called it for the time being.

Final exams were given throughout the week, and most nights felt longer rather than stressful. Rina would have to make up the lost work over the first few weeks of the summer, but it wasn't too hard a task considering her month-long leave. As usual, Cartuja and Atlas barely scr.a.p.ed by with their grades, Leo and Laena fell directly in the middle, and Faibel collided with Paris at the top.

After exams were given, most students packed their bags for a safe journey home. Lots of events happened this school year, and lots of things still lurked in the shadows of the future.

By the time the train arrived to pick everyone up, most students were already gone from the Academy. Those that remained were either participating in some sort of secret studies or research related experiments Princewood offered for extra credits.

Deep in the underground station underneath Princewood, Mooks waited patiently with the rest of the Guild beside him. However, a sudden ding from the elevator caught them off guard, prompting them to turn around towards the back entrance of the small station.

Surprisingly, Alastor came out, leading the way with about 8 others behind him. Two of those eight were Gilford and Hendrix; the two who battled against Cartuja in a wager of points and strength. They both had thoughtful looks on them, giving praise for Endless Sun to be standing here along with them.

Mooks gave a nod as Alastor approached, "Alastor. I see your guild made it past the preliminary round as well."

Alastor drew a dazzling grin on his face, "My my, I see these lovelies did as well." He said in a cool voice as he glanced around familiar faces.

"Alastor?" Atlas said with a twist in his confusion, "You're the Guild advisor for Kryptonite?"

"Yes indeed!" he swayed his hands as if he was talking through them. "Gilford here swept through the other Guilds without a problem! It was a marvelous performance!"

Gilford stepped forward towards Cartuja while stroking his fancy mustache, "I do hope we will duel once more in the tournament."

Cartuja shoved his hands in his pockets, yawning and seeming uninterested. "Whatever, my only enemy is that bastard Teak. If we fight, we fight. I'll win, end of story."

Gilford gave a gentlemen's chuckle, and went back to his Guild.

Alastor pretended to look around, but gave Mooks an intimidating look instead. "Where's my best friend Calvin Pride? Still not back from his trip I see?"

"Don't worry, He'll be back." Mooks said with a wry tone.

"My my, I do hope so, It won't be as much fun without him."

The train had finally arrived, and everyone began picking their luggage off the floor. It had a similar look to the one Faibel was in from before, but much larger, and much more space between the aisles. The same man in the fine-looking dress clothes came out, settled everyone in, and prepared for yet another ride to the Capital.

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