"Does Master Tselli even dance by now?

Hisui was looking at the royal castle just visible as he turned to his desk facing the window.

The mansion of the Marquis of Linkrat in the Wang capital, the private room given to Hisui.

Six tatami sizes are equipped with beds, tans, and then a desk. From Hisui, who ever lived with Toy in a borough cabin, this was just another world.

You didn't just help Toy, you saved yourself from that life. I swore softly to my heart to serve your side for the rest of my life.


Right next to the bed, Toy sleeps comfortably on the rug he laid. When he saw it, Hisui loosened his cheeks.

"There's a solid roof here, okay"

With a strong rainstorm, you don't have to worry about your house being flown.

Hisui relieves herself of the matter and thinks about what is to come. It's about the village that was entrusted to me by Tsericina.

"First, build a mansion in the village where Master Tselli can stay…"

Nevertheless, we will ask the villagers, not the top carpenters. We might be able to do something about the material if we pick it up, but we won't be able to do something as splendid as the mansion we now live in.

It would be nice to recognize that it is not a place to live, but a place to rest...... For a while, you can spend some time in a separate house in the town of Halmira. It's relatively close to the village, and Bayselle should want it.

Then Hisui made a list of villagers by writing down the names of everyone who lived in the village.

Anton, who was acting as a compiler and became village chief.

Gats, who also assists with that and home building.

Then there are three men and two women. The child has three boys and four girls. Although there is still no interaction right now, there will be more opportunities to ask for work and such from now on.

"Not enough to say that Master Tselli's mansion... but I asked Gutz for it for now, so I guess I'll build it sometime..."

For one thing, I'm asking for something small.

Hisui thought that once the village had developed, we should rebuild it again. Although it is in the Seven Districts that Tsericina sees, the separate house where the activity is based is Halmir in the neighbouring district.

"And then... we should get more fields, too, right? There's no source of income for the village at all."

I'm planting potatoes now, but I want to grow more varieties of crops for the sake of slowness. I wish I could do it with a specialty, but I'm sure that will still take some time.

"But more than that..."

Above all, there are things to do.

That is to improve Hisui's own skills.

I got the position of Butler Apprentice with Tsericina, but I still can't even remember to use the word. If you don't hold fast, there may be occasions when you will embarrass Tsericina because of your lack of study.

... No, I already have the worst impression from Solatique.

"I - I absolutely don't like it when Master Tselli gets molested because of me"

We need to study harder, harder.

"There is a library room in this mansion as well as in a separate mansion in Halmir. I have permission to use it, so I'll read and learn as much as I can about my free time."

I think that's the best I can do right now.

Let's check tomorrow's schedule first and read the book. That's what I thought, and there was just a horse's voice announcing Tsericina's return.

"Welcome back, Master Tselli"

"I'm back now. Thanks for the welcome, hissy."


Hisui gave me a hand with Zelicina going down the carriage, but she looked strange.

"Master Tselli, aren't you with Master Solatique?


(I knew it bothered you...)

To the words of his butler apprenticeship, Zelicina returns with a bitter smile.

"There was a moment, and Master Solatique was talking about a woman named Merriam."


Even though Master Tselli is your fiancée? And it says on Hisui's face.

"... Lady Solatique and Lady Merliah danced, but Lady Merliah fell flashy. So Master Solatique escorts you."

"Were you..."

Tsericina was also amazed at that one.

I just thought that Merliah, who is somehow a heroine, was good at dancing because she was enough to invite Solatique to dance... but that didn't happen.

I can't move dancing, I see my feet... the word elegance was nowhere.

(But if you think about it, right...)

Even when Zelicina started the game in her previous life, the level of dance was low. You can dance gracefully when you perform an event to increase the dance level.

If we assume that Merriam's dance level now is 1, Zelicina would be level MAX. No matter how much you raise it, the level is too different between Zelicina, who was educated from a small place, and Meliá, who was in the countryside for a sanatorium.

Even though she's a villain's warrant, so much so that Tsericina, who's watching, has been harassed and worried.

Bearing the sigh much longer, Zelicina smiles at Hisui.

"I'll take some time off in my room. I don't even need tea, so could you leave me alone?


Telling Hisui no one was allowed in the room, Zelicina could finally take a breather.

"Earth Gulls System, [Startup]"

Tsericina Linkrat

Owned Tree: Level 2

Patron Saint Beast: Toy

Owned Territory: Linkrat Territory VII District, Kingdom of Alvarado

Residents: 15

Daiki Skills

Coverage level 1 of abundance: the crops around the great trees grow well

Sweet Honey Level 1: Great trees emit sweet honey and attract insects and animals

I tried making it a villain's warrant without protection, and Zelicina loosened her mouth that it was a pretty good offering.

"You want to raise the level of Oki and gain skills, but you want to raise the skill level early."

The protection of abundance can be raised to five levels. I would love this because the effect range can be extended from the great tree up to 50 km in diameter.

The method of levelling shall be to carry out a certain number of harvests.

Sweet honey can also be raised to level 5. Once this is level two for once, bees will be able to fly around the great tree to collect honey. I mean, we're going to be able to keep bees.

Tsericina believes that if this can be one of the village's specialities….

"The way to level this... oh, yeah. I remembered, planting flowers around the great tree, was"

The more of that variety, the higher the skill level of sweet honey.

Tomorrow I decide to go shopping to find flower seeds. I'm glad I can still level up my skills.

"Then... I need to think of the village's name!

Once you've made your decision, ask your father, Lord of the Marquis of Linklate, to approve it and put it on the map. It may take a little while to get certified by the state, but there's so much missing in the village that you'll just have to be ready in the meantime.

I'm just excited to think about it.

"It's pretty tough to level your skills though..."

It goes up to level 3 or so, but from there it's pretty much livestock. You don't have to do anything else, but it's a do-it-yourself element part that you can do.

Three levels of each skill is enough to see a happy ending. lower than that, or, for example, clearance even if you have not acquired skills.

Players who just want to enjoy love don't really use the Groundgals system.... but contrary to that, there were a certain number of players who were getting screwed up and into it, and there was demand.

By the way, Zelichina is a team that's getting into it.

"The problem is the level of sweet honey..."

I know how to increase my skill level, but I actually have to plant a fair amount per flower type. Enough to have a small flower garden with that flower.

If I do this, there will be less space to grow crops around the great trees. Doing so reduces crop yields to level up abundant protection.

"Sweet honey was a story about birds at level 3, bears at level 4... level 5 was a god beast... I prioritized the field and you didn't see it"

At any rate, we need 100 different flowers to call the Divine Beast.

In the first place, the first challenge was to collect 100 species of flower seeds. Something you can't get without doing a troublesome quest or seeds you can't even buy with all your property...... whatever.

Not even an abandoned person can easily achieve it, that's skill level 5.

"... it looks like it's still a long way to go, but let's get to where we can!

For one thing today, I decided to go to bed in preparation for tomorrow.

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