When it was late at night, Bayselle came home from work. Even though she will be tired, Zelicina thinks it is reliable to have her spine firmly stretched.

"Welcome back, Father"

"Oh, thank you for welcoming me. I'm home, Tselli. I hear His Royal Highness Solatique is here, but was there a problem?

"Yeah, nothing in particular. I missed Toy, too."

Bayselle looks relieved as she hands her coat to the butler.

While I suppose you care about the rumors that you're close to heroine, as a Zelicina, I'd like you to get along a little better with the story.

"But it will be time for the date to change, too. It would be bedtime if it was normal, what's wrong?

I thought maybe something happened with Solatique, but apparently it doesn't either. Baysell looks at Tsericina as she tilts her neck.

It's a prospect for your father.

Zelicina laughs bitterly, while honestly telling her that she was waiting for Bayselle to return.

"Actually, um, I need to ask your father a favor."

"Hmm...... Right, let's hear it in the study."

"Thank you"

Of course there's a butler, but it's not a quick story. Seeing Zelicina as she was trying so hard to tell me, Bayselle quickly moved the place to the study.

Watch Bayselle walk back slowly and breathe in.

What Zelicina wants to talk to you about is whether you can lend me the territory. I thought it would be better for Solatique to be a heroine if he stayed away from the King's capital in the future.

Bookshelves with books are arranged sloppily on one side of the wall, and splendid desks and leather chairs made of deep colored trees are placed as desks. To the couch in front of her, Zelicina sits face to face with her father.

Deacon Hanley brewed tea for Tsericina and prepared wine for his father.

"It's rare for Tselli to ask for a favor. Again, you mean hissy?



Zelicina looks into her father's eyes, holding on to her beating heart.

The air, which was calm, was tingling and apparently not an easy thing to do... Baysel lays down the wine he was about to mouth and turns his ear to the story of Zelicina.

"I want my territory."

"... what?

"Of course, I don't think I can do it alone any time soon either. So why don't you lend me a little bit of your father's territory?


Listening to Zelicina, Bayselle gets a tough look once and for all.

I didn't expect you to be comfortable with me, but you can't accept me so far... and I get a nasty sweat on my back.

But that won't help either. After all, territory is very important. Because the king has entrusted me with the task of protecting the people who live there.

"Tselli. No one without protection can run the territory, like you."

You know what I mean? And, Bayselle sees Zelicina as worried. I don't bother trying hard things, I say I just have to live peacefully at home until I get married because I'm a girl.

But that shouldn't happen.

('Cause even though I don't know what happens to a villain's warrant after an engagement is broken)

If you can't stay home anymore.

If you can no longer stay in Wangdu.

That's not a zero chance. So even Zelicina doesn't want to back down here. I want the power to live alone.

"Surely I, as your father said, have no protection. You can't run a territory by yourself. But that's why I want to learn how to run my territory... by renting it from your father."

Tighten your chest all the way and look straight at Baysell.

But I don't even think that Tsericina would get permission for this. That's why I say why I keep it.

"I don't want to be told next to a queen who can't do anything because she has no protection and Master Solatique...... Huh!

"Tseri......! You were thinking about that."

I grip my fist all the time and look at the trembling Zelicina, and regret myself that Baysel was an unreliable father.

Now I can protect myself, the father, directly - but surely, the chances of doing so are much less after the dowry. If Tsericina herself could defend herself, she would never have gone beyond that.

If Solatique is going to cheat, even more so. That's what the father thinks, but he still doesn't want his pretty daughter out of the mansion.

"Then why don't you add more tutors? Find people in areas you haven't studied before."

Even if nothing goes outside, Baysell suggests we learn at the mansion. But that doesn't make sense, so Zelicina shook her neck to the side.

"If I go to the realm, neither my mother nor I can stay on our side and do it, okay?

So if you reconsider, Bayselle will be confused....... but the will of Zelicina remains unchanged.

"Ha.... the stubborn part is, did you look like me?

"Please, Father"

"... seven districts would be fine. The compartment is also small and the least developed. I'm sure he'll be back in three days."

Even as I sighed at him, Bayselle gave me permission.

More, I thought I wouldn't get permission if I didn't stick around for days, but Tsericina is relieved that I didn't.

(Is the Seven Districts insecure?

As far as Bayselle's word goes, I guess it's the worst place to be. Instead of persuading myself to be stubborn, I quickly find myself expecting you to give me an impossible challenge and cry home.

But still, I don't mind.

"Thank you, Father -"

But there are conditions.


Where Zelicina thanked him, Bayselle waits. Just because it was a harsh neighborhood, I apparently couldn't be relieved.

Baysell got up off the couch and took one key out of the study desk.


(Where the hell is the key?

Zelicina tilts her neck to a red key she has never seen. The key to this mansion room...... too small for it, so it could be a drawer or some kind of key.

Tselli, come here.


Baysell opens the door to the next room that leads from the study and invites Tsericina in. There was a desk in a small room about six tatami tatami, just one skylight with moonlight.

Tsericina didn't know there was a room like this, so she blinks her eyes and looks around. But I haven't put anything like this away. I just have some simple writing equipment.

"... I didn't think there was going to be a day to give this to Tselli. But that would be good again."


Baysell took one small box out of the drawer and opened it using an earlier key.

What came out of it was a small seed.

From what I've seen, I don't know if it's a flower seed, or a herbivore seed, for Zelicina.

Having ascertained that the seed was in properly, Baysell has handed the small box to Zelicina along with the key. And a word, I tell you with a smile.

"This is the seed of the great tree."

"Huh... Huh!?"

- Daiki.

It's an important tree to protect your country in this world.

(I didn't know there was a species)

Scenarios like this don't exist because they grew seedlings in the game. But it's not strange if there were seeds... and Zelicina thinks.

(hell, it's a rare item isn't it!?)

You can give that to Zelicina, to Miss Villain Warrant, Father - and scream in your heart. That said, of course, if I can get it, I'll get it.

"Let's entrust this species to Tselli.... plant in the seven districts and try to blossom within a year. That way, we'll leave the territory to Tseri in the future."

"I send flowers to the great tree...?

(Even though I haven't gotten any protection from anyone)

The power of protection is greatly involved in the cultivation of the great tree.

Tsericina has no protection whatsoever, so even if she plants seeds, maybe she can't even sprout them. And yet, you want me to blossom?

All the while, I hold my fist. If it's true, I want to scream that I can't. But then it would be Sekiyama who would tell you to stay in the mansion.

(... then we have to do it)

Swallow the sawdust and spit, and Zelicina sees straight about Bayselle.

"Okay. I will make sure my flowers bloom."

"... oh. I'm looking forward to it, Tseri. At some point, you had such powerful eyes."

"Thank you, Father"

(It's okay, I can do it)

I also know what I can do in my territory and the facilities I need from my game knowledge. As surprising as his father was, he was determined to develop the compartment.

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