Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 1201: .Old Days Overcast (13) 3 in 1

old sun shade (13)

After the founding of the country, there are still many places that have not been liberated. As a soldier, the focus is always on the battlefield. The same is true for Lin Baichuan. Although he didn't go to the front line, he was always paying attention to the news on the front line and waiting for orders at any time.

The military conference room was full of people, analyzing the battle situation. Suppose that if you call your own troops to fight this battle, how should you fight it?

Just as he was talking vigorously, the guard came in and said that it was Fan Yunqing.

Lin Baichuan came out after talking to Zhong Zheng|Committee.

Lao Lin. Fan Yunqing called out with a smile.

Lin Baichuan nodded: Why did you come at this time?

Don't mention it, it's not that girl of Hyosung. Fan Yunqing pointed to Lin Baichuan's office and went in to talk.

Lin Baichuan turned around and walked to the office. He entered the office and greeted Fan Yunqing: "Sit down." Then get up to pour water for her.

Fan Yunqing looked at the military bed that was propped up in the office, as well as the quilt on the bed, the washbasin towel under the bed and other things for washing, and asked a meaningful question: Why didn't you stay with the eldest sister?

Lin Baichuan handed her the water, but did not answer the question, only said: What happened to Xiaoxing? Can't tell on the phone? Would you like to run over by yourself?

Oh! Fan Yunqing lowered his head and blew the hot water in the cup. This girl was spoiled and couldn't stand the pain at all. Maybe she didn't want to live in Diwozi's dormitory, so she came up with a stupid idea and told me she wanted to get married. Isn't the dormitory built right away? Seeing that the division of the house is imminent, if this is a dual-employee, the division of the house is a sure thing. This is what she pictured.

Just to split the house? Lin Baichuan frowned. If it's just for this, it's not just spoiled! But utterly stupid!

Fan Yunqing pondered for a moment before saying: It may also be that he has a certain degree of affection for other people. But she's old enough to know what she likes and what she doesn't like. Besides, her age is too young, even if the marriage is placed after the Gregorian calendar year, then she is only seventeen.

That said, it's not a problem at all whether such an old child knows what love is. I was only fourteen when I became a father. Fan Yunqing was only seventeen when he gave birth to Xiaoxing.

However, he did not refute Fan Yunqing with these words, but only said: In terms of age, this is not a reason for objection.

Now, the country is in its infancy, and the marriage law is still in the making. When will it be promulgated, it is estimated that it will have to wait until next year at the earliest.

In the Soviet area, there are old marriage regulations, but there are differences in different places, and fifteen, sixteen, sixteen, seven is the generally accepted marriage age.

The objection of age is obviously not well-founded.

But no matter what, Lin Baichuan understood what Fan Yunqing meant, and just didn't agree with the marriage. He asked: what do you mean?

Come to find yourself What do you want to call yourself?

I mean, can I find Lao Zhao? Fan Yunqing put down the cup and asked a tentative question.

Lao Zhao is the name of their old comrades-in-arms. His name is Zhao Ping, and he is now the director of the 115th Factory.

What is the relationship with Lin Baichuan? It's a relationship of a life-threatening friendship on the battlefield.

What are you looking for Lao Zhao for? Lin Baichuan turned around and asked him to intercede? Said that my daughter Lin Baichuan could not endure hardship, so I asked my old comrades in arms to give my daughter some special care? Give her a dormitory so that she can live comfortably? Is that so? He said, his face became gloomy, and then he reached out and patted his face: This face is for you, as long as it is useful, you can take it wherever it is useful. It is used as a rag, used casually, and used casually! You don't want it, I need it. Are they not taking good care of your daughter? Sit in front of the megaphone every day and read the newspaper. When you are tired, play a song for a while. When I feel better, take a rest, drink two cups of tea, and then read two more paragraphs when I think about it? You go to find out, who has a more leisurely job than her? You looked for it once before, did you think I didn't know? I'm lazy to talk about you! I also thought, we owe the child, okay, isn't it just rubbing her father's face? Just rub it! But Xiaofan, we have to understand the sense of proportion. Can't be difficult for Lao Zhao! Within the allowable range of the regulations, it is possible to favor Hyosung a little. But beyond the prescribed scope, it would be difficult for others to unconditionally give her special treatment. How does he work as a factory manager? Besides, what do you tell me to tell people? It is said that everyone can live in a nest, but my daughter can't live there?

It's not just the dungeons, it's mainly with other girls in the same dormitory, it's not good! The child was very suffocated in it! Fan Yunqing quickly explained two more sentences.

That's even worse. Lin Baichuan just looked at Fan Yunqing, and so did you! She doesn't know the severity, and you don't know the severity either? What is work? To work is to do work and be a person at the same time. If you don't get along with one person, it might be someone else's fault. If you can't get along with two people, it may also be someone else's problem. But three, five, seven or eight, none of them came with her. Whose problem is this? Parents can rely on relationships to arrange a good job for her, but there is no way to be a person for her! Her problem is not only that she can't endure hardships. If you want to tell her to be good, you have to be willing to let go and let her go to the brink of blood. This is really good for her.

Go go go! Fan Yunqing got up, I admit that what you said was right. But can we put this aside for a while. Now it's about her marriage. Let me state first that I do not agree with her marriage. That young man, there are three sisters in the family, and one sister is married to the small owner. I think this is very telling. First, it is very likely that the family prefers sons to daughters. That boy must have been spoiled. Because of this, I am concerned about a series of problems that may arise after the marriage of these two children. Second, the boy's parents are not politically sensitive. How can I marry my daughter to a small business owner?


Simply inexplicable!

When they marry their daughters, can they know that they will be released? Can you know if it will be divided into components when it is released?

Lin Baichuan waved her hand to stop her and said, "It doesn't matter. I just ask you, you are against it, have you seen that child in person?

Fan Yunqing shook his head: No! But I don't think it is necessary to see it.

You are putting the cart before the horse. Blindly only look at the conditions of other people's families, but forget that I am the most important. If you want to find a son-in-law like her, can Niuniu marry Yinzhen? He took a deep breath, untied Ji Feng's buckle and took a breath before saying, "Well, you go back first, and I'll make time to go tomorrow and meet this young man." After saying this, I remembered and asked, by the way, what is the name of that child?

Su Jin. Fan Yunqing said: Graduated from Department B. Now the propaganda section of No. 115 Factory. Both of them are working in the publicity department. Even if they have a good impression of each other, it is probably because they have more contact with each other at work. Hyosung was still young, so my brother and sister-in-law were stricter before, not giving her the chance to contact the opposite sex. You say, how many people has she met in this situation? How do you say it's confirmed?

Seeing her words, Lin Baichuan stopped halfway through and asked her: Why didn't you say anything? What are you 'what'?

Fan Yunqing just smiled, nothing I mean, she has only met a few young men, and it is too hasty to decide on a marriage so hastily!

It depends on fate.

Lin Baichuan waved his hand: Don't talk about this, let's talk about it when I meet someone.

That's all there is to it.

There was nothing more to say, Fan Yunqing got up, glanced at the camp bed again, and said, "What's the matter with you and eldest sister?" Is there another misunderstanding, eldest sister, or should I help you to persuade?

What are you advising?

Lin Baichuan went out: You can do your own thing. I'm so busy here, I can't care. After a while, talk about it. Not only do I live in the division headquarters, Zhong Zheng | Commissioner and Lao Liu are all guarding the division headquarters. The gx side is playing, how can there be so much thought? Besides, how old are you? That's it! Call back.

Fan Yunqing smiled: That's fine. Call me back when you meet people, I'm in the office during the day.

The two came out after talking, one entered the war room and the other left the division headquarters.

Lin Baichuan said to go and have a look, then he would really go and have a look.

In the early morning of the next day, I didn't follow the troops for the morning exercise, but I ran all the way to the 115th Factory. It was only a dozen miles away, and I ran there.

He entered the factory, and the fourth master was preparing to leave the factory in a car.

The power plant is ready to start heating, so he is very relieved to ask him to watch it.

Then he had to run after him. As soon as the car arrived at the door, he saw Lin Baichuan walking in while wiping his sweat.

He stopped the car, opened the door and got out: Dad

Lin Baichuan laughed when he saw the eldest uncle, Yinzhen, he looked at the car, where is this going?

Over there at the power plant. The fourth master said that there is no big problem, but it is just a little more cautious.

Caution is a good thing. Lin Baichuan nodded, being careful is not a big mistake. As you speak, keep your voice down, but don't listen to your mother's words, and deliberately leave a hand to others

It won't. Fourth Master explained to him that no matter what kind of machine it is, it cannot be overhauled two or three times a year? This is normal and required for safe production.

Lin Baichuan was even happier. In his opinion, this uncle is very principled: this is good, this is good. He patted the fourth master on the shoulder: go get busy.

Fourth Master asked: Looking for Tongtong? East of the first floor

Row! Lin Baichuan urged him, I got it. Just turn around.

Seeing that the fourth master didn't say anything, he knew it. Don't ask any more, just got in the car and waved away.

Lin Baichuan really went to the office building.

East of the first floor?

Entering the building is the lobby, standing in the lobby and looking towards the east corridor, at the end of the corridor, Niu Niu is handing something to Hyosung, and then Hyosung took the stairs at the top of the east and went upstairs.

In fact, it's nothing, just steamed buns with dried lard and radish stuffed in Guilan. It was delivered early in the morning, and Lin Yutong could only pick it up. But she and the fourth master have both eaten, let alone eaten, but they have not eaten, and the fourth master doesn't like to eat other people's food. Lin Yutong simply put it up and brought it to Lin Xiaoxing. As for whether she eats it herself or gives it away, she doesn't care.

Watching Lin Xiaoxing go up, and then turning his face like this, he saw Lin Baichuan standing at the other end.

She greeted her: Dad, why did you come so early? Had breakfast?

Just right to go back for breakfast. Lin Baichuan pointed upwards: What did you give to Hyosung?

steamed stuffed bun. Lin Yutong didn't explain much, only asked: "Did you come to see that young man named Su Jin?" I'll take you to the third floor. As for my office, she shook her head, there were rules, and she couldn't bring anyone in casually.

become! Lin Baichuan fully understood, the two took the wide staircase in the middle to the third floor, and the publicity department was directly opposite the staircase. It was Su Jin who was mopping the floor in the corridor.

The young man was wearing a white shirt with a gray wool vest and blue trousers, looking very capable.

Lin Baichuan laughed: The young man is hot. This kind of day only wears a vest!

Su Jin wiped off the sweat and looked over. She was stunned for a while. When she saw Lin Yutong who was following behind, she became nervous. She leaned the mop to the side, and quickly put down her rolled up shirt sleeves: "You, you." Okay

Does it know who I am? Lin Baichuan asked.

Su Jin glanced at Lin Yutong again: Sister Lin is a famous fortune teller, I knew it from the first day I came to the factory. Later, I also found out that she was Hyosung's older sister. She followed behind you and Hyosung said that she went home yesterday. I guessed that you are Mr. Lin.

Very smart guy.

Lin Baichuan asked directly: Is it because Hyosung is my daughter that you dated her and are willing to marry her?

Bu Su Jin shook his head, his face flushed red, and there was a bit of embarrassment, no! You say that as an insult to my personality. I dated Hyosung because she has always been the type of girl I wanted to marry. If Mr. Lin has concerns, I can guarantee

Guaranteed what? Before he could finish speaking, Lin Xiaoxing interrupted him. She was holding a lunch box in her hand, which was given to her by Lin Yutong before. At this moment, she hurried over, stared at her, blocked Su Jin behind her, and faced Lin Baichuan and Lin Yutong: I don't need his guarantee, I can guarantee it. In this life, I, Lin Xiaoxing, don't ask Master Lin for anything, and I dare not bother Master Lin in the slightest. As he said that, he glanced at Lin Yutong and said Lin Baichuan, you can rest assured that even if I were with your precious girl in the same factory, I would not dare to trouble her in the slightest, and I would definitely not take advantage of her. After he said that, he stuffed the lunch box in his hand into Lin Yutong, and then dragged Su Jin to the office, leaving only one sentence: This is alright!

What a cowardly temper!

Lin Yutong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, just think about it, if you want to be annoyed, you will be annoyed, just like this childish, still married?

Lin Baichuan over there seemed to be used to Lin Xiaoxing, but this time he wasn't annoyed, he just turned around and walked downstairs. When they got downstairs, Lin Yutong handed over the buns, you can eat them, it will be cold after you leave them.

Lin Baichuan took the steamed buns and stuffed them into a large one.

Lin Yutong ran to the office and took out his own cup for him to drink. Don't be angry.

Not angry! Get used to it. Lin Baichuan sighed, this young man is a bit bookish

If you can say what you want to promise, isn't it a book business?

One is arrogant, can't get along with people, can't live in the world. A book dealer has a simple idea.

If two people live like this, it's no problem if they have nothing to do with food and clothing, but it's no problem, but how can life only be romantic?

Even Lin Baichuan frowned: It's not very appropriate!

Lin Yutong just handed the water over without saying a word. This kind of person who doesn't love, doesn't love, and will die if she falls in love. The more people object, the more she twists.

Lin Baichuan also seemed to know the truth: let's go back and talk to Fan Yunqing. This child can't talk to herself well, but it's okay to talk to her mother.

But Fan Yunqing was also worried, holding the phone: She wouldn't say a word to me properly.

Don't talk about being a mother, what do you call me a dad? Lin Baichuan said: Go to her and have a good talk. We don't disagree with this marriage, but at least we have to call Su Jin's parents to come forward, let's talk about this marriage face to face.

This also makes sense.

Although they don’t pay attention to the words of their parents’ orders and matchmakers, it is always understandable for children to start a family, ask their parents for their opinions, and ask them to get involved.

Fan Yunqing felt that this was reasonable, so he went over to find his daughter at night, and wanted to have a good talk. But looking at the environment where the girl lives, it is really sad.

He opened and closed his mouth a few times, but he didn't say a word of disapproval. But he said: You can ignore other people's opinions on such a big matter, but at least you have to listen to your aunt and uncle's opinions, right?

Lin Xiaoxing did not refute this sentence. After a few days, he took time to return to Fan's house.

The two Fans looked at each other and asked: What did your parents say?

Lin Xiaoxing lowered his eyelids, my mother said, I have to ask the two of you for your opinion. If you agree, she and my dad have no problem.


I was raised by my uncle and aunt, so naturally I have to listen to my uncle and aunt. Lin Xiaoxing added another sentence.

Uncle Fan was not in a hurry, only said: Then you have time, bring someone back and let us meet.

The Fan family was very satisfied with the result of the meeting.

Cultured, well-mannered, well-spoken, polite and polite. Such an object, what is there to choose?

The only downside is that the family is too ordinary. But nowadays, it is the world of the poor, and the more inconspicuous the family background is, the more advantageous it is.

Uncle Fan was very happy: hurry up to get the wedding done.

Aunt Fan said Su Jin: If you have classmates and friends to get together, you can also ask us to Shula. She also studied in Beijing for a year of university. If you young people are together, there is always something to talk about.

Su Jin readily agreed, and when she came out, she said to Lin Xiaoxing, "Your aunt and uncle are very kind.

What is the use of kindness? Lin Xiaoxing's eyes were sad, but now they are all capitalists.

Su Jin sighed: The good and the bad are not all determined by ingredients.

Lin Xiaoxing couldn't agree more: I'm still afraid that you will dislike it?

Don't I also have a brother-in-law of a small business owner? He said, in fact, my eldest brother-in-law's family is not bad.

The two of them were very happy, and came back to talk about the marriage.

But how to get married?

Marriage Registration?

still has not now.

Only through the approval of the factory, that is, the personnel department, can the unit prove that the two are husband and wife.

Can the human affairs department interfere with the freedom of marriage?

After confirming that both parties are voluntary, a certificate is issued and registered on the file. From then on, the two are husband and wife.

Lin Yutong was pulling the abacus beads when Yao Hong came in and said, "Sister Lin, is it time to eat your family's wedding candy?"

What candy?

Lin Yutong is inexplicable: I'm still waiting to eat your wedding candy? She made fun of each other.

What did Miss Lin say? Yao Hong blushed: I mean our big flower, now the famous flower has its owner. People are married!


When did this happen? Lin Yutong's fingers continued to fly, but he was not affected at all.

Yao Hong took a few glances and felt a little strange in her heart. She didn't know whether she cared about her sister or not. He smiled and said: You don't know?

Lin Yutong didn't lift his eyes: marriage is free. If you want to end it, you will end it, if you don't say it, don't you have to end it.

Is that what it says?

Yao Hong was puzzled, but still said: I just registered with the personnel department. Everyone is clamoring to eat candy.

After Lin Yutong finished calculating the account in his hand, he got up and went to Corey's phone to tell Lin Baichuan.

get married? Lin Baichuan's voice was very high-pitched, who approved her to get married?

It is not a party | insider, no approval is required. To find the personnel department is to inform. It is polite to say that you are asking for opinions.

Now the marriage law has not come out, and the marriage registration has not been restored.

This marriage is not just a decision.

After shouting, Lin Baichuan also reacted and said: I know. You're busy! Her business is up to her, you don't care.

Lin Yutong really didn't care.

She and the fourth master were also very busy. The two bought some wood, and the fourth master started to make furniture.

The drawings of the dormitory building were changed by him, and which house will be divided in the future is basically a determined matter. The size inside, no one knows better than him. He had to plan the room according to the size.

It takes ten years to live in this bungalow.

The place where the child lives must be reserved. He showed Lin Yutong the blueprint. The room was only 28 square meters, and the kitchen was more than 5 square meters, making a total of less than 34 square meters. There is a bathroom on the balcony, there is a faucet outside the bathroom, and there is only a little space for washing. Can't do any other planning.

So the only ones that can be used are these twenty-eight levels.

It is unrealistic to make partitions, so to make furniture, you have to make furniture that can be spliced ​​at will. Use furniture as a partition.

Um! This is more reliable!

For example, what the fourth master prepared for the 'master bedroom' is a double-sided open cabinet. Separate the 'bedroom' from the 'living room' with a cabinet. On the side facing the bedroom is the wardrobe. On the side facing the 'living room' are storage cabinets.

As soon as you enter the door, there is a cabinet on the right side with a shoe cabinet on one side and a bookshelf on the other side. He marked it on the map.

Lin Yutong nodded. In this way, there was a space on the right side where a desk and two chairs could be placed. This space can be used as a study.

Leave a door-sized distance forward, and then put a cabinet with a storage compartment on one side and a wardrobe on the other.

Um! Between the east wall and the wardrobe, there is just enough space for a double bed.

The two-meter-wide passage leading to the balcony is left in the middle, which is used as a living room.

He drew on the drawing with a pen in his hand: this half was also made of furniture to size. Put it against the wall first, and in the future, when there is a child, this place is just enough to separate two small rooms, with bunks and bunks, and the children can live.

As long as the layout is compact, there is room for three or five children.

People live in a small apartment of about 30 square meters. Isn't it a small sparrow with all the internal organs? As long as the layout is reasonable and the design is clever, the space is sufficient.

Just looking at the furniture designs designed by the fourth master, Lin Yutong was quite satisfied.

At night, the two of them were banging on the ground, preparing for the move to a new home.

Hearing the movement, Qian Siyuan also came to help. He simply didn't want to stay in his house and come out to warm himself. He also told Lin Yutong: I want to live in the hallway of your house. That passage with the word 'hui' was warmer than his home.

It's just a joke, it's just talk, no one takes it seriously.

But as we talked, we couldn't help but talk about the newly married couple, you brothers and sisters-in-law, don't talk about helping out.

What can you do?

Dig a hole? Didn't hear the movement?

What kind of nest are you digging? Qian Siyuan couldn't be envious. The two of them settled down in the studio for the time being. It's laying on the ground.


Such a shithole?

There is no heating in the office area! The new housing boom is dead.

However, what else do you need to do to help you lay the ground floor? Lin Yutong asked, one person has a quilt, what needs to be moved?

Just when the words came out, there were loud footsteps outside. Then Lin Xiaoxing came in with a dark face: I'll get my things.

have to! She heard what she said just now.

Will you show me your face when you hear it?

Lin Yutong just pointed at the shelf: move it by himself.

Immediately behind, Su Jin came in very embarrassed and smiled awkwardly: Big sister, brother-in-law.

Lin Yutong thought about it for a while. When she got married, she took Fan Yunqing's pair of thermos, so she had to return the gift. What can I give? Not at all prepared.

She took out the two quilts brought by her home Jin's family and handed them to Su Jin: "You guys are in a hurry, and you haven't had time to prepare anything." The two quilts are new and never used. Even if it is to congratulate you on your wedding.

The quilt is the back of the big red, tacky is tacky, but for the two of them, it is undoubtedly a help in the snow.

After going out, Su Jin also said that Lin Xiaoxing, your sister is actually kind to you. You can see that the things sent here are all sent to know our difficulties.

I know. Lin Xiaoxing lowered her voice, I knew she was fine, but sometimes she couldn't control her temper.

Su Jin laughed: My Hyosung, I still like to be coaxed.

Who called people to coax? Lin Xiaoxing hated him, but his tone softened.

When Lin Baichuan and Fan Yunqing rushed over, they were in the bridal chamber.

Looking at the wedding room with the bright red quilt on the ground, Fan Yunqing almost didn't come up and shove it!

Lin Baichuan looked at the atmosphere that had suddenly turned cold, and at the young man who had been noisy just now, as if he had stopped talking, he stiffened and smiled: "Let's make a fuss! Make trouble! We just came over to have a look and then he squatted down and touched the quilt on the ground, it was still thin, I asked someone to send two folding beds in a while.

Then, really asked someone to send two beds.

The bed was propped up in the corner, with two old mattresses and sheets on it. Two new quilts, one under the body and one over the body.

In this way, Lin Xiaoxing married herself off.

Fan Yunqing cried a lot when he went back, and asked her brother and sister-in-law. The child kept saying that his uncle and aunt agreed. How could he agree?

Why can't you agree? Sister-in-law Fan said: You, you still don't know how to be a mother. You are not even as good as Lin Baichuan. They also know that they should go and meet the young man first. How about you? Just hear it, and you can't even see anyone! You tell me, why is one not working? In the end is not worthy of the person, or not worthy of knowledge. Such a good couple, the same age, the young man is not bad, you don't agree to this, what kind of person are you looking for? Let me tell you, we think Su Jinren is pretty good. What are you looking for for Hyosung? Is it in the army? Is it promising? Yunqing, one Lin Baichuan is enough. As long as you are a soldier, there is no saying that you will not fight. With Hyosung's temperament, she couldn't live on her own. There must be someone, who will not go anywhere, guard her and accompany her, then she will not be able to live a peaceful and happy life in this life. Otherwise, she shook her head, swallowed the unlucky words, and then said again: Let me tell you, my brother and I know the child better than you, even if you don't agree, it will be the same. Instead of trying hard at me and your brother here, it's better to think of a way to tell your uncle to come forward quickly. It might also make our Hyosung's life a little easier.

For Su Jin, the good days did come too suddenly.

First, we got married and picked the most beautiful flower in the plant. Then, an article praising the workers' hard work and self-reliance to build their own factories and contribute to the new country suddenly appeared in the provincial newspaper.

The leader's praise came one after another.

Soon there was rumors that the family was likely to be assigned to a house.

As the weather became colder and colder, followed by the fall of a heavy snow, in order to divide the house, there was a commotion again.

Guilan next door is pregnant, and it took five months for her belly to appear. First my stomach hurts, and now I have a little bleeding. I went to the hospital to find out that I was pregnant. There is a little sign of miscarriage, which is also tiring from constantly pulling water.

Bad luck is bad luck, but it also gave her an excuse.

So I held my stomach and went to the factory to do it.

They didn't go alone, so they took Cheng Meini together: Let's go find the leader! Ask them why? Why do we do the hardest and most tiring work, yet earn the least wages, and are still temporary workers. The house will be divided, which is a big deal. Let me tell you, if I don't get my turn this time, I'll be driven back to my hometown. Our nest has to be demolished. People like us take up too much space to build that.

Cheng Meini also heard about it, and there are indeed such rumors recently.

The single-room dormitory for dual-employees, not the collective dormitory for dual-employees. As for the collective dormitory, four people can live in one dormitory, and ten people can also be stuffed. Then the family members of the employees can only be sorry. When the conditions in the factory are better, everyone will come again.

It must have been arranged that way.

We are now temporary workers. Gui Lan said: But this temporary worker is also a worker. If we don't make trouble now, if we don't want a way to turn things around, we're done. Just go back to farming. I don't know what's going on in your hometown. Anyway, I've never eaten enough since I've grown up so much. Although I can’t say I’m full here, at least I’m not starving. So, no matter how hard or tired I was, I didn't say a word. But now, it's not enough to say nothing

Cheng Meini took off her apron, got up and left. Guilan didn't want to go back, and she didn't even want to go back.

Not only did she not want to go back, she couldn't go back yet.

The Qian family is the landlord, what about the Cheng family? They are landlords themselves, or counter-revolutionary landlords who want to escape.

Going back to your own days is not just a matter of eating enough.

The two women were aggressive and went to the factory.

The factory is located on the second floor. For the two women who have never been in the office area, they just run around here and can't find a place.

Qian Siyuan saw the two when he came out of the toilet, frowned and asked, "What are you doing here?" Can you run around in this place?

Gui Lan said: Don't blame the big girl, I pulled her. She covered her stomach with one hand and propped up against the wall with the other. I have to go to the leader. How long will we two temporary workers?

Qian Siyuan understood: it was for the house.

He also wants the house.

So I called the two women to the corner, and whispered this and that order: you go directly to the third floor, the office facing the stairs, and after you go in, look for the woman in military uniform, saying so

Then hit people up.

Lin Yutong came over to inform the various departments of the time to receive their wages, and by the way asked the fourth master what he would like to eat today.

After asking the question, he saw Qian Siyuan smiling thiefly.

She asked: What are you doing wrong?

Who did bad things? Qian Siyuan said in a low voice: You have to go to the third floor to deliver the notice, go up and have a look, otherwise you will know everything.

What and what, I know.

Lin Yutong ignored him, and went up to the third floor after the second floor was delivered.

As soon as I went up to the third floor, I heard Guilan's voice from the propaganda department. She was crying and said: Comrade reporter, you don't know how difficult it is for us. But no matter how difficult it is, we have to do it. The factory is our own factory, and our workers are the masters of the house. Of course, although I am still a temporary worker, I know that as long as I work hard, the leader will see it, and I will become the owner of the factory sooner or later.

Oh! It turned out that an article by Su Jin attracted the reporter from the provincial newspaper. And the arrival of this reporter just happened to tell people who are interested to make a fuss about it, and the picture is still a house!

The house is such a thing, it's hard to say anything when you think about it

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